All You Need To Know About Dollar-Denominated Cryptocurrencies

dollar denominated chryptocurrency

All You Need To Know About Dollar-Denominated Cryptocurrencies

A well-known obstacle to the greater popularity of Bitcoin as a medium of payment is the high volatility of its exchange value. This volatility results from its built-in quantity commitment: because the number of Bitcoins in existence stays on a programmed path, variations in the real demand to hold Bitcoin must be accommodated entirely by variations in its unit value. When demand goes up, there is no quantity increase to dampen the rise in price; and vice-versa for a fall in demand.


Not surprisingly, several cryptocurrency developers have thought of creating a cryptocurrency with a price commitment–namely a pegged exchange rate with the US dollar–rather than a quantity commitment, in hopes of greater popularity. The aim is to create a system in which dollar-denominated payments can be made with the ease, security, and low cost of Bitcoin payments, but without the exchange-rate risk.

New Digital Assets

The development of “Blockchain 2.0” platforms has enabled the launching of a variety of new digital assets, including such dollar-pegged (and euro-pegged and gold-pegged) currencies. As we will see, the histories of early (2014-2016) dollar-pegged cryptocurrencies show a series of flops. But one project, Tether, has become a late-blooming success.

Tether had $55 million in circulation as of March 29, 2017, making it the #13 largest cryptocurrency. To keep this size in perspective, a brick-and-mortar US institution with $55 million in deposits is a tiny bank or a mid-size credit union, and Tether is currently only 1/300th the size of Bitcoin.

The Tether white paper explains in more detail the motivation for developing a dollar-pegged cryptocurrency by listing advantages to individuals using it for dollar-denominated transactions rather than using dollars held in “legacy bank” accounts:

Transact in USD/fiat value, pseudonymously, without any middlemen/intermediaries

Cold store USD/fiat value by securing one’s own private keys

Avoid the risk of storing fiat on [cryptocurrency] exchanges–move crypto­fiat in and out of exchanges easily

Avoid having to open a fiat bank account to store fiat value

In sum, “Anything one can do with Bitcoin as an individual one can also do with” a dollar-pegged cryptocurrency, namely, “avoid credit card [or debit card] fees,” maintain greater privacy, “remit payments globally” more cheaply, and access blockchain financial services.

But what is the claimed advantage over using Bitcoin? It is the expectation of wider acceptance in payments, because of the advantages to merchants of accepting a dollar-pegged cryptocurrency over accepting Bitcoin in a US-dollar-dominated economy:

Price goods in USD/fiat value rather than Bitcoin (no moving conversion rates/purchase windows)

Avoid conversion from Bitcoin to USD/fiat and associated fees and processes


The Flops

First we consider the projects that have flopped. Three projects were launched in September 2014: CoinoUSD, NuBits, and BitUSD. Their pegging mechanisms were different, and are difficult to describe briefly (partly because they were not all entirely transparent), but two common features are important to note.

The rate-pegging mechanisms were not programmed into a source code, like Bitcoin’s quantity commitment, but relied on non-programmed policy actions by a trusted central authority.

None used the traditional currency pegging method of having the issuer hold reserves in physical dollars or dollar-denominated debt securities. (On the NuBits mechanism see this critique by a BitUSD promoter. On the BitUSD mechanism see this critique by the CoinoUSD developer.)

We can examine the fortunes of each project by looking at its price and “market capitalization” (value-in-circulation) history on the cryptocurrency tracking site


CoinoUSD, which began trading in December 2014, was developed by a for-profit payments firm called Coinomat and built on the blockchain of the NXT cryptocurrency. (In November 2014 NXT was the #6 cryptocurrency with a market cap of $19 million; currently it ranks #38 with a market cap around $13 million.)

CoinoUSD reached a market cap plateau of $2.7 million in early 2016, but shut down in early 2016, due to a “payout glitch” that flooded customers with free CoinoUSD units, making it impossible to maintain the exchange value at $1. Coinomat announced a reboot in which the erroneous payout would be reversed and said, “NXTUSD will replace CoinoUSD completely, and enhance it,” but this appears not to have happened. Since then it has had a market cap of zero, and its webpage at the Coinomat site declares it “disabled until further notice.”


