The Differences Between Trading Forex and Trading Cryptocurrency

The Differences Between Trading Forex and Trading Cryptocurrency


Trading forex and trading cryptocurrency isn’t en either/or option.

Many traders like to do both simultaneously or switch back and forth as market conditions make one or the other more conducive to the kind of trading they enjoy. At the same time, there are those who would argue that the differences between cryptocurrencies and those traded on the foreign exchange markets are so great that you might as well compare trading in gold and buying and selling stocks and shares in tech companies.

The simple truth of the matter, however, is that forex and crypto trading are frequently conflated in the minds of traders, particularly those who don’t have as much experience of the markets. Success in one may lead a trader to dabble in the other, and any misunderstanding of the differences (as well as the similarities) between the two could lead to a disastrous trading strategy. The fact that both markets offer options such as leverage, CFDs, short term trading opportunities, longer term investment plans and arbitrage means that there is a good deal of overlap between the two, but they each offer opportunities and challenges which are completely unique.

Forex and Crypto

The most obvious difference between the two is that foreign currencies have been exchanged since as long ago as the 19th century, when the broad adoption of the gold standard set a yardstick against which the strength and weakness of a currency could be measured.  In the early days of forex trades of this kind involved physical currency, but since the late 20th and early 21st century the forex market place has been fully digital in nature, something which played a huge part in opening it up to a global army of retail investors. 

The biggest leap forward in the exchange of currencies following the creation of the digital market place came in 2009, with the launch of bitcoin, the first of the cryptocurrencies. A cryptocurrency is a form of digital money. It facilitates extremely fast, seamless transactions between parties, with no third party being involved. Because of this, the control stays completely in the hands of the person using the cryptocurrency, and they maintain complete privacy. It also means that there is no central bank, provider or government able to assert (or try to assert) control over the value of the cryptocurrency, something which makes them prone to more volatility than traditional currencies.  

This volatility is one of the clearest differences between trading forex and crypto, since it makes trading crypto more appealing in some ways but riskier in others. A huge single day shift in the value of bitcoin, for example, could earn a trader a massive amount of profit, or it could wipe out everything they have invested. The shifts in traditional currencies, on the other hand, tend to be smaller, which is why higher leverage plays such an important part in forex trading. Many of the differences between the two can be traced back to the huge disparity in the size of the respective market places. Put simply, the forex market is the biggest in the world, handling an average of more than $5 trillion in trades every single day.   The cryptocurrency market, on the other hand, is predicted to reach an overall full market value of $1.40 billion by 2024. What the size of the forex market means is that it offers a degree of liquidity, depth and security which is pretty much unmatched anywhere else.


Both markets can be accessed via a wide range of platforms, and any trader is strongly advised to carry out in-depth research into the platform they wish to use before actually investing any of their money. Once the right platform has been chosen, however, access is extremely quick and simple and cryptocurrency is actually slightly more accessible than forex. Forex can be accessed 24 hours a day, 5 days a week, with access limited or non-existent on the weekends. Crypto exchanges, on the other hand, can be accessed on a round the clock basis.  


Leverage is a means via which the trader can multiply the amount they invest in a currency by, in effect, borrowing capital from the broker. A leverage of 50:1, for example, means that a trader can invest £50 and, on the strength of that investment, take up positions worth £2,500. This greatly increases the size of the profit that can be made, although it has a similar effect on the risk of any losses. Leverage as high as 500:1 can be available for forex trades, whereas the same is not true of the vast majority of cryptocurrency trades. Following the introduction of new rules by ESMA (the European Securities Markets Authority), the maximum leverage which can be offered on cryptocurrency CFDs, for example, is now 2:1 throughout Europe, with national regulators taking it in turns to follow suit.  


The risk factor inherent in both forms of trading is linked directly to the volatility of the respective markets. The fact that cryptocurrencies aren’t linked to a central provider makes them more volatile than traditional currencies. On one day in 2019, for example, the value of bitcoin slumped by 13.25%, and this was only the second biggest drop of the year. You simply don’t see this kind of dramatic movement in the forex markets. Having said that, the liquidity of the forex markets makes it easier to quickly get your hands on any profit you may have made, without the issue of having to decide whether to turn a crypto currency into a standard currency, and waiting for that to be facilitated.


New digital currencies are constantly being launched to compete with the existing big names like bitcoin and Ethereum. Predicting which will be successful, and therefore worth trading in, is incredibly difficult, and makes any investment a long term and potentially stressful process. Forex markets, on the other hand, are based around stable and established currencies, and the art of predicting how these currencies will shift can be based on a combination of historical precedent and an analysis of the current economic and geo-political situation. Choosing whether to trade in cryptocurrencies or forex will depend upon the amount of capital you wish to invest, your appetite for risk and the type of strategy you wish to pursue. For many investors, the answer is to split their activity between the two, spreading the risk and doubling the opportunities for success.   

Article Produced By
Torsten Hartmann

Torsten has been an editor in the CaptainAltcoin team since August 2017. He holds a degree in politics and economics. He gained professional experience as a PR for a local political party before moving to journalism. Since 2017, he has pivoted his career towards blockchain technology, with principal interest in applications of blockchain technology in politics, business and society.


Tips to Maximize Returns from Cryptocurrency Investments

Tips to Maximize Returns from Cryptocurrency Investments

Check out a number of things you can do to mitigate the risks and increase your profits from cryptocurrency investments     

  Are you looking to get started in the crypto investment space?

Then, you’re at the right place. Investment in cryptocurrencies is generally not recommended for conservative investors because the market is too volatile and risk involved is relatively higher than other markets.

Investment Strategy

Almost every investment professional or trader you would ask will advise you to build an investment strategy with a diversified portfolio. While portfolio diversification works in almost all types of investments, it is particularly profiting in the crypto market because of the high risk involved. This is the secret we are going to talk about today.

How to Diversify Your Crypto Investment Portfolio?

10% to 30% – Top (trending) Coins

Invest a quarter of your funds in the top coins such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, Litecoin, etc. You can find the complete list here. These are market shifter currencies whose price change very frequently. So, limit your investment in these coins to not more than 30%.

