Visa is Entering The Crypto Space invests Heavily in Custodial Services

Visa is Entering The Crypto Space, invests Heavily in Custodial Services



As the crypto revolution has moved forward,

the major credit card companies have maintained a curiously low-key approach to its evolution. Now, Visa appears ready to enter the space, having recently made significant investments in blockchain startups, and revealing plans to offer financial services that utilize the technology. These moves are a clear sign that the world’s largest payment network has accepted the fact that cryptocurrencies are now a permanent element of the global financial landscape. Visa has not entirely ignored the evolution of cryptocurrencies. It has followed their development closely, and has filed for a number of blockchain-related patents. However, it is no secret that it, along with other payment processors, do not support their use. Most notably, purchasing cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin, with Visa cards is restricted in much of the world, and classified as “high risk” where permitted. Also, the company has been reluctant to work with exchanges and wallets to create crypto-linked debit cards, although in a few instances such cards have been issued.

Now, Visa may be changing its position. It has just announced a $40 million investment in Anchorage, a blockchain startup specializing in crypto custody. Anchorage intends to create custody solutions that go beyond mere cold storage, but also give clients greater flexibility in how their funds are managed. Perhaps Visa intends to play a role in this process. Earlier this year Visa also announced the launch of B2B Connect, a blockchain-based international payment service. Similar to Ripple’s xRapid or IBM’s Stellar-based Blockchain World Wire, B2B Connect will facilitate cross border fiat transfers, focusing on business clients. Rather than use a public blockchain, Visa’s service will utilize Hyperledger Fabric. Visa is known to be collaborating with IBM on the platform, which is curious given Big Blue’s own foray into this sector.

The extent to which Visa can succeed with these new ventures is subject to debate. Critics have long asserted that custody solutions are an unnecessary and costly service that offer little extra security to the task of storing cryptocurrency. Also, the long-term viability of fiat transfer services has long-been questioned by crypto purists, as mass adoption may render fiat obsolete. Nevertheless, Visa brings a level of unquestioned experience and trust to these emerging business applications that could make all the difference in the eyes of a skeptical public. There is thus the very real fact that Visa’s entry into the crypto space is adding a degree of legitimacy to the reputation of blockchain assets. Regardless of whether or not it succeeds with its current plans, Visa’s move is one more indication that traditional financial institutions are taking distributed ledger technology seriously.

Most notably, Visa executives clearly understand the threat cryptocurrency poses to their core business model of facilitating electronic debit and credit card payments. Soon crypto options will be available on virtually every point-of-sale terminal on the globe. Merchants will encourage their use to avoid paying Visa’s costly transaction fees. Although Visa has yet to create a clear response to this challenge, perhaps these new offerings indicate that the company understands that it must find new revenue sources if it expects to survive long-term.

Article Produced By
Trevor Smith


Writing well – What is the secret?

What is the secret to writing well?

I think it is really one word, practice, practice, practice.

You can have a vast vocabulary.  You can have near perfect command of your prose, perfect grammar, and syntax, but if you don't write often, you will not develop into a good writer.

That is one reason why blogging is such a great activity.

Content creation for a blog is simple. You can write about whatever you like.  You can be serious, ironic, whimsical, humorous, or anything that suits your mood or personality.  As long as you write and are true to yourself, there is someone out there who will take interest.  Having stated this, there are a few things you should pay close attention to when you write that will save you either headaches or embarrasment.

1) Write sincerely.  Do not pretend to be someone you are not.  It is amzaing how quickly a phony writer can be spotted.

 2) Use a grammar checker.  I prefer Grammarly.  It checks not only grammar but other writing faux pas as well, such as overuse of commas, (my personal weakness), syntax, spelling, wordiness, style, punctuation, and even plagiarism.

3) Remember most writing mistakes are due to carelessness, so don't be offended by grammar checkers, they are there to help you express yourself more effectively and keep you from looking foolish due to careless mistakes.

4) Take a break from writing and come back later to review what you have written. It is surprising how a fresh look can make a big difference in how you write.  Remember there are many ways to express the same thought.  You are just looking for the most effective way to accomplish this.

5) Don't try to impress with big words.  Use vocabulary that you understand well that falls within your comfort zone. (Notice I did not say vocabulary you are comfortable with. – so I did not end the sentence with a proposition).

6) Use synonyms.  Try not to repeat the same word twice.  Google is always available to help you with this.

7) If you are writing professionally, or for clients, you may want to hire a writing coach to review your work.  This can be a great learning experience.  I recommend editors at  The price is not the cheapest out there, but the quality of their editorial work is outstanding.  If you want to hire a writer, I recommend

Remember that anyone can write, but it takes a great deal of practice and some effort to write well.

Best of success in all your endeavors.

