IRS Sends New Tax Warning to Crypto Users

IRS Sends New Tax Warning to Crypto Users

The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is renewing its crackdown on the crypto industry. According to a recent report from CoinDesk, the American tax agency is sending yet another round of letters to individuals it believes is involved in the trading of Bitcoin and other digital assets. This time, those targeted as those that the IRS claims may be misreporting the income gained from trading on exchanges.

This comes shortly after reports arose that the agency targeted users of Coinbase for potentially incorrectly filing their crypto-related taxes.

This latest letter is, according to crypto tax software startup CoinTracker co-founder Chandan Lodha, different than the previous case. He told CoinDesk:

“Basically what it says is ‘hey we have a report from one of the financial institutions you use and the amount they reported to us the IRS is different than the amount you, the taxpayer, reported and this is the amount you owe’ and it’s a 30-day letter meaning you have to respond in 30 days.”

He went on to advise those that have received this letter to respond, even if the recipient or their account doesn’t believe what was accessed.

These recent warnings seem to be a part of the agency’s plan to crack down on the crypto industry. You see, unlike the United States Dollar or the Euro, Bitcoin is a non-sovereign form of money, as are a number of other digital assets. At least currently, that means there are no “banks of Bitcoin”, no taxes that you have to pay in it, or governmental agencies directly overseeing it.

Due to simple politics, this is obviously something that governments across the globe, especially their finance regulation arms, aren’t entirely amicable with. Because you know what they say, “follow the money”.

Thus, the IRS has been renewing its efforts to catch evaders dealing with this asset class. According to an IRS slide deck leaked online earlier this year, the tax authority intends to allow its agents to use a number of techniques and tactics to target evaders. These techniques include interviews, “open-source searches”, electronic surveillance, social media scrutiny, and Grand Jury subpoenas.


By Nick Chong August 18, 2019


Blockchain-Based Solutions Could Revolutionise Remittances

Blockchain-Based Solutions Could Revolutionise Remittances


According to a recently published report, by BlockData,

blockchain-based money transfers are more than 380 times quicker and almost 130 times more cost effective than those of financial systems. When you take a look at the Ripple transaction speed and fees, these statistics are even more impressive. The report shows us that blockchain based solutions are great for remittance payments. Through a sample of sum 1,800 remittance payments, BlockData found that Ripple, BitShares, and Stellar could turn the industry in another direction. 

The reports show that while legacy systems take anywhere between two and five days to settle transactions and charge fees that could grow to nearly $10, blockchain-based solutions are able to process these same transactions in as little as two seconds, for less than $0.01 as is Ripple’s case. Furthermore, Ripple’s technology is able to settle transactions in around four seconds, while the remittance giant Western Union needs three to five days to do so. So if we put this into perspective, Ripple could settle around 100,000 transactions in the time Western Union settles one. The reports goes on to add that it found the number of remittance firm’s using blockchain technology has been slowly growing over the last ten years. They go onto add that most of these don’t use their own blockchain or blockchain-based token, but rely on solutions provided by existing blockchain

such as Ripple.

“Our results show that about two-thirds of these startups utilize blockchain technology without their own token. Most of these companies are building on existing blockchain infrastructure like RippleNet or Stellar”

The research also found that traditional remittance firms like MoneyGram and Western Union have been experimenting with Ripple’s proprietary service, xCurrent to settle cross-border payments using blockchain technology. Santander has recently confirmed that it's doing the same thing through

its One Pay FX app.

CryptoGlobe has reported, “Ripple may be facing competition in the future, however, as some have claimed Facebook’s upcoming cryptocurrency could be used for remittance payments as well. The difference made by blockchain-based solutions is, nevertheless, astounding.”

Article Produced By
Robert Johnson

Robert is a keen investor with a particular interest in cryptocurrencies. He has been involved in the industry for many years, and because of this, has gathered a lot of knowledge surrounding this area. He studied English at university level and has a passion for writing. He loves being able to combine his two mains interests on a daily basis.


Markethive Coin MHV To Become The Premier Consumer Blockchain Coin

Markethive Coin [MHV] To Become The Premier Consumer Blockchain Coin. 

CEO and Founder of Markethive, Thomas Prendergast says;

“Bitcoin [BTC] is the premier Fintech blockchain. MarketHive Coin [MHV] will become the premier Consumer Blockchain coin.” 

Markethive’s decision to convert to the blockchain was multiple reasons…

  • To create our own asset coin as an instrument to our Ecosystem for Entrepreneurs.