The history of NuBits, also a for-profit enterprise, shows that it gained only a similarly small market foothold. Its market cap plateaued early on below $2.5 million, and since April 2015 has remained below $1 million. In June 2016 NuBits had a devaluation crisis, with the price falling to 20 cents. Its rate-pegging intervention mechanism, despite claiming many layers of reinforcement, was not robust and failed.

Although the price later returned to par, today NuBits shows very little market activity. Since January 2017 the market cap has hovered around only $135,000, with daily trading volume in the neighborhood of $2000.


BitUSD is built on the blockchain platform of the cryptocurrency BitSharesX. Its highest market cap plateau was around $1 million soon after introduction, but it fell to below $200,000 in April 2015 and is currently less than $110,000.

BitUSD uses a novel pegging system that so far has proven robust. A piece promoting BitUSD emphasizes that “the bitUSD is an asset that is not backed by real dollar in someone’s bank account.” (It claims this a virtue: “We cannot trust anyone to hold and secure a physical asset so that people can redeem it eventually. History has repeatedly shown: It doesn’t work!” In fact, history shows the major banks in unhampered banking systems routinely justifying the public’s trust by redeeming their liabilities on demand for decades. Paypal works on the same supposedly non-working model, backed by Paypal’s dollar deposits at Wells Fargo Bank.)

By contrast, BitUSD are created through collateralized forward currency contracts. The network provides an escrow service that credibly ensures repurchase (or “redemption”) of the BitUSD at or near par. Someone who wants to acquire BitUSD, say in order to buy from a seller who prefers a dollar-denominated medium of exchange, offers a contract: so many BitShares (hereafter BTS) for a certain amount of new BitUSD.

Under the BitShare network rules, the acquirer must not only pay at the outset in BTS but also agree to post collateral in BTS equal to the value of the bid. If the bid is accepted by another network participant, explains the BitUSD white paper, “the collateral and purchase price are held by the network until the BitUSD is redeemed” by some third party repurchasing it. The acquirer of BitUSD thus puts 200% collateral into a contract “that only allows access to these BTS when the BitUSD are paid back.” In effect the acquirer is shorting the dollar price of BTS.

“BitUSD is an asset used to hedge a position in BitShares against changes in the price of USD and is not supposed to have an exact 1:1 exchange rate with USD.”

Note that the new BitUSD units are initially 200% collateralized not in dollar-denominated assets, but in BTS. If BTS fall 25% or more against

David Ogden




Poloniex – Traders Panic and Suffer Losses Due to System issues

Plenty of cryptocurrency traders are not too amused with Poloniex right now. The popular altcoin exchange suffered from several brief outages yesterday. During the panic, the Ripple price crashed hard and Ethereum lost US$1bn in market cap. It is unclear what occurred exactly, but we do know traders lost a lot of money in the process. It is unclear what will happen to the people who lost money, though.

Trading cryptocurrencies is always a risky business. Money can be earned and lost in a matter of mere seconds. However, if a popular exchange goes down and traders can’t execute orders, something is definitely amiss. Poloniex had a lot of issues last night after Ripple reached a new all-time high. Shortly after this happened, the platform became unresponsive.

Poloniex Suffers From Brief Outages Once Again

It was not just the web frontend suffering from these problems. The Poloniex API, used in tools such as TabTrader, became unresponsive as well. The company acknowledged the outage and trading resumed back to normal relatively quickly. However, a lot of users have suffered from spotty accessibility for several hours. During that time, trading just continued as normal, allowing some people to take advantage of the situation.

To be more specific, Ethereum lost close to US$1bn of its market cap during the trading frenzy. Events like these should not occur in the first place. Moreover, some people feel Poloniex should have halted all trading until the platform was operational again. This goes to show the platform cannot handle increased trading volume for an extended period of time. That is quite disconcerting, to say the least, given Poloniex’s position in the market.

One thing is certain: a lot of people have lost faith in Poloniex for the time being. One Reddit user even calls it an ‘organized scam crime website”, although that may be a too strong sentiment. It is true this is not the first time the exchange suffers from such outages, though. If these problems continue, Poloniex will quickly lose its market position. After all, the company has to provide exchange services around the clock, yet appears incapable of doing so.

It is unclear how much money people lost due to these issues, though. Ethereum’s market crashing and the unexpected Ripple dump raise a lot more questions than answers right now. Poloniex has some explaining to do, albeit it is safe to assume no one will be reimbursed for their losses. Centralized exchanges continue to pose a problem for traders. No exchange is always reliable or accessible, that much is certain.