John Lombaerde


Blockchain and Data Privacy – An New Era Of Sovereignty

Blockchain and Data Privacy – An New Era Of Sovereignty

The internet has been with us and evolving for over two decades now. Over that time we have seen major developments, new ways to market, shop, and communicate with the world at large. Social Media has hit its peak and taken over our daily lives in many cases and never before have people had so much information about their personal lives online. There has always been an element of trust with these tech giants when using their platforms and perhaps 10 years ago we felt safe albeit naively entrusting our personal information and data but today it’s a very different story. 

Data privacy has become a real issue and despite some efforts and assurances from companies we surrender our data to, breaches of privacy are happening and in some cases the order of business. Nefarious internet hacking breaking through companies security systems is one example. The other more blatant issue is negligence or literally selling our data to third parties for the purpose of online marketing and profit. We, our data and personal information is a lucrative commodity and there are very real situations and scenarios where it can be used against us. The misuse of our data is all too prevalent and the sharing of personal data is irresponsible as in the case of the  Facebook and Cambridge Analytica. scandal. That leaves us extremely vulnerable and people worldwide have their privacy violated in very personal ways. 

The bottom line is corporations seek to make a profit. Facebook generates the majority of its revenue from advertising so the data of its users is imperative to their end goal. Greater profit for the shareholders and the users get zilch as well as being thrown under the bus. There must be a better way. 

Being online in one way or another has become a way of life so the need for privacy is greater than ever. Fact is, corporations cannot be trusted so the better alternative we have on our doorstep is one of decentralization and transparency. This gives the power back to the users. 


The Blockchain Era Is Here 

Blockchain Technology is a versatile and very efficient solution for personal data security. Being decentralized and transparent it allows users to fully control their data and how it’s transferred and used. It gives them the power to choose who sees their information and how much of it can be accessed. It also gives the user control over the monetization of their data. It eliminates your personal data being sold without your knowledge. In this era of Big Data, Blockchain will restore our personal privacy.

There are some companies now built on the blockchain that is offering a personal data ecosystem, where users can share and sell their data as they see fit. IBM is developing a Trusted Identity Solution. The Tide Foundation has developed a decentralized system for safe storage, sharing and trading of personal data by giving users control over encrypted personal data. The Secure Key service uses Blockchain to store your passport data. These are just a few that are utilizing decentralized technology for the betterment of society. 


But What About Social Media? 

There have been attempts by some startups to introduce a social media-type platform. They are typically blogging platforms on a mission to give people a voice or freedom of speech with some sort of remuneration for their efforts. However, in the recent past, there have been some instances where censorship was an issue resulting in the termination of some accounts. And then there are others not on Blockchain but purporting freedom of speech and privacy albeit in a centralized environment. That’s all well and good, but we are again needing to apportion an element of trust where they are concerned. 


And Then There Is Markethive 

CEO and Founder of Markethive, Thomas Prendergast had the vision and is very aware of the destructive nature of the tech giants and what it has become. Markethive has made use of the new technology, blockchain, and cryptocurrency. However, it is a lot more than just a Social Media platform. Markethive has been around as an Inbound Marketing Platform for over 20 years, with the last 4 years in beta constructing and implementing a plethora of vertical hubs and portals all under one umbrella. This is called a Market Network as first recognized in 2015 by TechCrunch

Markethive is the complete ecosystem for Entrepreneurs and is fundamentally a Social Network and an automated Inbound Marketing platform. This premier hybrid social network includes news feeds, blogging platforms, video channels, chat channels, groups, image sharing, link hubs, resume, profile page and peer to peer commerce. But more than a typical social media, Markethive has also delivered  “Inbound Marketing tools” like broadcasting, capture pages, lead funnels, autoresponders, self-replicating group tools, traffic analytics, CMS and more.



Markethive has also included additional platforms for Commerce and a Digital Media site, offering Press releases and Sponsored Articles to its members. So it’s a social network, an Inbound Marketing platform and a comprehensive commerce platform for conducting business, one being a for-hire service called BeeLancers and the other for modern-day transactions called Markethive.Exchange, plus a news media site. The commerce portals and news site products and services are currently in development and will be launching soon. 


Thomas Prendergast recently announced,

“I am confident to report that I believe the MHV coin and our blockchain platform is leading edge. We are the new Market Network that replaces the old school Social Networks. All of them, not just the Facebook traditional ones, but the newer ones that claim to be on blockchain but only deliver a social network with marginal tools like found at Minds, Steemit, etc. We have the distinct advantage of being way ahead of the herd on this one. With that said, when Bitcoin hits $100,000, MHV coin will stabilize on or about $5 to $20 per coin."

Blockchain and cryptocurrency is the future and Markethive has got it right on all counts as a true blockchain foundation sharing the wealth of this complete ecosystem. The difference is MHV will not just be an internal commodity like some platforms purporting to be on the Blockchain. And for the others? It's way too late to even consider integrating the blockchain. Just watch Markethive evolve. 



