MyCryptoCoin, the next generation of Cryptocurrencies.
MyCryptoCoin will be the next Cryptocurrency exchange unit and will be introduced by My-Crypto-World with an ICO (Initial Coin Offering). An ICO is similar to an Initial Public Offering (IPO) in the stock market. MCC (MyCryptoCoin) is now in phase 2 of global pre-ICO distribution and prepared for public exchange release on January 10, 2017.
MyCryptoCurrencies' hybrid blockchain bridges the world's most advanced digital payment systems and cryptocurrencies into one platform. MCC's advanced cryptocurrency technology and global distribution strategy have positioned MCC to be the strongest performing ICO ever released. My-Crypto-World will educate you on how to win back control of your currency. You will be in control of your money not the Banks!
Watch this video for more information:
MyCryptoCoin is designed with next generation high load blockchain protocols, utilizing a blockchain design that improves functionality with each additional user, maximizing scalability and load performance.
MCC includes your own private universal wallet that allows for immediate trading and exchange between all currencies and investment markets. The evolution blockchain is designed by the best in cryptocurrency development to create a coin and mainstream payment network usable by everyone in the world.
The MCC universal wallet/coin combo can be used to manage your entire life and assets. Inside are a Universal Dapp store, micro-services, micro-payments, smart contracts, universal exchange, universal payment system, and custom template decentralized app building, just to name a few.
Register for FREE to learn about My-Crypto-World's superior cryptocurrency technology and how the simple and effective global currency distribution strategy can generate AMAZING RETURNS with a rise in coin value. This is our opportunity as a global society to create wealth.
Dennis Roeder
Skype: daroeder