How easy is it to make friends here in Markethive?

Fact or fiction, most members in Markethive do not post to the newsfeed?  I think we can agree that most members join Markethive and aside from loading a picture and adding brief information to their profile page, may rarely if ever post to the Newsfeed.  

What does this mean for the Marekthive members who are active?  It means when an announcement appears in the Newsfeed, it may be your one unique chance to request a friend from that person, and you may not get another chance.  

Of course, you get paid a small amount of Markethive coin for each friend that you invite.  You need to login to Markethive every day in order to make friends on a regular basis.  This activity alone will probably keep you at least as a DO BEE. If you add commenting on a regular basis, you my easily achive the level of WORKER BEE.  If you write posts on a regular basis, you may achieve the BUSINESS BEE level.  Depending on the frequency of all of these activities you may actually propel yourself into the ROYAL BEE catagory where there will likely be some substantial rewards.

I know well the value of the size of any social network.  With effort over a 3 year period, I have managed to accumulate over 13,000 1st level connections on LinkedIn.  Most of the members I have brought to Markethive have come from my LinkedIn connections.  These new members in Markethive has brought me several hundred thousand Markethive coins.  Remember, every new member you bring into Markethive rewards you with 500 Markethive coins as an entrepreneur.

I am not very active on LinkedIn anymore.  My activities have taken me in another direction, but I am still gaining 1st level connections on a daily basis due to the size of my LinkedIn netowork alone.  I state the number of connections I have on my profile title, and many people want to connect to me for that reason.  My LinkedIn network is expanding now on it's own.  I only have to accept connection requests with a click of the mouse on a weekly basis which only takes minutes.  

LinkedIn limits the size of your network to 30,000 1st level connections, so I am less than halfway to maxing out my number of connections on LinkedIn.

Facebook limits you to 5,000 friends.  I am close to that limit now.

Twitter limits your followers depending on number of people who follow you.  There is a certain ratio there.  I do not know exactly what that ratio is.

Instagram will not allow any account to follow more than 7500 users. Once you reach that limit, you will not be able to follow anyone else. 

Tumblr will not let you follow more than 5,000 blogs.  After that you will have to delete a blog if you want to follow another. 

Most social networks impose restrictions on the number of people you can connect with. I do not understand this at all.

How about Markethive?  There are no system restrictions to the number of friends or associates you can have.  That fact alone should be enough to make you want to participate here in Markethive

This is one more example of how Markethive is the social network for entrepreneurs.

I hope this fact inspires you to be active here on Markethive.  Remember, in addition, Markethive is the only social network that pays you for every one of your efforts on the network.  In time, these small accumulated efforts alone will be worth a small fortune.

Best of success to you in all your endeavors!


John Lombaerde

Founding member of Markethive



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