40-50% – Popular Altcoins

Altcoins are the currencies that are created as an alternative to bitcoin. Some of the popular ones include NEO, Titan coin (TTN), etc. Experts strongly believe that altcoins are most likely to outperform bitcoin and other established coins. This is because they have a strong foundation along with great growth potential, profit structure, utility mechanism, etc. There are many other similar altcoins with great potential. The risk with these coins is minimal while the return potential is high in the long term. So, most of your investment should go here.

ICOs and New Coins

There are roughly 50+ new cryptocurrencies launched every month. You can invest a part of your funds in these new currencies or ICOs. Again, rather than investing all the amount in a single coin or ICO, you should spread it across multiple projects to substantially increase the possibility of high returns.

Day Trading

Day trading is usually recommended for those who are looking for high returns in the short term. The catch is that you invest in a cryptocurrency and then sell it as soon as the price goes high. Cryptocurrencies that are highly volatile are perfect for this kind of trading. If you are going to day trade, make sure not to invest more than 10-15% of your entire portfolio, because the risk is very high in this market.

Other Tips to Maximize Your Crypto Investment Returns

  • Keep updating your portfolio on a frequent basis, usually in a month or so.
  • Invest in projects that can produce returns in the short to medium term.
  • If you trust an altcoin, don’t hesitate to hold your funds for a longer period.
  • Focus on big winnings.
  • Take profits wherever you can.

The ultimate strategy for crypto investments is to be wise in the project selection. The crypto market is still very uncertain, and there are far more bad projects than the good ones. Analyze a coin (project) thoroughly before you invest in it.

Article Produced By
Amit Gupta

Gupta is the CEO and founder at SAG IPL, an India-based technology firm providing a range of service/software solutions in the web development, design, app development, and SEO industries.


How To Determine If Your Site Is Fast or Slow and Why it Plays into Lost Traffic


How To Determine If Your Site Is Fast or Slow and Why it Plays into Lost Traffic.

What Exactly is Page Speed?

The term page speed essentially refers to the length of time at which web pages or media content is downloaded from website hosting servers and displayed onto the requesting web browser. Page load time is the duration between clicking the link and displaying the entire content from the web page on the requesting browser.

There are three core aspects necessary to understand page speed in the context of user experience and website performance:

  • The view of time taken in delivering the requested material along with the accompanying HTML content to the browser.

  • Browser response to page load requests.

  • The view of end-users as the requested web page renders on the browser – this is the ultimate empirical measure of page load speed.

Website performance subsequently impacts search engine rankings developed under proprietary and undisclosed algorithms, incorporating key factors including page speed, user experience, website responsiveness and a whole lot of other website performance metrics.

The absolute critical principle in maximizing website performance is to focus on page speed optimization from the ground up. Performance optimization plugins, server-side scripts, and final tweaks have minimal – however noticeable – impact on page speed and load times. Yet, Web developers and online business owners tend to overlook page load times in their website development and design strategies.


How Slow Is Slow?

Anything slower than the blink of an eye – 400 milliseconds. Engineers at Google have discovered that the barely perceptible page load time 0.4 seconds is long enough to cause users to search less.

The technology has come a long way in improving internet experience. The over-crowded cyberworld of the 1990s was often labeled as the World Wide Wait, but innovations in communication and networking technologies have revolutionized the way digital information is transmitted across the internet. The next generation of online businesses have all the resources they need to deliver content instantaneously, but to leverage and complement these resources, businesses need speed-optimized websites that deliver the best user experience.

Microsoft speed specialist and computer scientist Harry Shum believes 0.25 seconds of difference in page load time – faster or slower – is the magic number dictating competitive advantages for online businesses.


What Happens If A Site Is Not Speed-Optimized?

1 in 4 visitors would abandon the website if it takes more than 4 seconds to load. 46 percent of users don’t revisit poorly performing websites. Website owners have a mere 5 seconds to engage visitors before they consider leaving. 74 percent of users accessing the mobile site would leave if it takes longer than 5 seconds to load. Every one-second delay in page load time could lead to $1.6 billion in annual losses for online merchants as big as Amazon.

Acceptable Website Performance – The Neuroscience and Rhythm

100 milliseconds. That’s how long the Occipital lobe in our brain stores visual information as a Sensory memory.

Google researchers suggest page load times of less than 100 milliseconds give visitors the illusion of instantaneous website response as the visual Sensory memory processor in our brain works in bursts of 100 milliseconds. The memory store clears itself after 0.1 seconds as photoreceptor cells in the eyes transmit more information to the Occipital lobe.

1 second of page load time does suffice in maintaining a seamless flow of thought – users feel in control of their Web browsing activities, and the mental stress is not aggravated unless the website fails to respond as desired.

At 10 seconds of delay, visitor attention is barely kept. The sensation of impatience, frustration, and feeling of abandonment is usually strong enough to keep visitors from revisiting such slow websites again.


How Do You Test The Performance Of A Site

Website owners can leverage an array of free and premium website performance testing services to analyze web pages and generate tailored solutions to fill the deepest of performance loopholes hampering page speed.

Page speed testing tools powered by search engine giants Google and Yahoo, website monitoring specialists Pingdom and GTMetrix yield valuable insights into website performance indicators for free, and programmatically generate scores and suggestions to educate non-geeky website owners.

The following test was conducted using the free Pingdom website speed test tool. Visit Pingdom and conduct the test selecting various geographic locations according to the options provided, and compare the end-results. Enter your website and hit the Test Now button.

It will then return a summary of your site, including a performance grade, a total load time, the total page size, and the number of requests you have on your website.

The performance insights section of the Pingdom speed test tool is very helpful. These are all based on the Google PageSpeed Insight rules. Generally, if you improve these on your site, you should see a decrease in your overall load times.


Website Load Speed Affects Your SEO

Google started using site speed as a ranking signal in their algorithm way back in 2010, and it continues to serve as one of the many factors that determine where your website shows up in the search results.

Site speed reflects how quickly a website responds to web requests.

Speeding up websites is important — not just to site owners, but to all Internet users. Faster sites create happy users and we’ve seen in our internal studies that when a site responds slowly, visitors spend less time there. Google has admitted that site speed is a ranking factor—that is to say, faster sites do end up ranking higher than slower sites. Having a faster site can help your rankings, and thus your traffic.

More importantly, site speed affects how users view your site. When it comes to accessing a page for the first time, every second counts—with each passing second, a greater percentage of online users are going to abandon your site altogether, losing you the opportunity for a possible conversion. Maximize your chances of retaining traffic, making a good impression, and earning conversions by cutting out unnecessary files, using an efficient caching plugin, stripping unnecessary metadata, and reducing your image sizes.