Focus And Mission

Markethive’s focus is upon providing a user-friendly and rewarding solution to the individual by integrating them into a social network of like-minded people which nurtures a true collaborative business community. 

Their mission and objectives are to pioneer “Universal Income” worldwide for all individuals (skilled or unskilled) where they receive monetary rewards, providing an avenue to create business success and goal achievement.

Markethive is a decentralized, autonomous, fluid environment which includes manifestations of intellectual achievements, social habits, innovation, music, literature, technology, commerce, and the arts. A central “hub” on a decentralized foundation using blockchain technology, is designed to encourage “reciprocal interchange” of ideas, knowledge or skills as well as providing for exchange, sales or purchases of goods, services, and commodities. It is already being predicted that Markethive will soon be the gold standard to which others will compare. 



Blockchain Technology is essential to bring true privacy compliance to the internet. This is not only more convenient, but it is also a necessity and an excellent solution to what we are seeing now of mass data violations. So now it’s not just about protecting or monetizing the data that only you control. It’s about delivering a platform where users can have the privacy, autonomy, and freedom to be themselves socially along with an entrepreneurial environment where the possibilities are endless and real success is achievable on every level.   

This futuristic model is a meritocracy and is here now and fully prepared for the future, truly representing a prime example of the next generation which is the Market Network. Markethive is a decentralized platform. Banning, shadow banning and termination of accounts is a thing of the past. No longer will you lose your livelihood and branding because of some autocratic centralized agenda-driven monopoly. 

We are entering into an era of Sovereignty and Markethive has the road map and is the blueprint of where things are headed. 


ecosystem for entrepreneurs




Deb Williams

Market Manager for Markethive, a global Market Network, and Writer for the Crypto/Blockchain Industry. Also a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech.  I embrace "Change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 




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Inbound Marketing Is Content Marketing – Now On Blockchain At Markethive

Inbound Marketing Is Content Marketing – Now On Blockchain At Markethive

Useful content should be at the core of your marketing. Content is the core of Inbound Marketing

Gone are the days where content means the blog posts your company writes. Instead, content marketing now includes a diverse set of content types and multiple channels to push them through. Chances are that if you’re already using social media, then you are doing content marketing to some extent.

Content marketing is accelerating at a blistering pace. By the year 2020, roughly 1.7 MB of new content will be created every second… for every living person on earth.

It’s easy to hear statistics like that and feel a sense of overwhelm – to feel like there’s no way to make your brand stand out from the crowd. But there is and I am going to show you how with this article.



What is content marketing?

To begin with, content marketing is taking any type of content (digital or physical) and purposefully sending it out to your audience.

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

Instead of pitching your products or services, you are providing truly relevant and useful content to your prospects and customers to help them solve their issues.

Content marketing is used by leading brands. Research shows the vast majority of marketers are using content marketing. In fact, it is used by many prominent organizations in the world, including P&G, Microsoft, Cisco Systems, and John Deere. It’s also developed and executed by small businesses and one-person shops around the globe. Why? Because it works.


Content marketing aka “Inbound Marketing” is good for your bottom line — and your customers

Here are some key reasons and benefits for entrepreneurs and companies that use content marketing:

  • More awareness

  • Increased sales

  • Cost savings

  • Better, more loyal customers

  • Greater branding and online presence


Content is the present – and future – of inbound marketing

Go back and read the content marketing definition one more time, but this time remove the “relevant” and “valuable”. That’s the difference between content marketing and the other informational garbage you get from companies trying to sell you “stuff.” 

Companies send us information all the time – it’s just that most of the time it’s not very relevant or valuable (can you say spam?). That’s what makes content marketing so intriguing in today’s environment of thousands of marketing messages per person per day.


Marketing is impossible without great content

Regardless of what type of marketing tactics you use, inbound marketing “content” should be part of your process, not something separate. Quality content is part of all forms of marketing:

  • Social media marketing: Content marketing strategy comes before your social media strategy.

  • SEO: Search engines reward businesses that publish quality, consistent content.

  • PR: Successful PR strategies address issues readers care about, not their business.

  • PPC: For PPC to work, you need great content behind it.

  • Inbound marketing: Content is key to driving inbound traffic and leads.

  • Content strategy: Content strategy is part of most content marketing strategies.


What if your customers look forward to receiving your marketing? What if when they received it, via print, email, website, they spent 15, 30, 45 minutes with it? What if they anticipated it and shared it with their peers?



Markethive Blogging Platform

Markethive Blogging platforms broadcast out to huge portfolios of social networks, news sites, forums, and WordPress blogs.  Markethive blogs get easily indexed into the search engines, are subscribable by other Markethive members and subscription allows remote posting to their selection of social networks like Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin.  A content-rich blogging system with a reach into the millions across multiple social media and blogging platforms.

With Inbound Marketing, potential customers find you through channels like blogs, search engines, and social media which is exactly what you get and a whole lot more powerful tools, tutorials, mentoring, all integrated into a social network with selling platforms and exchanges. 


Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Benefits 

Additional benefits include receiving MHV Coin by your readers which adds more value to bloggers who have increased subscriber levels. You are paid by Markethive, the system, for writing and publishing your blogs instantly and continuously. All part of the micropayment faucet system within Markethive thanks to Blockchain Technology. 

To be effective at inbound marketing (content marketing), it is essential to have an automated marketing system that embraces and enhances your marketing strategy. 

The best part is that it is free with Markethive. The Markethive Inbound Marketing System can be compared with other platforms costing as much as $2,500 per month. 



Join Markethive to learn what questions to ask and how to develop your strategy, where we deliver printed, video and live educational seminars to get you acclimated and up to speed.


ecosystem for entrepreneurs



Deb Williams

Market Manager for Markethive, a global Market Network, and Writer for the Crypto/Blockchain Industry. Also a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech.  I embrace "Change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 




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How easy is it to make friends here in Markethive?

Fact or fiction, most members in Markethive do not post to the newsfeed?  I think we can agree that most members join Markethive and aside from loading a picture and adding brief information to their profile page, may rarely if ever post to the Newsfeed.  

What does this mean for the Marekthive members who are active?  It means when an announcement appears in the Newsfeed, it may be your one unique chance to request a friend from that person, and you may not get another chance.  

Of course, you get paid a small amount of Markethive coin for each friend that you invite.  You need to login to Markethive every day in order to make friends on a regular basis.  This activity alone will probably keep you at least as a DO BEE. If you add commenting on a regular basis, you my easily achive the level of WORKER BEE.  If you write posts on a regular basis, you may achieve the BUSINESS BEE level.  Depending on the frequency of all of these activities you may actually propel yourself into the ROYAL BEE catagory where there will likely be some substantial rewards.

I know well the value of the size of any social network.  With effort over a 3 year period, I have managed to accumulate over 13,000 1st level connections on LinkedIn.  Most of the members I have brought to Markethive have come from my LinkedIn connections.  These new members in Markethive has brought me several hundred thousand Markethive coins.  Remember, every new member you bring into Markethive rewards you with 500 Markethive coins as an entrepreneur.

I am not very active on LinkedIn anymore.  My activities have taken me in another direction, but I am still gaining 1st level connections on a daily basis due to the size of my LinkedIn netowork alone.  I state the number of connections I have on my profile title, and many people want to connect to me for that reason.  My LinkedIn network is expanding now on it's own.  I only have to accept connection requests with a click of the mouse on a weekly basis which only takes minutes.  

LinkedIn limits the size of your network to 30,000 1st level connections, so I am less than halfway to maxing out my number of connections on LinkedIn.

Facebook limits you to 5,000 friends.  I am close to that limit now.

Twitter limits your followers depending on number of people who follow you.  There is a certain ratio there.  I do not know exactly what that ratio is.

Instagram will not allow any account to follow more than 7500 users. Once you reach that limit, you will not be able to follow anyone else. 

Tumblr will not let you follow more than 5,000 blogs.  After that you will have to delete a blog if you want to follow another. 

Most social networks impose restrictions on the number of people you can connect with. I do not understand this at all.

How about Markethive?  There are no system restrictions to the number of friends or associates you can have.  That fact alone should be enough to make you want to participate here in Markethive

This is one more example of how Markethive is the social network for entrepreneurs.

I hope this fact inspires you to be active here on Markethive.  Remember, in addition, Markethive is the only social network that pays you for every one of your efforts on the network.  In time, these small accumulated efforts alone will be worth a small fortune.

Best of success to you in all your endeavors!


John Lombaerde

Founding member of Markethive



The Importance Of The Markethive Link Hub And Tracking

The Importance Of The Markethive Link Hub And Tracking

The Markethive Link Hub is built into the Profile page to enhance and assist in your primary SEO goals. Connected via your Backlink Management system, you have the options to include as many of your backlinks to be displayed via your Profile Link Hub. Optionally included in this Link Hub, are your Word Press blogs, social accounts, and the literally 1000s of other forums, accounts, bookmarks, and miscellaneous systems available throughout the Internet. 


What is SEO?

SEO is short for “search engine optimization”. Search engine optimization is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the number of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (SERP) — including GoogleBingYahoo, and other search engines.

SEO involves a range of tactics which may include blogging, backlinks, changes to your website copy, improving how quickly your website loads and changing how certain things on your website are labeled. When done well, it’s a long term strategy that can drive people to your website without the use of paid advertising.

Search engine optimization is important because users trust search engines and having a presence in the top positions for the keywords the user is searching, increases the web site's trust. SEO is good for the social promotion of your web site.

Top keywords are:

  • markethive

  • markethive blockchain

  • markethive sign up

  • markethive blockchain news

  • markethive coin

It’s recommended you only put a maximum of 3 keywords in each of your blogs or posts. 



