Demo Capture Page


Turnkey Marketing Automation
Markethive Advantage
Markethive has fused the Social Aspect of Entrepreneurs with a state of the art very powerful Marketing platform for free. Email Autoresponders, Capture Pages, Blogcasting, etc.

Attain top SEO and reach billions of people on the Social Networks is a typical day for the Entrepreneur at Markethive

The Force Multiplier
When you gather the troops of Entrepreneurs as a family, with a common goal, the power of the Inbound Marketing of Markethive explodes exponentially.

Broadcasts in the trillions begin to happen, reaching SEO results unheard of and building lifelong partnerships with other Entrepreneurs is Markethive.

I started using Markethive a few months ago. The Tools are incredible, rotators, tracking, coop press releases, email autoresponders, capture pages, the blog platform is genius, the knowledge shared and the family of other entrepreneurs just makes the results of marketing with Markethive the very best.

It is all free, because they fund the system with advertising and then share 50% of the advertising with us in the affiliate program.

David Ogden


Solution for Generational Poverty: Inbound Marketing (Social Entrepreneurship)

Solution for Generational Poverty: Inbound Marketing (Social Entrepreneurship) 

The Welfare State continues to grow in volume not only due to the legacy of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society (War On Poverty) but, ironically thanks to the Internet and advances in software technology.  Yes, sounds contradictory but, there are unintended consequences for great technological advances that benefited and continue to improve the lives of millions of Americans.  If, you look at the poorest sectors of American society the War On Poverty ironically, contributed to the breakup of many families but, especially among those within the African American community.  Imagine, the basic economic unit of all communities (families) suffered the greatest harm due to government intervention that was designed to theoretically fix the very problem that impaired millions of families from upward economic mobility. 

Now, the removal of father from the family home was designed to break-up the family and keep “certain people” under the control of state welfare agencies, police and department of corrections.  Indeed, money or more accurately, welfare benefits were used to incentivize women to dispose of the father of their children and replace him with the new husband called the State.  Not exactly, what one would call Traditional Family Values but, more accurately, ethnic genocide.  Historically, the practice is quite common as indicated by countless examples of familial destruction executed against people of color (Aborigines of Australia, Maori’s of New Zealand, Indigenous people of North America (Canada & America), Inuit’s and African Americans).  What better approach to defeat a perceived threat than by attacking the thing most important to him and that’s his family.  Government knows this and will act.        

Just read the Moynihan Report and it reveals generational systemic oppression inflicted upon people of primarily African descent and collateral social problems (familial, financial, legal, emotional, educational and psychological) that still disproportionately affect the current and future generation (i.e.,72% illegitimacy rate) unless, significant intervention is implemented.  Clearly, government intervention has proven to be ineffective because government in truth, profits from problems and not solutions.   

So, the Rich get Richer, Poor Get Prison and the cycle continues to explode exponentially thanks to a digitized economy that has enabled corporations to transfer jobs overseas, generate profits that exceed the GDP of many small countries, while influencing or more accurately, controlling government officials who are responsible for regulatory laws that govern the same industries they receive political donations from, while supposedly protecting the public.  Needless to say, corporations control the politicians, while the poor are controlled or more accurately, dependent on the government who are not motivated to reduce the generational Poverty Mindset that permeates todays families of the generational poor.  Yes, this is true; otherwise, government workers would be out of a job because there would be no problem.

So, what’s the SOLUTION to the problem of the Generational Poor? How do you change or begin the process of reducing/eliminating a poverty mentality of an entire generation and prevent its spread?   Since, the Internet and related innovations in software technology have yielded benefits for corporations and other who have increased their knowledge in information technology then, I recommend the poor do the same with a personal development slant.  Let’s focus on marketing especially, Inbound Marketing.  You got it right, my solution to poverty lies in the concept of marketing.