Google knows that sending people to slow loading websites can wreak havoc on the user experience, so it comes as no surprise that the search giant still places value on site speed.

Bottom line – A fast loading website can help improve your SEO.


Content Availability

Finally, know that broken content on your site can be an issue. By broken, I mean referred to but not present, such as a nonexistent image in the body of your page, or an embedded video that’s no longer available. These “broken” or missing pieces of content do negatively affect your rankings, thereby reducing your traffic, but can be easily fixed by replacing the broken piece or setting up a 301 redirect. Again, the more important effect here is on your users—if they see missing content on your site, it could damage your reputation and cause you to lose conversions.

Ultimately, with the exception of mobile performance, none of these factors are going to kill your rankings or make it impossible for users to convert on your site. However, when each is optimized, you will stand to gain momentum in search rankings, increases in traffic, and ultimately, happier customers who follow through on converting. For the most part, these factors are qualitative and work on a sliding scale, so there’s no “turning a switch” to go from bad to good. Instead, you’ll have to make corrections as you find opportunities, and consistently work to improve your site over time.


ecosystem for entrepreneurs  


David Ogden

Entrepreneur at Markethive

Telegram @davidogden




Nouriel Roubini Opens Fire on Cryptocurrency Exchange BitMex and Arthur Hayes

Nouriel Roubini Opens Fire on Cryptocurrency Exchange BitMex and Arthur Hayes

After a scathing attack on Arthur Hayes at the Asia Blockchain Summit,

Roubini has once again hit out at BitMex in a blog post that covers his opinion on the cryptocurrency market, as reported by Bloomberg. Arthur Hayes was unfazed by Roubini’s personal attacks and even gave it back to him with the same ferocity, much to the crypto community’s delight, June 17, 2019.

Crypto’s Biggest Bear

Nouriel Roubini is a well-known economist, but a lot of his recent fame can be accrued to his outspoken views on the cryptocurrency market. As someone who grew up and lived in the traditional financial system, Nouriel believes it is the best way to get things done efficiently with minimum damage caused to the minnows.

In his latest blog post, Nouriel once again launches a searing attack on cryptocurrencies for their lack of regulation and adherence to know-your-customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML). In reality, most exchanges require customers to undergo KYC and exchanges like Coinbase go as far as checking a user’s address history to look for illegal activity. While speaking about how cryptocurrency regularly operates outside of government oversight, he takes a particular disdain for BitMex by saying they are involved in systematic illegality and known fraud.

His view is that by giving retail investors a platform to trade 100x leverage with no KYC and just an email ID, Arthur Hayes and BitMex are knowingly deteriorating the wealth of retail investors. He further accused them of trading against their customers and making large chunks of their revenue during times of mass liquidation. Hayes hit back at these claims in Taipei by saying that BitMex doesn’t counter trade clients and doesn’t make money on liquidations other than fees. To be fair, every Forex broker counter trades their client so Roubini’s argument is null from the get-go.

Speculation Versus Use Cases

A lot of the hate for cryptocurrencies from legacy finance players comes from the fact that they are mostly used as speculative assets. The ability to pay for goods and services with bitcoin is limited, but the parabolic price gains manage to keep investors locked in while drawing in new ones. HODL over spending has also been criticized as speculation over actual use case, but most Bitcoiners beg to differ. They consider HODL-ing a hedge to the failures of traditional finance and a means of storing value that cannot be confiscated from a government.

Article Produced By
Ashwath Balakrishnan

Ashwath is a financial market and technology junkie. He is a cryptocurrency investor, trader, and enthusiast. He has expertise in market psychology and explaining complex technology in a simple way. He aims to battle misinformation in the cryptocurrency space.


Security News this Week: Palantir Manual Shows How Law Enforcement Tracks Families

Security News this Week: Palantir Manual Shows How Law Enforcement Tracks Families


On Zoom conference calls across the US this week,

brows furrowed as the news broke that the video conference company had a flaw in its backend that could give hackers access to people’s webcams. Worse, Zoom seemed at first unwilling to fix the problem. Thankfully, hours after the initial reports, Zoom backtracked and issued a fix to solve underlying vulnerability. You can go back to Zooming your brilliant brainstorms in peace, everyone.

According to a new report this week, a Magecart hacking group has been breaking into misconfigured Amazon Web Services buckets, scanning the contents of 17,000 domains, and stealing any goodies—like credit card numbers used on some ecommerce sites. In other Amazon news, are you ready for Amazon Prime Day on Monday? Phishing scammers sure are. In the last few weeks scammers have pushed a whole phishing toolkit targeting Amazon customers. Beware.

Also this week, we explained how to keep your kids’ data safe online and took a closer look at the scourge of credential dumping. We also reported that the window to rein in the risks of facial recognition is closing, so something needs to be done fast. Oh, and we brought you the story of teens taking to TikTok to make fun of the surveillance app that's ruining their summers. But that’s not all. Every Saturday we round up the security and privacy stories that we didn’t break or report on in depth but which we think you should know about nonetheless. Click on the headlines to read them, and stay safe out there.

Secret Palantir User Manual Sheds Light on How ICE and Law Enforcement Track Families

Few Silicon Valley companies are more secretive than surveillance software provider Palantir, cofounded by Peter Thiel. Exactly what the company does, how it makes so much much money, and what it’s working on next is often shrouded in mystery. What is known is that Palantir’s surveillance software has become a backbone of US law enforcement, particularly Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which since 2014 has reportedly had contracts ranging from $41 million to $51 million per year with Palantir for access to the company’s tracking database and management software. Now, through a Freedom of Information Act request,

Vice has gotten its hands on one of Palantir’s secret user manuals for law enforcement. The manual shows that with just the name of a person, law enforcement can use Palantir’s software to map that target's family relationships, get their Social Security number, address, phone number, height, weight, and eye color. Add a license plate number, and Palantir’s system can often allow law enforcement to track where people have been during any period of time. Though much of this kind of information is available to law enforcement via separate means, Vice reports that Palantir’s system “aggregates and synthesizes” it in such a way as to give “law enforcement nearly omniscient knowledge over any suspect they decide to surveil.” As ICE prepares massive raids of immigrant families this weekend, the revealed Palantir system sheds light on how the government tracks and finds people to arrest and deport.