  • A Blockchain system to guarantee and deliver a secure system to each subscriber. 

  • To offer security to assure members they own and control their data we don’t, to ensure nothing like banning, shadow banning and political agendas ever controls the network. 

Only Blockchain offers this solution.

So Markethive will establish their niche as the only Social (Market) Network that has an infinity Airdrop and a system that rewards the users for using the platform, receiving additional consistent daily micropayments called a faucet.


Markethive Wallet

The Markethive wallet is an ERC-20 type wallet and built to hold a selection of coins including the Markethive coin. [MHV] The Wallet app also employs an encrypted private messaging system incorporating texting, voice and video rooms, a coin wallet and exchange key, a Know Your Customer Key, and a 2FA Login Security Key accessed via the downloaded Markethive app for Windows, Apple, MACOS, and Droid.

Infinity Airdrops

Markethive is determined to take a large share of the new Market Network that is the next generation following the Social Network phenomena. That Market Network is defined as a platform that is integrated with a 

  • Social Network (like Facebook)

  • Business platform (like LinkedIn)

  • SAAS tools (like GoToMeeting, ZOOM and Google Apps)

  • Inbound Marketing (like Marketo, Hubspot, Aweber)

  • Blogging Platform (Steemit, Medium, Quora)  

  • Video Channel (like Youtube, Google Hangouts)

  • Commerce platforms (like eBay, Freelancers, Coinbase, Alibaba)

  • News Site Publisher (like Cointelegraph,


Notably, Paypal established themselves with a viral campaign giving away money, $20 if you signed up, $20 more if you attracted someone to sign up through you. Dropbox did a similar campaign by giving away more space by inviting 3 people to join through you. This has always been the holy grail to incredible results.

When signing up in Markethive you will receive 500 MHV Coins which will be instantly paid to you in your Coin Clip within the Markethive Platform after a phone number verification which you will be asked to do so upon joining. The Entrepreneur Upgrade qualifies you to receive a 100% matching bonus of 500 MHV every time you invite a person to join Markethive. That can add up to a pretty penny! 

Since Markethive placed MHV onto its first of many Coin Exchanges in the first quarter of 2019, at 1 penny, $0.01, MHV is already valued at $0.20c. That means your 500 MHV Airdrop is worth $100usd. You get that just for joining. How cool is that?! 

The Markethive Coin is now listed on a second exchange. This exchange will be allocating the Airdrops to new signups. All will be revealed at this Sunday’s meeting on August 18, 2019, at 10 am MST.  Please join us. Everyone is welcome. You will find the Zoom link to join the meeting by clicking on Calendar situated on the menu bar at the top of your Markethive page.


Markethive Micropayment System [Faucet]

The traditional Bitcoin faucet is a reward system in the form of a website or app that dispenses rewards in the form of a Satoshi or micropayments for completing a task. Likewise, Markethive is integrating this reward system to qualified members just for utilizing the Markethive system. 

The Markethive platform pays you micropayments of Markethive coin, (MHV), similar to faucets. After you have 3 people subscribed into the free Markethive Network via your profile page, the faucet, Micropayment system activates and from there on, all activity within the system pays you small but consistent MHV coinage to your Coin Clip/Wallet all day long in real-time as you engage in the Markethive Platform. 

NOTE: Being the entire system runs on Markethive coin, (MHV) you can expect the volume demand and increased velocity of the coin to also drive coin value accordingly. This is one of the main reasons we refer to our system as being a legitimate alternative to universal income, one based on ethics and integrity, not government-mandated theft and graft.

Tips Instead Of Likes

Comments get paid, instead of giving a Like, members give Tips and Markethive pays you just for giving a tip. So you’re never out of pocket. 

  • Make a capture page, get paid. 

  • Publish a blog, get paid. 

  • Post on the newsfeed, get paid

  • Comment on someone’s post, get paid

  • Create a group, get paid

  • Accept a friend request, get paid

  • Set up a series of autoresponders, get paid. You get the picture. 

Markethive will reward you while you build your business just by using Markethive’s valuable Inbound Marketing platform.

Just refer three new free subscribers to Markethive to activate the faucets and develop a lifetime income. 