Many years ago I suffered a significant loss when fiat currency trading, when I loss Internet access to my trading site at a crucial time. These outages underline the importance of setting stop losses.

David Ogden


Author JP Buntinx

Header image courtesy of Shutterstock



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Debt Collapse & Cashless Society

Don’t Be a Casualty in the Global War on Cash and Debt Collapse !

" The war on cash is a big victory for big government
– and a big loss for liberty, freedom, and privacy " 

In the war on cash, you’ll need safer strategies for your money

For the moment, we are in the calm of the proverbial eye of the largest hurricane ever,and it is the calm before the  inescapable storm that will be more financially destructive than the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. If you fail to understand what money is vs what currency is, you remain at risk! 

 Most people are rational and respond to adverse financial incentives (like negative interest rates) by doing whatever they can to preserve their capital by moving their money to the safest possible banks plus  'Being Their OWN BANK 2.0using the latest blockchain technology financial applications for precious metals and cryptocurrencies. 

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It’s practically guaranteed that in the next financial crisis, there’ll be a whole slew of bank failures. 

Don’t believe a word of it. The amount of capital that banks hold compared to the money on deposit is frighteningly low. In the US, the five largest banks have a capital ratio as a percentage of assets of only 6% – although that’s double what it was in 2008. In effect, if every depositor in a bank demands their money back simultaneously – the classic “bank run” – the largest US banks could repay only six cents on the dollar before they ran out of money. And since most banks don’t keep a lot of cash on hand, it could even be less.

Indeed, there’s only a single type of bank that would be completely safe: one where 100% of each depositor’s funds are kept in reserve as cash or other highly liquid assets. The bank would offer conventional checking accounts for a monthly fee but hold no assets other than cash, gold, etc., in its vault.

Your friendly central banker will never tell you it wants to abolish cash so that you have no alternative but to keep all your money in a bank where your deposits can be bailed in at the click of a mouse 



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Top 5 Worst CryptoCurrencies with Large Market Caps


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Debt Collapse & Cashless Society

Don’t Be a Casualty in the Global War on Cash and Debt Collapse !

" The war on cash is a big victory for big government
– and a big loss for liberty, freedom, and privacy " 

In the war on cash, you’ll need safer strategies for your money

For the moment, we are in the calm of the proverbial eye of the largest hurricane ever,and it is the calm before the  inescapable storm that will be more financially destructive than the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. If you fail to understand what money is vs what currency is, you remain at risk! 

 Most people are rational and respond to adverse financial incentives (like negative interest rates) by doing whatever they can to preserve their capital by moving their money to the safest possible banks plus  'Being Their OWN BANK 2.0using the latest blockchain technology financial applications for precious metals and cryptocurrencies. 

Discover How To Inside 

It’s practically guaranteed that in the next financial crisis, there’ll be a whole slew of bank failures. 

Don’t believe a word of it. The amount of capital that banks hold compared to the money on deposit is frighteningly low. In the US, the five largest banks have a capital ratio as a percentage of assets of only 6% – although that’s double what it was in 2008. In effect, if every depositor in a bank demands their money back simultaneously – the classic “bank run” – the largest US banks could repay only six cents on the dollar before they ran out of money. And since most banks don’t keep a lot of cash on hand, it could even be less.

Indeed, there’s only a single type of bank that would be completely safe: one where 100% of each depositor’s funds are kept in reserve as cash or other highly liquid assets. The bank would offer conventional checking accounts for a monthly fee but hold no assets other than cash, gold, etc., in its vault.

Your friendly central banker will never tell you it wants to abolish cash so that you have no alternative but to keep all your money in a bank where your deposits can be bailed in at the click of a mouse 



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Debt Collapse & Cashless Society

Don’t Be a Casualty in the Global War on Cash and Debt Collapse !

" The war on cash is a big victory for big government
– and a big loss for liberty, freedom, and privacy " 

In the war on cash, you’ll need safer strategies for your money

For the moment, we are in the calm of the proverbial eye of the largest hurricane ever,and it is the calm before the  inescapable storm that will be more financially destructive than the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. If you fail to understand what money is vs what currency is, you remain at risk! 

