What is the best ratio of Original Content to Shared Content on Social Media?


How can you outrun your competition on Social Media Networks?

Post sponsored by Markethive – The Entrepreneur’s Social Network

How much do you share on Social Media?  I am of the firm belief that you should share more than you create original content on Social Networks. Why do I think that this is a correct strategy?  If the purpose of social networks is to engage your audience and gain likes, shares and follows, the indicators of engagement, then both methods of sharing and original content creation should definitely be used. The reasons for this are two-fold.

  1. No one is, or can be an expert in everything. Every marketer has their own area(s) of expertise.  No matter how much experience and knowledge you think you may have accumulated, there will probably always be someone more knowledgeable than you are.  This is just a fact of life.  It is important to acknowledge those “experts” and your blog will gain additional legitimacy and authority from their informed point of view.
  2. There is never one and one only solution to marketing and promotion problems. If there were a single solution that worked for everyone all the time, every company would be doing the same thing and gaining similar results.  Marketing problems usually take a multi-faceted solution and gain from a multi-pronged strategy.  This takes a diversity of viewpoints that merge into a cohesive solution

If there is a diversity of viewpoints and recommendations, on your social media networks, this can greatly benefit your readers and help them to consider the widest possible array of solutions to their particular problems.  It is naive to think that a single magic bullet will solve all of your marketing problems, so an openness to creative problem solving is very helpful in the process.

It is also impossible to provide a simple ratio of shared content to original content that will work for everyone. It depends on the goals of your social media marketing campaign as well as your particular niche.  I see far too many companies that have much too much original content relative to sharing on the social networks.

In most cases, the goals of their campaigns would be better served by reversing the ratio of original content creation and shared content. If your current ratio of shared content is currently 70% original content and 30% shared, I would turn that ratio upside down, and try 70% shared content and 30% original content.

Not only will it likely be more effective, it could also result in significant savings of time and money. It takes only a fraction of the amount of time to find effective content to share as it does to create original content. Shared content also is something that could possibly be automated.  Where possible, this could results in very substantial savings of time and money.

It is difficult if not nearly impossible to automate original content creation. Most attempts to generate content automatically are at risk for Google penalties. Techniques such as content spinning and other creation manipulation methods should be avoided at all cost, and should be considered “black hat”, Google unapproved methods.

Content sharing, or content syndication as it is sometimes called, is an approved method on social networks, and can reduce savings of time and money anywhere from 50-90%. This is a strategy that is long overdue at most companies using social networking in their marketing and promotion methods.

Here is a list of 30 of the most popular blogs on entrepreneurship that offer a rich cornucopia of posts and recent news on entrepreneurship.  They are listed in order of highest traffic to lowest traffic.  (lowest Alexa ranking – lower Alexa ranking number means more traffic)


Post sponsored by Markethive – The Entrepreneur’s Social Network


http://entrepreneur.com/  – a daily source of entrepreneur articles and news.  Alexa 1,510
http://tech.co/   Alexa 27,280
http://blog.rebel.com/  Alexa 109,411
http://yfsmagazine.com/  Alexa 147,771
https://yec.co/  Alexa 341,817
https://pjrvs.com/  Alexa 346,862
http://epodcastnetwork.com/  Alexa 1,064,851

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David https://markethive.com/david-ogden

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