Markethive System Tutorials – Get Paid To Learn

Markethive pays all members to learn the Markethive system, as well as how to write copy, set up Inbound Marketing campaigns, find answers. You get paid to learn how to make a group, set up capture pages, set up autoresponders, upload videos, and a whole lot more. You get paid in Markethive coins. (MHV) No qualifications required, just a Markethive Wallet and each lesson you complete you receive an accolade on your profile and coin in your wallet. 

Markethive is truly dedicated to your education, success, and sovereignty. This is why we have made the Inbound Marketing Platform free (Compared to Marketo that costs up to $25k per month)


Bottom Line

By joining Markethive as a free member, you will be part of a collaborative Social Network. You will get a Market Network Inbound Marketing platform worth $2500 per month for free and get “Airdropped” paid up to 500 Markethive coins just for joining. And continue to receive these coin assets for the duration of your life within the hive.

Not only are Markethive’s inbound marketing tools free to utilize for your business, you actually get paid for learning and using the system. Markethive embraces gamification thus making it fun and more rewarding by way of the loyalty and bounty program, so not only are you gaining quality leads and customers for your business, you are creating extra income, brand and personal presence in the one and only Ecosystem For Entrepreneurs – Markethive 


ecosystem for entrepreneurs



Deb Williams
Market Manager for Markethive, a global Market Network, and Writer for the Crypto/Blockchain Industry. Also a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech.  I embrace "Change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 



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Market-Leading Bot Hivereck Brings Simplicity to Arbitrage Trading

Market-Leading Bot Hivereck Brings Simplicity to Arbitrage Trading


As the global outlook for cryptocurrency and traditional forex continues

August 2019, London – As the global outlook for cryptocurrency and traditional forex continues to prove hard to predict, arbitrage trading is increasingly being used by both novice and experienced Altcoin & Bitcoin traders. This new tool helps all levels of traders to mitigate transaction exposure and boost profits.

Innovative Arbitrage Bot

Arbitrage trading is a widely used strategy to buy low and sell high on global currency exchanges, and with the potential to make strong returns is a popular tool across the market. In the past, traders were required to possess a detailed knowledge of the exchange, fees structures, and API’s, to place successful trades. 

The Bot that Brings Simplicity to Arbitrage Trading

Hivereck is an innovative new trading bot that levels the playing field – its simple algorithm allows users to simultaneously place several currency pairs between different exchanges in order to identify and exploit price differentials between them. It’s easy to get started with the Hivereck platform, all you need do is register an account, activate and deposit cryptocurrencies to your wallet and choose USD or BTC for your earnings. Once fully verified, users are also able to use fiat currencies to trade and depending on asset values can withdraw funds every 24 hours.

A Premier Arbitrage Tool for Contemporary Altcoin & BTC Traders

Hivereck users can deposit their account with a range of currencies including BTC, LTC, ETH, QTM, and USD to name a few – once the account is active and with funds, you are ready to trade with over 75 global crypto exchanges supported and 1500 marketsfollowed giving the trader maximum exposure. Many cryptocurrency exchanges offer the same currency pairs but the rates between them can vary from 1% to 15% – for the Altcoin or BTC trader of today, this offers great earning potential. The Hivereck bot allows users to enjoy average profits of between 2% and 7% on a good day and profits are ready to be withdrawn only 24 hours after the trade.

 With over 70 Altcoins and a handful of established cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, the market is difficult to predict at best. The Hivereck bot allows users to transact multiple currency pairs at any one time – the bot is the perfect tool to assist the digital currency trader of today by simplifying arbitrage trades and increasing potential returns.Users can enjoy maximum returns with Hivereck and make arbitrage trading that little bit easier.

About Hivereck

Hivereck is an arbitrage trading bot that trades several pairs between numerous exchanges with company funds plus the funds deposited and locked by users around the globe.Hiverek is the source of this content. Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to consumer protections. Cryptocurrencies and tokens are extremely volatile. There is no guarantee of a stable value, or any value at all.

Article Produced By

The writer of this post is a guest. Opinions in the article are solely of the writer and do not reflect Null TX's view.


The Demise Of The ICO The Uprise Of The ILP

The Demise Of The ICO. The Uprise Of The ILP 

In the world of new technology, we saw a brief era between 2106 and 2018 with very little to no intervention by the authorities called the Initial Coin Offering (ICO). This was a new revolutionary way to raise capital for new projects and start-up companies. With the advent of Blockchain and Bitcoin starting to make its mark, scores of new creative projects with its own tokens or coins were popping up with promises and unfounded speculation every week. The best part was, even the public could get involved. In 2017 ICOs had reached their peak. Their tokens were reaching new highs and Bitcoin was going through the roof. This was a huge and very exciting time. Investors made money and some turned into millionaires in a very short time. It was perceived to be a win/win situation for everyone. But in fact, it turned out to be a devastating time for many. 