Totally Unnecessary Bluetooth Hair Straightener Is—Shocker!—Easy to Hack

No one has ever actively wanted a hair straightening iron that connects to the internet of things, but that didn’t stop UK-based company Glamoriser from making one. If you happened to buy the company's Blue Smart hair straightener—perhaps not even realizing it had Bluetooth capability, because why would it?—then TechCrunch is sorry to report but hackers could totally seize your device, and well, change the temperature of the hot iron remotely, if they wanted to. Would they want to? Probably not. But then again, why would you ever want to control the temperature of the straightener from your phone, rather than the device itself? Who knows! It’s a mystery!

The Apple Watch Walkie-Talkie App Allowed iPhone Eavesdropping

Apple announced this week that it was disabling the push-to-talk Apple Watch Walkie-Talkie app after the company learned it let people eavesdrop on other people’s phones without permission. The tip came in through Apple’s bug-reporting portal, and Apple says it has no evidence that anyone actually took advantage of the vulnerability. Apple apologized for the bug and promised to “quickly fix the issue,” according to a statement reported by TechCrunch.

Trump’s 4th of July Parade Bankrupted DC’s Special Security Fund

The Washington Post reports that DC's local government paid $1.7 million to secure Donald Trump’s Fourth of July military parade and fireworks display. That amount, DC mayor Muriel E. Bowser said, has left the district’s special security fund empty. That account is intended for security measures for events, rallies, and to protect against terrorism. In 2017, Trump’s inauguration reportedly cost the district $7.3 million in security expenses, which were also drawn from that same fund and never reimbursed. The mayor is requesting the White House refill the District’s security coffers, arguing that it’s unprecedented and unfair for the DC to pay for federal security with local tax money meant to protect residents of the District of Columbia.

Article Produced By
Emily Dreyfuss

Emily Dreyfuss is a senior writer at WIRED, covering technology’s impact on society. She was a 2018 Nieman-Berkman Klein Fellow in Journalism Innovation at Harvard University, and previously worked at CNET as a senior editor. She cut her teeth in newspapers in Connecticut after graduating from Wesleyan University with a bachelor’s degree in English. She lives in San Francisco.


Markethive’s ILP final strectch before our ICO Bench Launch

Pay Attention
The Final Private Group Offer

Alexa has broken through to 27,400, 20,600 Membership subscriptions have risen past 12,000 15,500, 1/3rd of our projected funding ($100,000) has been reached!

We have built a social and market network on the blockchain. Over 20 years of developing, 4 years in beta, now we are listed on an exchange and ready to come out of beta with nearly 10,000 members, an Alexa ranking of 30,020 over 50,000 followers on our social networks.

Markethive coin has increased in value from 1 penny $.01 to a dime $.10 to $.20 in a short amount of time. The crypto Bull Market has returned and will continue to grow in magnitude for the rest of the year.
By summers end the growth of the industry should be staggering. Two well know protagonist billionaires agree, Tim Draper and Tom Lee.

This is one of the indications it is time to launch Markethive. After nearly a year with the new engineering firm and new engineers on the team, the platform is now stable and the next two months will be focused on bringing on many new upgrades, enhancements and new services.

The Offer.
What is an ILP?

The ILP is well defined in this article titled: What in heck is a Markethive ILP?

Buy $1,000 worth of MHV coin through our Markethive account (Markethive will transfer the coin to your Markethive account or your MEW wallet) and receive a .12 share of an ILP.

Buy $2,500 worth of MHV coin through our Markethive account (Markethive will transfer the coin to your Markethive account or your MEW wallet) and receive a .35 share of an ILP.

Buy $5,000 worth of MHV coin through our Markethive account (Markethive will transfer the coin to your Markethive account or your MEW wallet) and receive a .8 share of an ILP.

Buy $10,000 worth of MHV coin through our Markethive account (Markethive will transfer the coin to your Markethive account or your MEW wallet) and receive 2 shares of an ILP (one ILP and one shadow ILP).
A rotator: Plus earn an equal share of new ILP purchases in our official crowd funding launch of Markethive this summer (proposed)

Additional bonus: Existing ILP owners will also receive equal shares in the rotator Crowd Funding Launch and if you purchase an additional ILP via this offer we will double an equal amount of shares (not shadow shares) you currently hold.
ie: [If you currently hold 3 ILP shares, and purchase 2 ($20,000) new ILP accounts “receiving 2 x 2 ILPS = 4” 2 of your 3 existing ILPs will also be doubled. Giving you a new total of 9 ILPs.] 3 + 1 now equals 9!

This offer ends when 30 ILP shares have been acquired.  Several members have already taken us up on this.
Again if you do not know: What in heck is a Markethive ILP?

The following budget is what determined my decision to do one more private crowd funding before we launch our official Blockchain Crowd Funding and the Markethive Awareness campaign.

We need to raise the money to launch a huge ICO (like) public crowd funding campaign (AWARENESS CAMPAIGN) and need to raise $300k or more to make it a huge campaign. 60% of this money goes to launching our crowd funding campaign in June of this year. 40% goes to Markethive enhancements to prepare for the onslaught of new membership. We need to finish our site. It needs to be replicated. Our front page of Markethive is also getting a new face lift. And will be retrofitted as an ICO rating system

An online form to sign up for this offer is found at the bottom of this article or by tapping this link

Phase One ($20,000):
We will need to publish large Press Release campaigns to the following Crypto News Sites