How SEO works:

There are many factors that help a search engine determine what goes on Page One of the search results. A couple of very important factors include:


Backlinks are what gives your website authority. The more high-quality websites that link back to your website, the higher you will rank in search engines. For example, if your business is featured in or yahoo.comand the article includes a link to your website, Google sees this as a backlink and uses it as a ranking factor for your website. Backlinks are a major metric for the ranking of a webpage. A page with a lot of backlinks tends to rank higher on all major search engines. With Markethive’s Backlink Management System, you can be assured this will help towards your goal increasing your presence online.  

NOTE: If a link displays a red cross instead of a tick, it is still working as intended. It means the site has a no-follow link. No-followed links are not a direct impact, but potentially a very powerful, indirect way to get lots of good links and lots of good SEO value. They open up opportunities for you to gain follow links. 

So don’t discount No-follow links. The benefits are twofold. They provide more of a variety in your link profile and Google loves that.  Also, whether it’s found in an insightful tweet, expert advice on Quora or an in-depth blog comment, a No-follow link can make a difference. There’s always someone out there looking for a resource-loaded site to link to.



High-quality content whether it be articles, videos and product pages that answer a person's search queries can help your website appear higher in search engines. Publishing unique and quality content is a crucial part of retaining visitors on your blog. It’s not only important to get new visitors. Giving people a reason to come back and visit your website is what is going to give you a good boost in increasing Alexa rank and SEO. Share your content on Social Media. Just about everyone is active on the internet through social media. Also, submit to other sites such as Dig, Reddit, Delicious, Stumbleupon, and Tumbler, etc. Markethive accommodates this sharing facility which will achieve a reach into the millions.   


The Backlink Tracking System At Markethive

Backlinks are an important component to achieving and maintaining optimal SEO results. Establishing good backlinks on authority sites can require a committed ongoing effort. But once you successfully do so, it's just as important to monitor that website to confirm your link remains active.
The Backlink Tracking system allows you to organize and catalog each new link account and categorize them according to your marketing campaigns, or country or type of site (social network,  and Target Sites they are associated with. Staying organized is the first step to properly managing your backlink portfolio.
But the system goes one step further and will actually monitor each of your backlinks for you! Each day it will verify that your link still exists and if not, will notify you so you can take corrective action. This cuts down the time normally required to manually verify your links to ensure each one is active.


Track It All Through Markethive’s Tracking System

Every aspect of Markethive tracks your incoming tracking and reports. This tracking is built into your Profile page, your blogs, your capture pages, your WP plugins, giving you virtual full data on all your assets. From the daily activity report, Geographic map of connections, Device type, Bounce rate, referrers, Keywords, and Social Networks traffic.



Asset Map 

Internet assets can be considered to be your social networks, forum posts, WordPress blogs, capture pages, websites, social bookmarks, etc. SEO utilizes these and their backlinks. Proper backlinking optimizes your results. The asset map allows you to visualize your backlinking layers and structures for your SEO strategies and campaigns.

This tool along with the Backlinking tool is invaluable in a sophisticated SEO campaign.



Markethive Seeing Rapid Growth

  • Given Markethive’s social and collaborative nature, gamification and rewards in MHV coin, the content-rich platform created and published by users, along with personalization have seen exponential and rapid growth to date…
  • Markethive has been in BETA for 4 years and at the end of 2018 had 2,000 members, to date we are approaching 20,000 members.
  • At the end of 2018, Markethive was generating about $1,800 per month in revenue, to date we are approaching $10K in monthly recurring revenue.  We also have added 4 more revenue streams. We are increasing our revenue at a rate of approx. 30%-40% each month.
  • Per and, Markethive has members in 187 countries. 
  • Per domain’s raw worth is $1.98M up from 950K at the end of 2018.
  • Per Markethive’s consumer coin has a market cap of $18.7B.
  • Per Alexa rating, we have risen to 7th in the category of Blockchain Media sites with an Alexa rating of 18,600, up from 50,000 at the end of 2018.
  • According to Cloudflare statistics, is receiving 50,000 unique visitors a day and over 1M page hits each day.



Markethive is a decentralized, autonomous, fluid environment which includes manifestations of intellectual achievements, social habits, innovation, music, literature, technology, commerce, and the arts. A central “hub” built using blockchain technology, is designed to encourage “reciprocal interchange” of ideas, knowledge or skills as well as providing for exchange, sales or purchases of goods, services, and commodities. 

With a history of over 20 years in Inbound Marketing, including SaaS, CRM, and CMS, Markethive does have the edge and is on track to bring proven products and services to a much needy market. It is essentially the process of attracting prospects via content creation, creating brand awareness and integrity leading to a healthy relationship with the customer.

This futuristic model is here now and fully prepared for the future, truly representing a prime example of the next generation = Market Networks. Markethive has the road map and is the blueprint of where things are headed.