There were companies that had creative ideas and products underpinning the project that truly made a difference in the world. Others were not thought through when they jumped on the bandwagon and launched promising big things but failed miserably. As it evolved and since there was no accountability, the ICO ecosystem was an easy way to make money. The ICO platform that was meant as a way to raise capital for genuine tech companies was now a haven for scammers. This led to the involvement of regulatory authorities and the rest is history. Many met their demise and the investors found themselves as proud owners of tokens and coins that were totally worthless. 


As Brian Kerr, CEO and Co-Founder of Kava Labs exemplified,

“It’s part poor incentives, poor professional conduct, and part dev’s realizing they are working on bad ideas. Exit scamming was rampant in the early ICO era, but so was repeat ICO entrepreneurs that spun up ICOs as fast as they left them. Early ICOs were structured to pay out very quickly to founders, creating horrible incentives to stick around.”


As I stated some ICOs were a success and have made a difference in our lives bringing decentralization and worthwhile products in this new era of technology and cryptocurrency. So what made them a success? Below are 20 ICOs some successful with 45% of them failing.

These are based on 3 main criteria.

  1. Roadmap and Milestones Accomplished by Deadlines
    Number 1 criteria being the project is judged based on the roadmap provided and if the project is meeting its deadlines. If the project is on track for the developments detailed in the whitepaper along with updates which gives a brief idea about the development of promised products or necessary updates to the ecosystem.

  2.  Community Engagement
    This step involves the amount of activity and engagement with the community about its project on the social media pages (Twitter, Telegram, Facebook, Medium, etc) It also includes how frequent the updates are and the official announcements made on these pages as well as assisting the community with issues, etc. 

  3. Price Performance
    The price and the utility of the token or coin and its performance since its launch and a comparison with other altcoins in the ecosystem. So it’s basically the return on investment or ROI of the token as well as the listing of these tokens on exchanges and the liquidity of these coins on the listed exchanges.

Alexa Ranking plays a big part in knowing how popular these ICOs are. The lower the rank, the more traffic is visiting the site. It also demonstrates merit when securing potential advertisers and investors, as a representation of a site’s impressionable audience size. Alexa ranking is considered a relevant and important metric for webmasters and the public alike. 

It is not uncommon for users to take a look at your Alexa ranking and rating before deciding if your website is safe and trustworthy enough to buy from.  It serves as a valuable metric to indicate a website’s popularity. It also serves as a comparative tool, to compare a website with that of competitors and see how well it’s doing in terms of traffic and popularity. A ranking of 100,000 and under is considered the benchmark for a popular site. 

Top 11 Successful ICOs                 Alexa Ranking 

Huobi (HT)                          9,007

Qash (QASH)                            19,378

EOS (EOS)                                               86,325   

Bancor (BNT)                 147,997 

TenX (PAY)                                  158,216  

Tezos (XTZ)                                    198,672 

Polkadot (DOT)                     240,547 

Kin (KIN)                                      259,879 

Filecoin (FIL)                                     369,957  

Sirin Labs (SRN)                        382,920  

Orbs (ORBS)                           567,855 


In the case of the failed ICO’s, they were very quick to launch with very little thought and nothing underpinning their projects. However, in many cases, it resulted in a quick way to make a profit and then exit. Since then there has been more regulation, fewer projects and less capital raised as a result. 

Although ICOs are similar to an IPO, it’s important to note, it does not result in having an ownership stake in the company. ICOs essentially gamble with the idea that the currently worthless coin you pay for now will increase in value later and make you money. It is pure speculation and it has left many people devastated when these ICO’s and founders just disappear almost overnight as their promises just fade away into oblivion. Interestingly, 90% of the ICOs launched in 2017-18 have never produced anything. 

A fundamental issue with ICOs is the fact that most of them raise money pre-product. This makes the investment extremely speculative and risky.

The ICO has become nefarious and been scrutinized by governments, institutions and even the average person looking for new opportunities to invest in the hope of a more financially secure future. 

In Contrast To The ICO

The Incentivized Loan Program ™ (ILP) is a new way to finance projects by utilizing blockchain and has been created and utilized by Markethive, the first Social Market Network. It is an alternative crowdfunding means of raising funds, and it does bypass some of the issues that have slammed ICO’s credibility.

