Special December Offer at MarketHive
The first Market Network, built upon the block chain with the combined power of LinkedIn, Marketo, and Amazon.
Secure Newsfeed
Share your updates globally, locally, friends or as directed. Filter your Newsfeed according to your specifics.
Infinity Airdrop
Every new membership receives a valuable set of coins to begin their membership in the Hive. Coin can be earned daily.
Social CRM
Publish out to your social networks from Markethive’s blog casting platform. Members can subscribe to each other's blogs.
Global Profile
Publish your updates, resume, bio, blogs, back links, videos and images to whomever you set your privileges to.
Auto Responders
Set up auto responders and broadcast to your friends, associates and leads with a guaranteed inbox delivery above 97%.
State of the Art Funnels
New tech funnels combined with integrated landing store fronts deliver leads and integration 100 times more effective.
Store Fronts
Build custom groups store fronts as landing pages, shopping systems, recruiting platforms and Points of Sale.
If you subscibe to the Entrepreneur One upgrade in December for one year @$100 per month you will receive a free 20% share of our ILP valued at $50,000 next December.
David https://markethive.com/david-ogden