 Most people are rational and respond to adverse financial incentives (like negative interest rates) by doing whatever they can to preserve their capital by moving their money to the safest possible banks plus  'Being Their OWN BANK 2.0using the latest blockchain technology financial applications for precious metals and cryptocurrencies. 

Discover How To Inside 

It’s practically guaranteed that in the next financial crisis, there’ll be a whole slew of bank failures. 

Don’t believe a word of it. The amount of capital that banks hold compared to the money on deposit is frighteningly low. In the US, the five largest banks have a capital ratio as a percentage of assets of only 6% – although that’s double what it was in 2008. In effect, if every depositor in a bank demands their money back simultaneously – the classic “bank run” – the largest US banks could repay only six cents on the dollar before they ran out of money. And since most banks don’t keep a lot of cash on hand, it could even be less.

Indeed, there’s only a single type of bank that would be completely safe: one where 100% of each depositor’s funds are kept in reserve as cash or other highly liquid assets. The bank would offer conventional checking accounts for a monthly fee but hold no assets other than cash, gold, etc., in its vault.

Your friendly central banker will never tell you it wants to abolish cash so that you have no alternative but to keep all your money in a bank where your deposits can be bailed in at the click of a mouse 



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Is ItToo late to buy top Chryptocurrencies

Is vit too late to buy top chrptocurrencies

Is It Too Late to Buy the Top Cryptocurrencies


While the majority perceives digital currencies including Bitcoin, Monero, Dash and Ether as either a means of payment or a token for development, there still exists a relatively large group of users who consider these digital currencies as short and mid-term investments.

Many investors within the digital currency exchange market still inquire about the timing of their investment. For short and mid-term investment, is it too late to buy the mentioned digital currencies?

Issuance rate

Dash and Ether are different from most digital currencies such as Bitcoin or Monero in the sense that they have unique monetary policies.

Ethereum, for instance, is actually an inflationary token because it operates on top of a concept called the “Issuance Rate.” The Issuance Rate represents the number of Ethereum tokens or Ether that will be created within a year. In 2017, the issuance rate of Ether is 14.75 percent.

Making the creator rich

Dash is a controversial cryptocurrency because over two mln Dash – previously known as Darkcoin – was instantaneously mined in the first 30 hours of launch. Homero, a Bitcoin trader and cryptocurrency trader, wrote:

“During the first day 2M coins were mined, and as of today, less than 3k are mined daily. Even if there were no features/community at the time, he didn’t relaunch and decided to keep his instamine, claiming that the community told him to do so. Having a fair launch is very trivial for the future of a coin, because a premined coin has only one future : to make the creator rich.”

Bitcoin and Monero, on the other hand, were launched and mined with complete transparency and legitimacy and because of their open processes. They continue to be two of the most respected and appreciated cryptocurrencies currently in existence.

Trading and price

Since Bitcoin and Monero are based on a fixed supply of coins, it is quite evident that the value of the two coins will continue to rise until their supplies are maximized. In other words, Bitcoin price will continue to increase until it hits its 21 mln supply cap. Even when the supply cap is reached, if the demand of the currencies continues to increase, its price will maintain an upward trend.

For Ethereum and Dash, the second and third largest cryptocurrencies in the world, it is difficult to predict their price trends due to their unique monetary policies.

Furthermore, Ether is considered as an alt-asset instead of a digital currency because the Ethereum network uses gas or Ether to power decentralized applications, hence the necessity of an inflationary monetary supply.

Betting on usability

In general, cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Monero, Dash and Ethereum are all at their early stages. For both short and mid-term investors, it is important to recognize and evaluate the technical backgrounds and usability of these cryptocurrencies.

Ethereum developers or users will argue that the price of Ether will continue to increase so long as the development community remains active.

Conclusively, it is not too late to invest in cryptocurrencies that have potential to grow and evolve.


David Ogden



Source : TheCoinTelegraph



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Debt Collapse & Cashless Society

Don’t Be a Casualty in the Global War on Cash and Debt Collapse !

" The war on cash is a big victory for big government
– and a big loss for liberty, freedom, and privacy " 

In the war on cash, you’ll need safer strategies for your money

For the moment, we are in the calm of the proverbial eye of the largest hurricane ever,and it is the calm before the  inescapable storm that will be more financially destructive than the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. If you fail to understand what money is vs what currency is, you remain at risk! 