The ILP is essentially a loan and is regulatory friendly and in compliance with the UCC Code, in that, they can be compliant even with the most stringent regulatory frameworks around the world when it comes to fraud and money laundering. ILP holders also share in the success of the company and enjoy a form of a return via interest from the net profit of the company after the initial loan is reimbursed. 


Markethive Hits The Mark

It was just a matter of time and some forward-thinking for the Blockchain and crypto to be integrated into Inbound Marketing and Social Media. It’s not just for the benefit of supply chain industries or crypto traders anymore. Blockchain-based technologies can provide marketers, bloggers, commercial artists, in fact, anyone on social media or marketing platforms, with greater benefits for their products and services such as fairness and honesty, freedom, better cost control, heightened security, and privacy.

In Markethive’s case, the Incentivized Loan Program ™ is an effective way to engage individuals globally, who otherwise wouldn’t have the funds to participate, given that an IPO often asks for a hefty minimum dollar value. Markethive is the first to offer the Incentivized Loan Program ™ and will be one of the first companies to raise capital by decentralized crowdfunding of debt.

Markethive has been in Beta for the last 4 years ensuring all aspects of the company are in place with perfection. Although still in Beta many products and services are already in operation, earning revenue. These are a hybrid mixture of a full suite of inbound marketing tools and digital media sites with a dynamic integrated social network. The system is constantly being updated with portals and hubs and some are still to be added prior to Launch. 

Markethive has seen tremendous growth through its proprietary Incentivized Loan Program ™ and has raised over $500K and at the end of 2018 had 2,000 members, which is now approaching 25,000 members to date and growing every day. Markethive has built the technology, has the products and services and now requires funding to market.

Furthermore, at the end of 2018, Markethive was generating about $1,800 per month in revenue, and now approaching $10K in monthly recurring revenue. 4 more revenue streams have also been added. Markethive is increasing its revenue at a rate of approx. 30%-40% each month.

Markethive is currently in 187 countries and has an Alexa ranking of 16,357 as of this publication, from 50,000 at the end of 2018. This means Markethive is placed at No. 7 in the Crypto Media Sites category of approx 1250 sites. 

Notably, looking at the list of successful ICOs above, Markethive is placed at No. 2 in terms of Alexa Ranking., the website, is receiving 50,000 unique visitors a day and over 1Million page hits each day according to Cloudfare Statistics. With a total social reach of 40K followers and growing every day as well as a community reach of 45K+, by years end the projection is a reach of over 333 Million social media/internet users. 

It’s also worth noting Markethive’s Consumer Coin (MHV) has a current Marketcap of $18.7B as per 


The CEO and Co-Founder of Markethive, Thomas Prendergast said:

“I have every confidence that we have sitting in front of us the ability to reach 500 million subscribers in Markethive within a year. Our social networks have grown exponentially in the last few weeks now at 40,000 with functions in place to increase our followers into the multi-millions.”



Given that Markethive has survived the crypto winter, the demise of the ICO era and regulatory intervention and crackdowns, the future looks very bright. Markethive is solid and backed up by being 4 years in Beta. It has raised the funds and built the technology. Now requiring funding for the marketing of the system. It has the products and the underpinning technology needed to be the success and fulfill the vision as originally intended by Thomas Prendergast. 

Markethive’s growth and ever-improving Alexa Ranking, community involvement, the fact Markethive is a Social Network with continued interaction and engagement on the platform, becoming more prevalent each day moving forward. A social media platform with all the essential inbound marketing tools needed for growing a business, along with a cryptocurrency ecosystem to ensure universal income for its members. This company is not only poised for a successful launch of its system and Consumer Coin, but it is also set for long term growth and is the next generation of how we interact and conduct business online. 


ecosystem for entrepreneurs




Deb Williams
Market Manager for Markethive, a global Market Network, and Writer for the Crypto/Blockchain Industry. Also a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech.  I embrace "Change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 



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Ripple Says Final Guidance’ From UK Regulator Hands XRP Long-Awaited Regulatory Clarity

Ripple Says ‘Final Guidance’ From UK Regulator Hands XRP Long-Awaited Regulatory Clarity


Ripple’s global head of government relations says a “final guidance”

issued by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority is offering long-awaited regulatory clarity for XRP in the country.On July 31st the FCA published its final guidance defining which crypto asset activities it regulates. It lists XRP alongside Bitcoin and Ethereum, which have both been declared by the agency as exchange tokens – not securities.