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Deb Williams

Market Manager for Markethive, a global Market Network, and Writer for the Crypto/Blockchain Industry. Also a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech.  I embrace "Change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 




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The blessings upon Markethive are many – UPDATED

The blessings upon Markethive are many.

We own the international trademarks on the name Markethive in nearly all the classes.
See for yourself

We own all Top Level Domains for the Trademark Markethive

  11. And another 30+ Markethive.TLD

We own all top Social Network accounts with the trademark Markethive

Please subscribe to all of them as we move forward to achive media content status.
We will be rewarding thos who subscribe when we launch our bounty program.

  1. TWITTER: – 10,400+ Followers
  2. REDDIT: –  1,700+ Followers
  3. TELEGRAM: – 5,300 Followers
  4. INSTAGRAM: –  6,300 Followers
  5. YOUTUBE: – 291 Subscribers – 50,000+ views
  6. LINKEDIN: – 830 Followers
  7. PINTEREST: – 1300 Followers
  8. FACEBOOK: – 7800+ Followers 
  9. MEDIUM: – 550 Followers
  10. TUMBLER:  
  11. MYSPACE:  
  13. BITCOINTALK: Markethive Social Market Network Platfor
A total reach of 36K and growing every day, add that to our community reach of 45K+, then by the end of the year we project a reach of over 333 Million social media users.

We have 1000s of positive articles about Markethive on the Internet. Just search “Markethive” for yourself

  1. DAILYHODL: Five Steps To Startup
  2. ZYCRYPTO: Markethive Coin Now Listed
  3. MARKETWATCH: Markethive Makes Bold Move
  4. CRYPTO.BI: Blockchain Based Market Network
  5. IDEALS.NEWS: The Race To Replace Facebook

There are 1000s of references, articles and mentions on the Internet. Do your own research and see for yourself.

Markethive’s Alexa Ranking is in the top 7 in a comparison listing of the 400 other Crypto media sites;

  1. COINMARKETCAP.COM: Alexa Rank of 349

  2. COINTELEGRAPH.COM: Alexa Rank of 3,082

  3. COINDESK.COM: Alexa Rank of 4,545

  4. CRYPTOCOMPARE.COM: Alexa Rank of 8,010

  5. CCN.COM: Alexa Rank of 8,646

  6. NEWS.BITCOIN.COM: Alexa: 9,318

  7. MARKETHIVE.COM: Alexa Rank of 18,650

  8. COINTRAFFIC.IO: Alexa Rank  19,048

  9. AMBCRYPTO.COM: Alexa Rank of 19,613

  10. NEWSBTC.COM: Alexa Rank of 19,791

We just broke the 20,000 members threshold
(we are now about to pass 25,000)

We have achieved our milestones in our white paper to date.

Markethive is going to the moon, and you are invited.

How can you help? Let me list the ways:

1. Install the Alexa browser extension (it is free)

2. Log in daily to Markethive and learn the system. HINT: Tutorials

3. Log into the system, navigate to Refferals and tell your friends to sign up ( we reward you generously for this action)

4. Upgrade to Entrepreneur. We regard this as a loan and pay you back with interest.
Find out more

5. Invest in the ILP program.
Find out more

**Hypothecyically; when we are close to our tipping point in our "Refer 3 program", assuming only 10% of our 15,000+ member referring, we will reach 800 MILLION members in 12 months.  Also, assuming only 1% upgrade to Entreprenuer thats $800,000.000.00 MILLION per month in revenue (thas just one of our revenue streams).   One of the additional features of holding an ILP is you share in 20% of Markethive's NET revenue, image the possibilities.**

6. Come to our Sunday Webinars at 11am (central) See the calendar

Thomas Prendergast
CEO and Founder

PS. Here are some more highlights;

  1. Proven Executive Team that has taken the first version of Markethive (Veratek, Inc) to over $50M in revenue per year.

  2. Through Markethive’s proprietary Incentive Loan Program, we have raised over $500K.

  3. Markethive has been in BETA for 4 years and at the end of 2018 had 2,000 members, to date we are approaching 250,000 members.

  4. At the end of 2018 Markethive was generating about $1,800 per month in revenue, to date we are approaching $10K in monthly recurring revenue.  We also have added 4 more revenue streams. We are increasing our revenue at a rate of approx. 30%-40% each month.

  5. Per and, Markethive has members in 187 countries. 

  6. Per domain’s raw worth is $1.98M up from 950K at the end of 2018.

  7. Per Markethive’s consumer coin has a market cap of $18.7B.

  8. Per Alexa rating we have risen to 7th in the category of Blockchain Media sites with an alexa rating of 18,600, up from 50,000 at the end of 2018.