 Most people are rational and respond to adverse financial incentives (like negative interest rates) by doing whatever they can to preserve their capital by moving their money to the safest possible banks plus  'Being Their OWN BANK 2.0using the latest blockchain technology financial applications for precious metals and cryptocurrencies. 

Follow STEPS Inside 

It’s practically guaranteed that in the next financial crisis, there’ll be a whole slew of bank failures. 

Don’t believe a word of it. The amount of capital that banks hold compared to the money on deposit is frighteningly low. In the US, the five largest banks have a capital ratio as a percentage of assets of only 6% – although that’s double what it was in 2008. In effect, if every depositor in a bank demands their money back simultaneously – the classic “bank run” – the largest US banks could repay only six cents on the dollar before they ran out of money. And since most banks don’t keep a lot of cash on hand, it could even be less.

Indeed, there’s only a single type of bank that would be completely safe: one where 100% of each depositor’s funds are kept in reserve as cash or other highly liquid assets. The bank would offer conventional checking accounts for a monthly fee but hold no assets other than cash, gold, etc., in its vault.

Your friendly central banker will never tell you it wants to abolish cash so that you have no alternative but to keep all your money in a bank where your deposits can be bailed in at the click of a mouse 



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Protect & Profit | The Catastrophic Law That Mandates A Stock Market Crash


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Debt Collapse & Cashless Society

Don’t Be a Casualty in the Global War on Cash and Debt Collapse !

" The war on cash is a big victory for big government
– and a big loss for liberty, freedom, and privacy " 

In the war on cash, you’ll need safer strategies for your money

For the moment, we are in the calm of the proverbial eye of the largest hurricane ever,and it is the calm before the  inescapable storm that will be more financially destructive than the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. If you fail to understand what money is vs what currency is, you remain at risk! 

 Most people are rational and respond to adverse financial incentives (like negative interest rates) by doing whatever they can to preserve their capital by moving their money to the safest possible banks plus  'Being Their OWN BANK 2.0using the latest blockchain technology financial applications for precious metals and cryptocurrencies. 

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It’s practically guaranteed that in the next financial crisis, there’ll be a whole slew of bank failures. 

Don’t believe a word of it. The amount of capital that banks hold compared to the money on deposit is frighteningly low. In the US, the five largest banks have a capital ratio as a percentage of assets of only 6% – although that’s double what it was in 2008. In effect, if every depositor in a bank demands their money back simultaneously – the classic “bank run” – the largest US banks could repay only six cents on the dollar before they ran out of money. And since most banks don’t keep a lot of cash on hand, it could even be less.

Indeed, there’s only a single type of bank that would be completely safe: one where 100% of each depositor’s funds are kept in reserve as cash or other highly liquid assets. The bank would offer conventional checking accounts for a monthly fee but hold no assets other than cash, gold, etc., in its vault.

Your friendly central banker will never tell you it wants to abolish cash so that you have no alternative but to keep all your money in a bank where your deposits can be bailed in at the click of a mouse 


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China Gold Back Currency Could Bring Dollar Collapse Economic – Update


' The Greatest Wealth Transfer of History is in Front of Us '




Debt Collapse & Cashless Society

Don’t Be a Casualty in the Global War on Cash and Debt Collapse !

" The war on cash is a big victory for big government
– and a big loss for liberty, freedom, and privacy " 

In the war on cash, you’ll need safer strategies for your money

For the moment, we are in the calm of the proverbial eye of the largest hurricane ever,and it is the calm before the  inescapable storm that will be more financially destructive than the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. If you fail to understand what money is vs what currency is, you remain at risk! 

 Most people are rational and respond to adverse financial incentives (like negative interest rates) by doing whatever they can to preserve their capital by moving their money to the safest possible banks plus  'Being Their OWN BANK 2.0using the latest blockchain technology financial applications for precious metals and cryptocurrencies. 

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It’s practically guaranteed that in the next financial crisis, there’ll be a whole slew of bank failures. 

Don’t believe a word of it. The amount of capital that banks hold compared to the money on deposit is frighteningly low. In the US, the five largest banks have a capital ratio as a percentage of assets of only 6% – although that’s double what it was in 2008. In effect, if every depositor in a bank demands their money back simultaneously – the classic “bank run” – the largest US banks could repay only six cents on the dollar before they ran out of money. And since most banks don’t keep a lot of cash on hand, it could even be less.