  1. BUSINESSINSIDER.COM (via $350)                                          Alexa: 327
  2. CCN.COM Press Release $349                                                                    Alexa: 1,458
  3. COINTELEGRAPH.COM Press Release $3500                                           Alexa: 4,496
  4. BITCOIN.COM Press Release $1,995                                                          Alexa: 11,763
  5. COINTRAFFIC.IO (Scheduled Crowd Funding Campaign $25)                   Alexa:  15,823
  6. BENZINGA.COM Press Release $500                                                         Alexa: 21,239
  7. NEWSBTC Press Release $799                                                                   Alexa: 25,740
  8. LIVECOINWATCH PR via Coinzilla $200                                                     Alexa: 33,268
  9. ETHEREUMWORLDNEWS.COM  Press Release: $350                             Alexa: 40,325
  10. BITCOINIST.COM Press release $999                                                         Alexa: 41,709
  11. THEBITCOINNEWS.COM press release $990                                             Alexa: 41,493
  12. BITSONLINE.COM Press Release via Coinzilla $300                                  Alexa: 49,562
  13. BLOCKONOMI.COM Press Release is $199.                                              Alexa: 56,128
  14. BITCOINMAGAZINE.COM Sponsored Article + EMAIL $4000                    Alexa: 51,480
  15. INVESTINBLOCKCHAIN.COM  Press Release is $199.                              Alexa: 58,846
  16. DAILYHODL.COM Press Release $150                                                       Alexa: 60,654
  17. NULLTX Press Release $300 Sponsored Article $600                                Alexa: 65,887
  18. CRYPTOGLOBE.COM Press Release via Coinzilla $220                           Alexa: 79.744
  19. CRYPTODAILY.CO.UK  Press Release via Coinzilla $400                          Alexa: 80,870
  20. CRYPTOSLATE  FEATURED LISTING: $199 PER MONTH                      Alexa: 81,131
  22. SMARTEREUM Press Release: $249                                                         Alexa: 97,553
  23. SMARTEREUM SPONSORED STORY: $999                                            Alexa: 97,553
  24. BTCMANAGER.COM Press Release $500                                                 Alexa: 112,197
  25. ZYCRYPTO.COM Press Release $100                                                       Alexa: 121,487
  26. BLOKT.COM Press Release $200                                                               Alexa: 164,593
  27. SLUDGEFEED.COM Press Release $100                                                  Alexa: 222,695
  28. CRYPTOCURRENCYNEWS.COM  Press Release $197                           Alexa: 376,032
  29. CRYPTORADAR Press Release $59                                                          Alexa: 1,304,572

SUB TOTAL                                          $19,000.00 Primary campaign

Phase Two ($75,000):
Secondary Marketing Assets

  1. COINMARKETCAP (3days banner at top of page $14,500)                       Alexa: 485
  2. CCN (sponsored story for $1499 + emailed to 100,000 $1.799)                Alexa: 1458
  3. COINTELEGRAPH.COM (Publish package $20,000)                               Alexa: 4,544
  4. COINDESK.COM Minimum $10,000 Newsletter $10,000 per                   Alexa: 6.294
  5. CRYPTOCOMPARE  (Sponsored Guide Sponsored Newsletter)             Alexa: 11,189
  6. BITCOIN.COM (500,000 Impressions Banner $5700)                              Alexa: 11,988
  7. Ivan Liljeqvist YOUTUBE CHANNEL ($11,000 interview)                        198k subscribers
  8. AMBCRYPTO (ICO form submitted $8,000)                                             Alexa: 22,118
  9. ETHEREUMWORLDNEWS.COM (Native Article: $1200)                        Alexa: 40,325
  10. THEBITCOINNEWS.COM (Press Release $990)                                    Alexa: 41,493
  11. BITCOINIST.COM Sponsored Article + Social Network $1,950               Alexa: 41,709

SUB TOTAL                                          $75,000.00 Secondary package

ICO Launch and Rating Sites ($16,000):
We will need to register and publish to the portfolio of ICO benches and ICO revue sites. They all charge fees to do it “right”.

  1. COINGECKO.COM Banner Ad program $3500 per month                     Alexa: 6,595
  2. ICOBENCH Consultation, Mass Press Release  and  Listing $5000      Alexa: 38,516
  3. ICOMARKS.COM ICO Promotion Premium  $500                                  Alexa: 73,714
  4. ICOHOLDER.COM  PUBLISH ICO: $500                                               Alexa: 124,622
  5. ICORATING.COM  Listing + investment rating, publication  $3,500       Alexa: 155,355
  6. AIRDROPRATING.IO Rocket PR to massive social networks $600       Alexa: 163,761
  7. BLOCKCHAIN INVESTOR COMMUNITY   Free Submission                 Alexa: 238,472
  8. ICOBAZAAR.COM   Free submission
  9. COINSTAKER.COM  Full campaign package $2000                              Alexa: 345,864
  10. ICOALERT.COM   CONSULTING (Have Reached Out)                         Alexa: 380,596
  11. COINIST.IO Listing and Press Release $2,600                                      Alexa: 664,338
  12. COINLAUNCHER.IO   PREMIUM LISTING: .75 Bitcoin                         Alexa: 805,035
  13. FINDICO.IO    ONE MONTH PREMIUM: 3ETH                                      Alexa: 1,172,488
  14. ICOTOP.IO    ICO Rating Agency Free to Add your ICO                        Alexa: 2,270,743
  15. THETOKENER.COM   Full Ad package $2220                                      Alexa: 2,279,375

SUB TOTAL                                          $16,000.00

Advertising Channel for Email distribution, Social Networks Broadcasting, Banner advertising

  1. BUYSELLADS.COM Crypto Bundle to 16 high ranked domains, social networks and email distribution runs  $17,000                Alexa:  60,163

Required Development before Launch ($52,000)

Final Leg Project Priorities

1.    New Root Domain front page to qualify us for a banner account –          $4200

2.    Floating video on home page. Replaces video in Upgrade Level page.  Videos  1:Tutorials | 2:Entrepreneur | 3:Social Account Setup with associated links to the designated pages, sections or groups. –                              $840

3.    The “NewsFeed”  GROUP whereas members of the group posting to the group distributes the post to all Markethive members Newsfeeds from that member, not the group. Whereas pinning a post makes that post default on all new accounts made thereafter until Unpinned.   
NewsFeed Upgrade: New signup notification on all newsfeeds. Notification alerts to a new signup, their name and link to the Profile Page, ability to friend request and send a tip and (who signed them up?)                                  $1400

4.    NewsFeed repair: Anyone who is a friend should see your Newsfeed posts on their Newsfeed, This is broken and inconsistent. Mostly with new members. When a post is deleted by the author or Group admin, it should be deleted for all. I can show you where this is not working.                                      $560

5.    When a friends Group is posted to, it should not appear on my News Feed unless I am a member of that group. Right now that is broken and appears on my NewsFeed      $560

6.    NewsFeed Upgrade: We need a search and filter. Search allows searching keywords, members, date range, group posts, and GEO. Filter determines what default displays. Same ranges.                                          $3500