“The FCA is therefore publishing the Final Guidance as consulted on with some amendments to provide greater clarity on what is and isn’t regulated. This includes making the important distinction as to which cryptoassets fall inside the regulatory perimeter clearer. Consumers should be mindful of the absence of certain regulatory protections when considering purchasing unregulated cryptoassets. Unregulated cryptoassets (e.g. Bitcoin, Ether, XRP etc.) are not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme and consumers do not have recourse to the Financial Ombudsman Service.”

Ripple’s Michelle Bond first brought the new document to light on Twitter.

“The FCA now lists XRP in the company of BTC and ETH, both of which were previously classified as exchange and/or utility tokens (and not a security token). This is exactly the kind of regulatory clarity the industry needs.” Ripple is battling a federal court case filed by a number of XRP investors who accuse the company of selling the digital asset as an unregistered security. he investors recently filed an amended complaint against the fintech company, claiming that the development of the XRP ledger and the success of XRP are dependent on Ripple’s efforts. Ripple has until September 19th to file its response.

Article Produced By
The Daily Hodl Staff


If Steemit and Medium Had a Baby: Publish0x Rewards Both Authors and Readers in Crypto

If Steemit and Medium Had a Baby: Publish0x Rewards Both Authors and Readers in Crypto

Publish0x, a crypto-agnostic blogging platform, has launched

with the intention to change the publishing industry by rewarding not just authors but also readers with crypto.

No ICO: Publish0x is Crypto-Agnostic

Publish0x didn’t conduct an ICO or raise funds, and it doesn’t have its own token. It is crypto-agnostic, and aims to integrate multiple tokens which can be used to send tips. The business model is to offer different projects the chance to sponsor the site and give out larger tips to all users.Although still in beta, there are over 1,000 users, tipping hundreds of times daily, and several coins have signed up to blog from the platform including Selfkey ($KEY), SpectreCoin ($XSPEC), Syscoin ($SYS), OneRoot ($RNT), Loopring ($LRC), Bounty0x ($BNTY), Banano ($BAN), Qubitica ($QBIT) and others.

Earn Crypto While Supporting the Project You Love

The biggest supporters form some of the best projects in the crypto space have already understood the powerful benefits Publish0x is offering. Hydrogen Project ($HYDRO) and Basic Attention Token ($BAT) supporters have written articles that raised awareness about their favorite projects, and have earned crypto while doing it!

Earn Crypto for Reading: How it Works

When you scroll to the bottom of any article on Publish0x, you will see a “tipper.” The reader chooses what percentage of the tip to keep to himself, and what percentage to give to the author. The minimum percentage of the tip that goes to the author is 20%. All of the tips are completely free to both author and reader. Unlike blockchain-based blogging platforms like Steemit and Minds, Publish0x is crypto-agnostic and doesn’t have its own token. Rather, it pays out in any number of ERC-20 compliant tokens that can be traded on different exchanges.

Article Produced By
Editorial Staff


How To Determine Actual Unique Visitors Via Alexa

How To Determine Actual Unique Visitors Via Alexa

What Is A Unique Visitor?

Unique visitors is a fundamental metric of web analytics that is traditionally used to measure the overall level of traffic to a site. Because it counts the number of unique people that visit a site in a given time, it gives a better sense of a site’s true audience size. That means unique visitors is an excellent tool for market share analysis and benchmarking to evaluate how a site can improve. It also demonstrates merit when securing potential advertisers and investors, as a representation of a site’s impressionable audience size. Finally, it’s a great indicator for determining sales leads. In all, unique visitors is a universal metric that rounds out the total competitive analytics suite.


How Is A Unique Visitor Determined?

In order to understand why Alexa ranking is important, you need to know how it is calculated in the first place. Alexa uses two metrics while deciding the ranking of a website – the number of page views and the number of unique visitors – over a period of three months. Page views refer to the number of times your website’s URL is viewed by users. 

Alexa calculates your website’s ranking based on the traffic received from a particular subset of users – those who have Alexa toolbar installed and those who have browser extensions and plug-ins installed. Each time a user visits your website, the toolbar, extension, or plug-in sends the information to the Alexa server, which records the user’s IP and the pages he or she visits. The information collected over a span of three months is then analyzed to determine your website’s ranking.


What's The Difference Between Unique Visitors And Visits?