Indeed, there’s only a single type of bank that would be completely safe: one where 100% of each depositor’s funds are kept in reserve as cash or other highly liquid assets. The bank would offer conventional checking accounts for a monthly fee but hold no assets other than cash, gold, etc., in its vault.

Your friendly central banker will never tell you it wants to abolish cash so that you have no alternative but to keep all your money in a bank where your deposits can be bailed in at the click of a mouse 


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A Regulated Cryptocurrency

A Regulated Taxable Cryptocurrency

A regulated Chrypto currency

Regulatory compliance and cryptocurrency are unlikely bedfellows; paying tax on crypto transactions isn't even in the room.

But times are changing. We are seeing a crop of services doing just those sorts of things, leveraging the transparent, immutable nature of distributed ledgers to track and trace cryptocurrencies.

Recently the IRS has been rattling sabres at Coinbase in a move to get cryptocurrency holders to pay tax on transactions. According to court filings, less than 1000 people have registered to pay tax on Bitcoin transactions in the last three years.

Enter Node40, a blockchain accounting system which has grown out of a business hosting Dash masternodes.

Node40 co-founder Perry Woodin explained the company was being paid mostly in Dash for its infrastructure services and had to report US taxes.

"We asked our accountant how to do that and he wasn't sure. Most accountants look at capital gains for gains and losses; they look at first in, first out.

"That strategy doesn't work for digital currencies because of the way transactions are built with multiple inputs and all these inputs have potential gains and losses and various days carried."

Sean Ryan, co-founder Node40, wrote a program to figure out gains and losses. Users import transactions from their Dash wallet and these are analysed against the blockchain to work out the average US dollar value for every single transaction.

Ryan said: "You upload your list of transactions and you get the final number. We don't actually calculate any percentages for taxes – so, for example, your jurisdiction would say that if you made this much income, we are going to tax you at say 22%.

"What we do is present numbers that you would be obligated to pay taxes on. There are levels that allow you to get to those answers, all the way down to the individual components that make up an individual transaction.

"Because these ledgers/blockchains are open they are mathematically sound, all you need to do from an engineering perspective is extract the pieces of data from the blockchain that are most relevant to specific transactions."

The user can then annotate transactions using Node40, like they might with QuickBooks or TurboTax: who they sent the funds to, who they received them from, marking certain things as tax exempt in the case of assets purchased rather than income received.

"There are some additional nice things like being able to set custom values on what your incoming purchase was. If the market value says one Dash is worth $100 but you bought it from somebody who was willing to sell it to you for $90, we allow people to override that initial value," said Woodin.

"Once people have gone in and started annotating transactions, we produce nice reports that show then their performance of their asset with their portfolio. Then as a last step they are able to generate their IRS documents, and that's a capital gains document – form 8949."

The recent surge in cryptocurrency values, not least Dash which has shot up in price, is probably also garnering attention. But Woodin pointed out that holding crypto that goes up in value does not constitute a taxable event.

"If you are just buying something and holding it, there is no taxation even though there's an increase. If you received it as income or if you are exchanging it for some other asset like dollars, euros then that's a taxable event."

Woodin said the ongoing IRS Coinbase scenario has definitely got people edgy and this may be the year people begin to start paying their taxes on crypto.

"I think by next year it's just going to be assumed that if you are transacting in digital currency, you are going to be paying taxes. It's that conversion from digital currency to fiat where the government is going to say: why do you have a deposit in your bank account with no record of income?"

Node40 Balance is now live to use with Dash and will be ready for Bitcoin later in the year.

"There are certain exemption limits and thresholds that we observe. We have four different KYC levels that we enforce. Up to €150 we just need to know the shopping cart details from the merchant which includes the name of the consumer and the email address," said Kaufmann.

"If it goes higher there is another flag at €800, then at €4000 and every time the consumer has to provide more information."

So rather like transaction reporting as it exists today. Kaufmann added that a large transaction – say €25,000 to buy a load of servers – would merit closer scrutiny.

"We have the capability of doing an online verification where people can jump on Skype with our customer support. We will take a picture of their passport number using machine readable zones that are scanned into the system and then we verify it and run it against a sanctions list.

"There is some very profound filtering going on. We do have tools that allow us to look back at the history of Bitcoin transactions. We are careful to follow Swiss data privacy laws and have the support of a fintech-friendly regulatory regime," he said.

David Ogden



By Ian Allison