7.    Blocking a member. Hides all newsfeed posts from being viewed both ways, removes the blocked member from the group and deletes all posts in owners  groups, removes all comments from owners blogs and hides all blog comments from member to owner and owner to member. Prevents blocked member from commenting on a blog, but allows viewing, and subscribing, but not SWIPING.                      $2800

8.    Gateway:  Payment Methods “Bitpay”, “AuthNet”, “Paypal”, “Amazon”, “Apple Pay”. All, payment processing is used for Entrepreneur monthly and yearly subscriptions and purchase of Markethive Ad Credits. Ad Credits can be used to purchase Markethive Coin to be used to purchase Advertising Services, such as News Feed Ad boosts, Banners, sponsored articles, Press Releases, Markethive Social Account broadcasts.                  $4200

9.    Entrepreneur “Upgrade Level” redesigned             $350

10.    Picwic Tracking Broken: IT BUDGET      $350
         a.    Capture Pages 
         b.    Capture Widgets 
         c.    WP Plugins 
         d.    Profile Page 
         e.    Rotator 
         f.    Mini Url

11.    Leads Control Panel broken IT Budget       $140
         a.    Empty folders disappear.

12.    Autoresponder issues IT BUDGET       $140
         a.    Drag and drop reorganizing is broken

13. (Crowd Funding Promo Site)
         a.    Secure Certificate
         b.    New ICO like template
         c.    Finish Markethive IO  videos

14.    API coin transfer (First wallet) – IT BUDGET     $32,500

15.    Remove Paypal, designate verified when the phone number has been verified. Replace the image with a new Image  – IT BUDGET     $70

16.    Super Groups
         a.    Press Release Group. Customer built as a super group for just Press Release publishing and payment to publish standard, advanced and master levels.  IT BUDGET    $10,000
         b.    Sponsored Articles Super Group payment options for published to front page, distributed to social networks, distributed to WP blogs  IT BUDGET   $10,000
         c.    Curation function in all groups to add 3rd party RSS feeds and a deliver keyword(s) filter IT BUDGET $10,000

17.    Automated Tutorial System  IT Budget $5000

Proposed budget for IT upgrades is $90,000

Total proposed cash required ($193,000)

is a conservative estimate and we also want a treasure chest for additional development unforeseen at the moment.


As Bitcoin Surges, so will the Markethive Coin and subscriptions and paid services. Our timing could not be better. We survived the Crypto Winter and it is now time to go to the moon.

Bitcoin Surging 19% Only the Beginning, Halving Will Propel to Meteoric Gains

Markethive is this hybrid symbiotic phenomenon. Unique, exponentially powerful and will be a major driving force in unbelievable revenue generation as well as widespread respected service.

A Case study: Let’s look at the Media Content suppliers for the Crypto media. They have very big traffic and they publish banners, press releases, sponsored articles, ICO analysis all for fees and many make over a $million a year. The tools they use are not unlike the tools we deliver to you in Markethive. That being said, it is not difficult to grasp the fact many Markethive members can build a similar success with our system like we are building for you @

Keep in mind, we have not promoted it nor finished it, but it will be no different than a WordPress portal you could build using the same tools found in Markethive

Markethive is a market network and these tools are equally commanded by each individual which means any member at Markethive could produce similar traffic and revenue because of Markethive but not by Markethive. It is the entire vision to empower our members to achieve great heights.

Click here for ILP registration and purchase


Thomas Prendergast
CEO  Founder


The Markethive White Paper


Crypto Exchange Huobi Burns 14 Million Native Tokens Citing ‘Improved Market Conditions’

Crypto Exchange Huobi Burns 14 Million Native Tokens, Citing 'Improved Market Conditions'


Huobi, a leading Singapore-based cryptocurrency exchange,

recently conducted a quarterly burning event, which reduced the overall supply of the Huobi Token (HT), the trading platform’s native cryptoasset.

Significantly More Tokens Burned this Quarter Due to “Improved Market Conditions”

According to Huobi’s management, the digital asset exchange has removed 14,011,700 tokens from the total circulating supply of 310,318,300 Huobi Tokens. Notably, Huobi’s most recent burn event has destroyed tokens at a rate that is 116% higher than the previous quarter. Explaining how the company was able to afford burning considerably more tokens, Huobi’s representatives noted that crypto “market conditions” had improved and that the company’s revenue has increased as well.

Huobi Token’s Price May Stabilize After Burning Event

Huobi Token’s price may stabilize after the token burning event, as the process helps reduce inflation by effectively removing a considerable amount of the cryptocurrency’s supply from the digital asset market. After launching the Huobi Token in early 2018, Huobi’s management has been spending 20% of its revenue each quarter to buy back the tokens from the crypto market. Because its revenue is not consistent from quarter to quarter, the exchange operator does not destroy the same number of tokens during each (quarterly) burning event.

Eight Burning Events Conducted Since April

Due to a significant growth in sales and revenue in recent months, Huobi has been able to burn more tokens each quarter. In fact, the firm’s revenues directed toward its token burning event has increased by 232% quarter-over-quarter. Since mid-April 2019, the Huobi team has conducted eight different token burning events, and has destroyed a total of 21,356,800 HTs. Notably, this amount is considerably greater than the 6,474,800 HTs the exchange bought back during Q1 2019. Huobi’s repurchased tokens are deposited at an Ether (ETH) address that is visible (shared with) to everyone. The deposit address is referred to as the Huobi “Investor Protection Fund”, as it serves as the exchange’s reserve fund. Commenting on Huobi’s quarterly token burn process, Leon Li, the Founder and CEO of

Huobi Group remarked:

There are two big trends reflecting the size of this quarter’s buyback. The first is a rapidly strengthening market for digital assets and the other is the increasing popularity of our entire product line.

Huobi’s management also revealed that many new investors had joined Huobi Prime (the exchange’s token launch program) and Huobi FastTrack . Moreover, Huobi’s derivatives markets (DM) trading desk has recorded $504 billion in trading volume during the spring (March, April, May 2019).

“Last Time Destroying Tokens Using Traditional Buyback Method”

In the coming months, updates will be made to Huobi’s Finance Chain, a public, decentralized blockchain for conducting peer-to-peer (P2P) monetary transactions. In another blog post, the Huobi team noted that the most recent token burn event “will be the last time HT tokens will be destroyed using the traditional buyback method.” Huobi’s management is also planning to use the funds generated in the HT Tiered Fee deduction program, which will allow the company to directly burn the tokens.

