National Cryptocurrencies? All Currencies Will Be Digitized, Cryptocurrency Expert Says
Bitcoin has burst through the $10,000 barrier
and Ethereum is bumping up against $500. But today's important cryptocurrencies might just be the loud and noisy open act to the really big deal of the next decade. That is, the end of cash as we know it. "All currencies will be digitized," Bitt founder and director Gabriel Abed said today at TechBeach retreat in Jamaica. "Cash has seen its days."
National Cryptocurrencies? All Currencies Will Be Digitized, Cryptocurrency Expert Says. Bitcoin has burst through the $10,000 barrier and Ethereum is bumping up against $500. But today's important cryptocurrencies might just be the loud and noisy open act to the really big deal of the next decade. That is, the end of cash as we know it. "All currencies will be digitized," Bitt founder and director Gabriel Abed said today at TechBeach retreat in Jamaica. "Cash has seen its days."
"There’s a future coming that complete disrupts what we know today," Abed said. "I see a different future where central banks are issuing digital dollars … a new economic age of digital dollars." Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, and hundreds of others, typically are issued by private individuals, groups, or organizations, or mined via cryptographic protocols. Russia, however, among just a few other nations on the planet, has publicly announced plans for a national cryptocurrency: the CryptoRuble. China is working on a similar currency, as is Kyrgyzstan. At this moment, the U.S. Federal Reserve has no such plans — although, you'd have to think it would make quantitative easing much more simple.
What's better about a national cryptocurrency?
Chuck Reynolds
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