  9. According to Cloudflare statistics, is receiving 50,000 unique visitors a day and over 1M page hits each day.

**Certain information set forth in this blog contains “forward-looking information”, including “future oriented financial information” and “financial outlook”, under applicable securities laws (collectively referred to herein as forward-looking statements). Except for statements of historical fact, information contained herein constitutes forward-looking statements and includes, but is not limited to, the (i) projected financial performance of the Company; (ii) completion of, and the use of proceeds from, the sale of the shares being offered hereunder; (iii) the expected development of the Company’s business, projects and joint ventures; (iv) execution of the Company’s vision and growth strategy, including with respect to future M&A activity and global growth; (v) sources and availability of third-party financing for the Company’s projects; (vi) completion of the Company’s projects that are currently underway, in development or otherwise under consideration; (vi) renewal of the Company’s current customer, supplier and other material agreements; and (vii) future liquidity, working capital, and capital requirements. Forward-looking statements are provided to allow potential investors the opportunity to understand management’s beliefs and opinions in respect of the future so that they may use such beliefs and opinions as one factor in evaluating an investment.

These statements are not guarantees of future performance and undue reliance should not be placed on them. Such forward-looking statements necessarily involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual performance and financial results in future periods to differ materially from any projections of future performance or result expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.

Although forward-looking statements contained in this presentation are based upon what management of the Company believes are reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management’s estimates or opinions should change except as required by applicable securities laws. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


Crypto Payment Startup HUPAYX to tap into Four Hundred Thousand Stores in S Korea

            Crypto Payment Startup HUPAYX to tap into      Four Hundred Thousand Stores in S. Korea


The South Korean based payment platform HUPAYX

Bitcoin Press Release: The South Korean based payment platform HUPAYX specializing in real-time crypto payments is gaining much interest by partnering with various high profile domestic companies and creating its own Alliance Group, whilst tapping into 400,000 stores in S. Korea. 2nd August, 2019, Seoul, South Korea – The goal of The Human Plus team, the makers of HUPAYX, is creating a new global paradigm in blockchcain based everyday economy together with its alliance partners. One of the recent and most significant partnerships was made with KIS Information Communications, second largest VAN and merchant terminal company with over 2 million payment service app users.

KIS is a subsidiary of NICE Group, which has 28 years of financial infrastructure in Korea. The company is expanding its services at home and abroad on the basis of credit information, financial services and manufacturing business. KIS introduced an electronic signature system through continuous technological innovation and created the first of its kind cash receipt system. It is seeking to expand and diversify its business based on various infrastructures in the domestic market. Through this exclusive business agreement HUPAYX payment solution is to be implemented at 420,000 locations in the Seoul area alone. The scope of the project ranges from implementation at Duty free shops, tourist shopping districts, as well as integrating service via an app with the HUPAY Wallet. The pilot project is expected to kick start in Q3 ~Q4 of 2019. 

The Human Plus Team commented:

“We believe that some of the key partnerships we did reflects not only on HUPAYX potential, but also in trust and technological advantage we possess over our competitors.” 

The company also stated that their goal is to partner with over 1 million stores by the end of 2019 and subsequent integration in Q1 of 2020. The company’s HUPAY Wallet and merchant pos called HPOS is now available as a Beta version for download on Google Play store (iOS in November of 2019).

HUPAYX Partners with Country’s 3rd Largest Telecom Company

South Korean based startup HUPAYX is a cryptocurrency point of sale and blockchain based payment solution geared toward facilitating shopping experiences for both HUPAYX’s contributors, as well as the general public. HUPAYX’s corporate and institutional alliance allows for unique seamless combinations of products and services from a broad range of industries. HUPAYX has signed a business agreement with LG U+ to secure merchants and distribute its POS systems via the LG U+ network. LGU+, an affiliate of LG Group, is a company that provides the country’s top-level wireless internet, smart home and Internet-related corporate services, with over 15 million members nationwide.

The HUPAYX team is now preparing to launch various local governments’ backed blockchain-based digital currency business. The LG U+ partnership will help the company leverage its sales partnership, merchant applications, and telecom infrastructure to expand its merchants base starting from domestic market. Last year, LG U+ has joined with global partners in Japan, Taiwan and the United States to offer subscribers a blockchain-based overseas payment service. The partnership comprised of Taiwan-based Far EasTone Telecommunications and Japan-based SoftBank for the new service. U.S.-based TBCASoft is to provide their blockchain platform.

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Bitcoin Press Release, Ultimate Executive


Giving The Power Back To The People

Giving The Power Back To The People

Social Networks are popping up leaving old technology, centralization, and the Oligarchs behind. As announced on June 1st, 2019 introduces a new platform. “Voice” with a mission to bring alignment and transparency to social media. Due to the very nature of blockchain, with its decentralized, immutable, peer to peer network, the blockchain eliminates a number of risks that come with data being held centrally. 

Voice will cultivate creation, sharing, discovery, and promotion of content on social media platforms by real users, not bots and fake accounts. Through a truly self-sustaining economy of ideas, users will directly benefit from their ideas and engagement on the platform.