Unique visitors refers to the number of distinct individuals requesting pages from the website during a given period, regardless of how often they visit. Visits refer to the number of times a site is visited, no matter how many visitors make up those visits.

Is Alexa Rank Important?

It is one of the factors that determine your Google page rank. Higher ranked websites are indexed by Google bots regularly, which makes search engine optimization easier. Alexa ranking is considered a relevant and important metric by many webmasters as well as users. It is not uncommon for users to take a look at your Alexa ranking and rating before deciding if your website is safe and trustworthy enough to buy from. 

 It serves as a valuable metric to indicate your website’s popularity. It also serves a comparative tool, as you can compare your website with that of your competitors and see how well you are doing in terms of traffic and popularity as it allows the user to view links to external, relevant websites

It is also one of the factors that advertisers consider to determine the marketing potential of your website. Websites with high Alexa ranking generally tend to be more profitable and attract more advertisers. It also helps to assess your website’s total monetary value.


What Is A good Alexa Rank?

With Alexa, the smaller the number, the more popular your website is. Websites that are relatively popular and get a decent amount of traffic regularly have an Alexa ranking of 50,000 to 100,000. If your website’s ranking is higher than 100,000, you need to optimize and market it better to bring it down as much as possible. If your ranking is lower than 50,000, it means your website attracts a large amount of traffic regularly.


How To Increase Alexa Rank Quickly?

Alexa Ranking has been in operation for over 2 decades now and is the best-known metric for ranking websites. This is the first thing I look at when I visit a site. Alexa tracks stats for everyone who has the Alexa toolbar installed on their browser. 


  • You can download Alexa toolbar from their website. It is one of the baby steps which needs to be taken to increase Alexa page rank. The Alexa toolbar works by sending data to the Alexa server for each website when someone visits. If you’re regularly visiting your blog you’ll instantly see your website go higher up in Alexa rankings

  • Embed the Alexa rank widget on your website and watch how people start clicking on it. Every time a click is registered, your website goes higher and higher in the rankings. The more visitors your website has, increases the number of hits it will get. 


How to install Alexa Widget – Copy below HTML code and paste your website. All you need to do is replace with your website domain name and put the complete code at the place on your blog where you want to show your Alexa widget.

<center><a href=""><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></a></center>

  • Publishing unique and quality content is a crucial part of retaining visitors on your blog. It’s not only important to get new visitors. Giving people a reason to come back and visit your website is what is going to give you a good boost in increasing Alexa rank. Also, share your content on Social Media. Just about everyone is active on the internet through social media. Also, submit to other sites such as Dig, Reddit, Delicious, Stumbleupon, and Tumbler, etc. 

  • Build more Backlinks to your site. At Markethive, there is a Backlinking tool with which you can very easily increase Alexa ranking. When a webpage links to any other page, it’s called a backlink. Backlinks are a major metric for the ranking of a webpage. A page with a lot of backlinks tends to rank higher on all major search engines.



  • Build Backlinking through guest posts. Guest posts create more backlinks which will in turn work as an Alexa rank booster. The one non-negotiable thing you should have for guest-posting is this. The host blogger must include a link to your blog in the post somewhere (usually at the beginning or end). Over time, these backlinks will raise the value of your blog to search engines, making your content easier to find via Google, Yahoo, Bing, and others.


It is good practice to know why Alexa ranking is important, how to determine unique visitors and why your website needs it. The tips above will ultimately help you to achieve a lower Alexa ranking to your website. Start by downloading the toolbar, find out your ranking, and display it on your home page proudly.


ecosystem for entrepreneurs



Deb Williams
Market Manager for Markethive, a global Market Network, and Writer for the Crypto/Blockchain Industry. Also a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech.  I embrace "Change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 




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MarketHive an Amazing Opportunity To Earn Money

MarketHive an Amazing Opportunity To Earn Money

Markethive was born out of Veretekk, one of the few businesses where I have made money online by Introducing others. You do not need to have business yourself but can use the business tools and share them with others.

So how do you earn money, the answer is simple by using the system for an hour or so every day, you can earn MHV, as an Entrepreneur (free members need to introduce 3 others membersbefore the faucet earning are switched on)

At the moment everyone who joins earn 500MHV and the mentor who introduces them earns a matching bonus of 500 MHV.

It is money for nothing and the first question free members ask is how can I withdraw the coins, so they can cut and run. The answer at the moment is you need to wait until the Markethive Exchange is completed.