Huobi May Conduct Monthly or Daily Token Burns

Approximately two-thirds of Huobi’s holdings (as a company) may also be used in future token burn events, and the remaining one-third of HTs may come from the open market. Currently, Huobi is considering the possibility of performing monthly of even daily token burns – instead of quarterly. The current supply of the ERC-20 compliant Huobi Token stands at 478,643,200. The HTs may serve as deposits for customers of the exchange’s over-the-counter (OTC) desk, or to obtain access to “premium coins” via Huobi Prime. Huobi exchange users may also cast votes using the HT tokens.

Article Produced By
Omar Faridi

I enjoy writing about all topics related to Bitcoin, Blockchain, and other cryptocurrencies. The topics that interest me most are crypto regulations, quantum resistant blockchains, Ethereum and Bitcoin Core development, and scams orchestrated under the guise of ICOs. My academic background includes an undergraduate degree in Computer Science, with a minor in Mathematics from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. I also possess a Master of Science degree in Psychology from the University of Phoenix. While completing my coursework, I engaged in independent study programs focused on public-key cryptography and quantum computing. My professional work experience includes working as an application developer for the University of Houston, data storage specialist at Dell EMC, and as Teacher of Mathematics in the United States, China, Kuwait, and Pakistan.


SimpleFX adds Monero and Ethereum Classic accounts

SimpleFX adds Monero and Ethereum Classic accounts


The award-winning global mobile-friendly trading platform

now offers accounts in 22 different currencies (including seven cryptocurrencies). SimpleFX has just released Monero and Ethereum Classic transfers. Just like other crypto accounts, they are available free of charge. Now SimpleFX traders can deposit and withdraw money using seven different cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin, and Monero.

Broker for the new generation of traders

SimpleFX was one of the first CFD brokers that offered cryptocurrency accounts and has been supporting cryptocurrency projects for years. SimpleFX

wrote in a statement,

“Our mission is to make the most of the cryptocurrency and blockchain opportunities. We believe in the community and want to give the users a broad choice of transfer services. This is the cryptocurrency spirit we have always believed in.”

The fast-growing broker with over 200,000 active traders worldwide aims at being the go-to app for the new generation of mobile-first traders. SimpleFX launched a completely new version of the WebTrader application and since then has introduced several groundbreaking features focusing on social trading, financial education and services for their affiliate marketing partners.

Profitable trades for everyone

SimpleFX demo accounts are fully functional and the live accounts can be funded with any amount as there are no minimum deposits. Thanks to easy and secure payments that can be performed in both fiat money and cryptocurrencies, everyone can access and benefit from trading with low spreads. SimpleFX offers an attractive 1:500 leverage, which opens profit opportunities to the less affluent traders. At the same time, easy stop-loss feature and negative balance protection make SimpleFX a secure tool for both experienced and novice traders.

The Best Trading App 2019

SimpleFX WebTrader won the competition for the best trading app during the Finance World Expo Summit 2019 that took place in Switzerland. The experts appreciated SimpleFX WebTrader for:

  • Great usability on mobile devices
  • Remarkable speed and reliability
  • Responding to the user needs with new features
  • The strong and growing community of users.

SimpleFX growth accelerated at the end of 2018 despite the downtrend in cryptocurrency markets thanks to the enthusiastic reception of the SimpleFX WebTrader 2.0 and the partnership with affiliate marketing software.

Article Produced By
Editorial Staff


A Complete System Within A Markethive Group – Very Powerful


A Complete System Within A Markethive Group – Very Powerful

What makes Markethive Groups So Unique? 

Markethive Groups are somewhat similar to Facebook groups but can also be considered a self-replication system for capture pages, customized PDFs, video exchanges, training, autoresponder options, survey sites and capture forms customized exclusively for every member of the group. This is extremely powerful. 

Integrated into Markethive Groups are the Capture Pages, Autoresponders with 98% deliverability, Blogcasting and a Blogging Platform where Blogs and Articles are easier to produce and more effective, integrated with Markethive SNAP Plugins creating incredible reach to potentially billions across the social media and blogging platforms achieving real SEO results. Also, Co-Op Marketing, and URL Rotators. This creates traction thereby yielding better results.



Let’s Start With Capture Pages…

Capture pages also known as funnel pages is an industry all to itself and there are literally 1000s of Capture page gurus and 100s of companies selling their capture page systems to you. But in all this, I see a glaring problem and that is the human nature to complicate a simple solution.

The solution is the simplicity of the system and the simplicity of the message. Markethive gives you very simple responsive capture pages. Our capture widgets gather all the data for your signups via Oauth which means they choose one of their current social networks and click on it and the signup process is completed. One-click. Done!

We also offer calendar-based capture pages, video embedded options, default videos or your selection. Our Thumbnails are Markethive’s simplest one-page capture page and our Capture pages do allow you to build complex websites, although we do not recommend you do, many of our subscribers appreciate the option.

We even build capture pages for other opportunity companies and are constantly adding new designs into the system. The entire capture page system is included in the free platform and other capture page services out there charge up to $200 per month for similar systems.


Co-Op Marketing

You can facilitate large scale Cooperative Advertising. Manage sophisticated marketing campaigns funded by group contributions to Ad Co-ops. Cooperative marketing by teams of people allows your group to engage in advertising at a level that far exceeds what individual team members can do on their own. There is a natural limit to what any one person can do alone, but by working together with a larger group larger advertising opportunities come into reach.

The concept of Ad Co-op's is simple. A group of people gets together to fund an advertising campaign and each contributes a certain amount to fund it. Some may have more money to invest than others. Once the funding goal is met and advertising is launched, the business it generates is then equitably distributed back to each person based on the amount they contributed.

This tool allows you to track the contributions by your group to the Advertising Co-op's you are managing as well as the advertising costs that offset them. Once you have funded a co-op and are ready to launch it, the system will automatically calculate the appropriate number of shares each member should be assigned and will apply that to the Lead Capture Page of your choice or else a Website Rotator which you can use with your own domain or websites.