We all know, (and if we don’t, we should)  the current social media platforms’ business model is to sell or auction our data, our personal information, what we visit on the web, even our content to Advertisers. The focus is on the bottom line for the platform and its shareholders, not for its users. There are many hidden agendas including government intervention and bias.

Social Media is essentially kaput. It needs to be modernized and reconstructed. 


And It Doesn't Stop There

Another platform has had the vision and is very aware of the destructive nature of the tech giants and what it has become. It has made use of new technology, blockchain, and cryptocurrency. However, it is a little more than just a Social Media platform. Markethive has been around as an Inbound Marketing Platform for over 20 years, with the last 4 years in beta constructing and implementing a plethora of vertical hubs and portals all under one umbrella. This is called a Market Network as first recognized in 2015 by TechCrunch

Markethive, the complete ecosystem for Entrepreneurs, is fundamentally a Social Network and an automated Inbound Marketing platform. This premier hybrid social network includes news feeds, blogging platforms, video channels, chat channels, groups, image sharing, link hubs, resume, profile page and peer to peer commerce. But more than a social network, Markethive has also delivered  “Inbound Marketing tools” like broadcasting, capture pages, lead funnels, autoresponders, self-replicating group tools, traffic analytics, CMS and more.

Markethive has also included additional platforms for Commerce and a Digital Media site, offering Press releases and Sponsored Articles to its members. So it’s a social network, an Inbound Marketing platform and a comprehensive commerce platform for conducting business, one being a for-hire service called BeeLancers and the other for modern-day transactions called Markethive.Exchange, plus a news media site. The commerce portals and news site are still in development and will be launching soon. 



All this on the blockchain which ensures privacy, autonomy, transparency, and immutability, putting the marketing power in the hands of the people. You cannot be banned, shadow banned or lose your income generated through the system. 

Intrinsically, Markethive gives the power back to the people. It has been built for the people, by the people and is of the people. 


Focus And Mission

Markethive’s focus is upon providing a user-friendly and rewarding solution to the individual by integrating them into a social network of like-minded people which nurtures a true collaborative business community. 

Their mission and objectives are to pioneer “Universal Income” worldwide for all individuals (skilled or unskilled) where they receive monetary rewards, providing an avenue to create business success and goal achievement.

Markethive is already seen as a leader in the Market Network realm. (Techcrunch) With a strong partnership with Menlo Technologies and 10x Management (Blockchain), it is already being predicted that Markethive will soon be the gold standard, to which all others will compare.

Markethive is a decentralized, autonomous, fluid environment which includes manifestations of intellectual achievements, social habits, innovation, music, literature, technology, commerce, and the arts. A central “hub” built using blockchain technology, is designed to encourage “reciprocal interchange” of ideas, knowledge or skills as well as providing for exchange, sales or purchases of goods, services, and commodities. 

This futuristic model is here now and fully prepared for the future, truly representing a prime example of the next generation = Market Networks. Markethive has the road map and is the blueprint of where things are headed.



It is great to see platforms taking advantage of new technology. We are coming to the end of an era and it is just in the nick of time. It really is time to move on and take back our power. There are so many new opportunities on the internet and these transformed platforms with their focus on the rights of the people are poised to lead this social media revolution. What about you? Are you ready to move on? 

ecosystem for entrepreneurs


Deb Williams

Market Manager for Markethive, a global Market Network, and Writer for the Crypto/Blockchain Industry. Also a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech.  I embrace "Change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 




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Japan’s leading online brokerage applies to join Facebook’s Libra Association

Japan’s leading online brokerage applies to join Facebook’s Libra Association


At the FYE March 2020 Q1 results briefing held on July 26, Oki Matsumoto,

CEO of Monex Group, Japan’s leading online brokerage, which owns Coincheck, Japan’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, announced that it had applied to join the Libra Association, an association set up for the cryptocurrency Libra, to be issued by Facebook.

Monex Group has become the first Japanese company to do so. Strict conditions are set to join the Libra Association, including a market size of USD1 billion (approximately JPY110 billion) or more or a customer cash flow of USD500 million (approximately JPY55 billion) or more. A decision on the feasibility of joining the Libra Association is expected to be made by the end of September following the initial review, which will be completed by the end of August. In Monex Group’s financial results, the Crypto Asset Segment entered the black in line with the surge of Bitcoin.

The Company announced: “Cost reductions are being promoted while strengthening internal controls and cyber security. Coincheck has become profitable for the first time since joining our group, driven by rapid account growth, the offering of a new cryptocurrency, and favorable market activity throughout the quarter. Segment profit is JPY0.14 billion (approximately USD1.29 million).” It also reported that there have been some positive developments. Monex’s subsidiary Coincheck fully resumed services in FYE March 2020 Q1 (April-June), after they had been suspended due to a massive theft of cryptocurrencies last year. In addition, the price of Monacoin increased temporarily after the listing of Monacoin, Japan’s homegrown cryptocurrency, in June this year.

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