Once the exchange is completed coins will be able to be brought and sold and also used to fund upgrades and pay for addition tools and services.

So rather than do nothing whilst you wait why not follow the tutorial system and find out amongst other thing how to earn additional coins.

Here is a Tutorial to guide you in setting up your profile

There is a link to more videos on your home page.

Now if you have your own business, you will find that by upgrading to Entrepreneur will actually cost you nothing because at the end of 12 months your $100 monthly subscription will provide you with 10% share of an ILP worth around $1,500. The ILP will provide you with a share of the Markethive profits for life.

Markethive has unbeatable tools for Entrepreneurs, such as free banner advertising and press releases which are worth hundreds if not thousands of dollars a month.


David Ogden

Markethive Entrepreneur



Binance Says KYC Data Leak Fake’ but Is Investigating Blackmail Demand Source

Binance Says KYC Data Leak ‘Fake’, but Is Investigating Blackmail Demand Source


Digital asset exchange Binance has spoken out about a so-called “leak”

of its know-your-customer (KYC) data, posted earlier today in a Telegram group. In a statement, the company said the information posted was from February 2018, and hinted a bad actor had been blackmailing the company and demanding a 300 BTC ransom to withhold 10,000 registered user photos.

Telegram Channel Posts Binance User Data, Gets Taken Down

The information reportedly appeared in a Telegram channel called “kycisimportant”. On Twitter, Binance encouraged people to report the group and at press time, it is no longer accessible. Binance Global PR representative Leah Li told Bitsonline the Telegram team had taken down the group after multiple reports. Telegram regularly removes channels and users that attract complaints of spam, harassment, or other wrongdoing.

CEO Changpeng “CZ” Zhao called reports of the leak “FUD” (which generally means “untrue”) and “old news”, Binance’s online statement referred to a “false KYC leak”. Binance is offering a bounty of 25 BTC to anyone who can offer useful information in tracking down the blackmailer — which suggests the data did in fact contain real customer information.

Leaked Data ‘Bears Similarity’ to Binance User Info

In a company blog post explaining the situation, Binance said the posts on Telegram “bear similarity to Binance KYC data”. The company added there “are inconsistencies when comparing this data to the data in our system” as they did not bear the digital watermark it imprints on the customer data it keeps. However, the statement also noted Binance’s security team was investigating the incident with law enforcement agencies, and the third-party vendor it had contracted in 2018. Reports of a leaked KYC data haul from Binance and fellow exchange Kraken had circulated as far back as January 2019. A hacker had previously contacted the company with demands for 300 BTC to keep the information private, but had been unable to prove the data they held was genuine.

It also noted that it had previously hired a third-party vendor to provide KYC verification services in February 2018, to handle the high volume of applications it had received. At the time, Binance had become wildly popular and many users had been unable to sign up for new accounts. There were reports of potential users offering money to those already signed up to transfer their accounts, as eager investors queued to gain access to the broad range of cryptocurrencies and ICO tokens Binance was trading.

What Is KYC Data and Why Is it Vulnerable?

KYC data collection is an international legal requirement for all banks and online exchanges to prevent money laundering, tax evasion and other financial crimes. Typically, it involves name and current address information, and a recognized photo identity document such as a passport or driver’s license. Many exchanges often require additional ID in the form of a selfie showing the user holding the document, to prevent anyone signing up with someone else’s information.

The requirement for so many companies to hold this data is often criticized, given the tendency of organizations both large and small to suffer breaches. Companies storing this data find themselves constantly under attack, as identity documents coupled with financial information like credit cards and bank account numbers can be lucrative for data thieves. This data is particularly vulnerable for that reason, and the fact that even organizations with (supposedly) rock solid storage security are still vulnerable to leaks via third-party contractors or inside sources — both past and present.

Large, well-known corporations such as Target, Equifax and (more recently) Capital One have all experienced massive customer data breaches in past years. The hacks exposed the personal data of millions of mainly American customers, most of which likely ended up for sale on darknet markets and led to large-scale identity theft. Some have proposed blockchain-based systems for an internationally-recognized KYC and identity network, where data is encrypted and owners retain the private keys to this information. However there’s still the problem of who could access this data and how, with governments and companies always looking for faster and more convenient (for them) access to information about people’s lives and economic habits.

Article Produced By
Jon Southurst

Jon Southurst is a Senior Editor at Bitsonline. He is based mainly in Tokyo, and is interested in the roles Asian economies play in developing cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.