Remember, this service is available to free members. Or you can share in Markethive’s million-dollar Ad Campaigns with an Entrepreneur Upgrade of $100/mth inclusive. 


ecosystem for entrepreneurs


The URL Rotator Feature

This is Traffic flow management through website rotation. You can control the distribution of traffic, customers, and leads to multiple destinations. The Website Rotator tool allows you to configure a unique URL that will then rotate and display a list of other websites you define. You can use it to transfer traffic from one of your sites to several others. Or if you work with a team of people, the entire Group can promote a single URL which will then automatically distribute the traffic to each member's individual website.

You can add an unlimited number of websites to each rotator. There are 2 different rotation types. Circular will simply rotate through each website, one by one. Shared Ratio allows you to weight certain URLs so they receive a certain number of visits before the rotation continues. So you have a URL Rotator,  able to Customize Campaigns and designate to Groups. This is totally unlimited and can be tracked through Markethive’s Tracking Reports.


Tiny URL Converter – BONUS! 

Convert long URLs in to short ones, for simplified posting, emailing, tweeting, etc. The Tiny URL tool lets you convert a long URL into a nice short URL, making it much easier to use in social posts, email, as well as take up fewer characters in your tweets when using Twitter. But beyond creating a friendlier URL, the system will also track visitor statistics for you – making it the perfect tool to evaluate your promotional results, better understand what your target audience is interested in, and optimize your social, email, and other marketing campaigns.

You can even use the Tiny URL tool in combination with the Website Rotator tool to result in a tidy little URL that automatically rotates to the websites you define. Very powerful, particularly for teams working together to promote a single URL.


The Next Level In The Works 

As we are developing Markethive’s Super Groups that are next level, this is your Unfair Advantage in marketing.  You can use the Markethive tools, to build an exclusive secure suite of tools available to your organization only.  Customized and duplicating capture pages, an Integrated duplicated signup application plugged into your MLM company, customized and personalized PDF documents, coop ad campaigns, targeted lead distributions, live event systems, and membership activity management, also award assignments, enhanced by the monetization with the necessary API’s and all included in the interface of the landing page. 

Stay tuned for updates on the development of the different facets of the Super Group and implementation. Your team will expand with lightning speed due to the intuitive duplicative power and viral nature of this system.



Reid Hoffman is quoted saying 

“An entrepreneur is someone who jumps off a cliff, and builds a plane on his way down.” I get it, do you?

All the features mentioned above have huge benefits and a small but integral part of Markethive’s Ecosystem for free members. There will be so much more as we roll out our official launch. A major benefit is that it is incorporated into a transparent blockchain system, the platform is completely decentralized delivering on Markethive’s principles of privacy, transparency, and free speech.

Markethive does not spy on you; shadowban you, or terminate your account, for any reason

We are all entrepreneurs, and we know the future can have the greatest potential for those who take command of their dreams.

Markethive is Not Just About IDEAS. It’s About Making Ideas HAPPEN!



ecosystem for entrepreneurs

David Ogden

Entrepreneur at Markeyhive

Telegram @davidogden



Flamin’ Hot: Binance Just Burned 24 Million Worth of BNB Coins

Flamin’ Hot: Binance Just Burned $24 Million Worth of BNB Coins

The leadership at Binance continues to strive toward bringing value to their users. This week, the Malta-based cryptocurrency exchange completed its eighth quarterly token burn, wherein nearly 809,000 BNB tokens were burned, that sum being worth approximately $24 million USD at the time of the burn.


The company said this latest token burn was the first toward its new goal of burning 100 million BNB tokens:

“Starting with this burn, Binance will relinquish the BNB tokens allocated to the Binance team and contribute this BNB towards our commitment to burning a total of 100 million BNB. The Binance team tokens equate to 40% of the total BNB supply (80,000,000 BNB, currently worth about US$2,400,000,000).”

The idea? To use deflationary pressure to make BNB tokens worth more in the long run — e.g. not unlike how Kyber Network Crystals (KNC) are burned after every Kyber Network transaction. The large token burn comes after the exchange just had its best two-month stretch in its fledgling history. From May to June 2019, Binance facilitated around $125 billion — the largest reported transaction volume the platform has had in any period to date. Whether the company can maintain such prolific volume as it phases out American users from remains to be seen. But Binance US is coming, as well as new margin trading and futures services on In that context, the exchange brand has various ways it’s fighting to maintain its dominance in the cryptoeconomy.

Binance Just Unveiled Its New Margin Trading Service

This week, Binance 2.0 arrived. As part of that arrival, a new Margin Trading service was unfurled alongside the platform’s main exchange service. Both of these services have been underpinned by a new advanced trading engine that has been designed for “better order matching and press indexes for margin level calculations to enable lower liquidations,” the company said in a July 11th press release. As Binance chief operating officier and co-founder Changpeng Zhao explained

on the news:

“This is another step in providing an inclusive cryptocurrency trading platform catering to the needs of both advanced institutional traders and retail traders under the same roof. We are providing a new tool in the financial services and cryptocurrency markets to help amplify trading results of successful trades.”

With the new margin trading service activated, Binance users who have verified their identities will now be able to put up cryptocurrency collateral in a special wallet in order to make leveraged trades on the platform.

Binance: the One-Stop Crypto Shop

As part of the exchange’s bid to maintain its preeminent status in the cryptoeconomy, Binance announced earlier this month that it was also preparing to launch a cryptocurrency futures service, with futures being a mainstream financial instrument used to speculate on the prices of assets. Confirming the imminent status of a new futures interface, CEO Zhao confirmed at the Asia Blockchain Summit in Taiwan that cryptocurrency futures were all but ready to be greenlighted for

“Binance will be launching a futures platform very soon. I don’t have the exact date yet. The simulation test version will be live in a few weeks.”

Will Binance Join the Libra Foundation?

Representatives of the Gemini cryptocurrency exchange may join the Libra Association, exchange founders Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss noted earlier this week. And there’s been chatter that a representative for the Ethereum community should join the fledgling body. This month, the company’s chief strategy officer Gin Chao commented that the exchange had explored joining the Libra Association, though the matter was still up in the air. He said: “We’re definitely considering it. And so, we would like to throw our hat in the ring. Whether or not we will become one, we’ll see.”

Article Produced By
William M. Peaster

William M. Peaster is an editor and cryptocurrency writer. He is not a financial adviser. He enjoys covering both the promise and warts of the emerging cryptoeconomy.