Now, Inbound Marketing provides multiple components (entrepreneurship, marketing and self -development) that will enhance the ability of the generational poor to improve their quality of life.  Now, let’s remember that “Inbound Marketing refers to activities (blogs, podcasts, eBooks, SEO, physical products, newsletters, whitepapers, social medial marketing and other forms of content marketing) that bring visitors in, rather than marketers having to go out to get prospects' attention”.  “Inbound marketing earns the attention of customers”.  I agree, doesn’t sound convincing with reference to solving a significant social problem like poverty; however, becoming an Inbound Marketing Specialist requires the individual to begin the process of self-development by working on themselves.  Yes, changing the way they think about themselves.   

The late business philosopher Jim Rohn, famously said, “you get paid for the value you bring to the marketplace and not the time you spend in it”.  In other words, “make yourself more valuable to the marketplace” and you do that by working harder on yourself than you do working on the job”.  “This is why personal development plays a vital role in your success as indicated by the fact, it is a lifelong process. It's a way for people to assess their skills and qualities, consider their aims in life and set goals in order to realize and maximize their potential”.  In life you are on a timeline to accomplish certain goals and tasks; otherwise, you are guilty of a wasted life. Clearly, nothing to be proud of nor brag about.  So, do you see the potential benefit of incorporating inbound marketing as a solution to reducing poverty.  Yes, I am marginally advocating CSR or better known as Corporate Social Responsibility, where business enters into a partnership to assist in the reduction or hopefully, resolution of a social problem while, generating a profit.  In essence, it’s about reframing a social problem (Generational Poverty) into a business opportunity to create a WIN-WIN for all participants involved.  Many people are no longer referring to Corporate Social Responsibility and more receptive to the term Social Entrepreneurship.  So, what is Social Entrepreneurship?  Well, I will address the term in my next blog.  For now, Cheers!     

David Ogden







The changing Internet

The Changing Internet

The changing Internet

I am at present in the middle of break in my Internet Marketing, the first in some 15 years and plan to return later in the year. I have been keeping a watching brief on the development of MarketHive which has been under way for more than two years.

I am impressed with the progress and the attention to detail in the design which makes it easy to use and understand. Tom Prendergast and his small team are creating a system which will become the envy of the world. Many are asking when the system will be launched, well it is available now but there are still parts of the system which need refining due to the ever changing nature of marketing on the Internet.

One area I am happy with is the intuitive way the system has been designed and seamlessly integrates together to the benefit of users. This became apparent to me when I attended a couple of workshops last week about adding a third party plug-in to WordPress in order to post to social media sites. A number of users had difficulty understanding, the instructions for setting up the plug in due to the poor non user friendly design. Needless to say the essential workshop provided by Tom worked through most of the problem area.

One thing I have learnt is that if you stop using the Internet, when you return, its not the same, companies make so called improvement, one of my hosting companies changed it C-panel set up and I keep getting stymied when trying to update information, and they this progress.

David Ogden

Your Invitation To Take a look At Market Hive


Can Inbound Marketing using Markethive give your business a boost?

Inbound marketing is now a trending topic in business, but it has actually been around for quite a while.  It has been used by savvy marketers to effectively attract and keep their audience.  This is the opposite from traditional media such as TV where everyone used to have to watch the same show at the same time.

The trend towards personalization and inbound marketing which allows anyone to choose which video to watch, which blog post to read, and which content they choose to subscribe is not going away anytime soon, and is here to stay.  Would anyone trade in their smart tv with recording capability and on demand media for their old tv with the rabbit ears?  Not a chance. Would anyone turn in their state-of-the-art smart phone for a land-line phone, never?

It is not just about having the latest technology.  It is the availabilility of the content and the way it is delivered that is truly revolutionary.  The days of smoky back rooms filled with admen deciding what content to deliver are long gone.

Now with the development of social media, it seems as though the content factories have gone into overdrive.  Companies are scrambling now to put out content that can lure their prospects and customers into liking and sharing any kind of mediocre dribble the company wants to push out there.  Well, how long can people show interest in boring, uninteresting stuff?  Content may be king, but if you only produce junk, unfortunately you will become the king of junk. 

Suppose you had a plaftorm that could connect all of your social networks together, that would be something desirable, right?  In addition imagine you were part of a group of people with like-minded interests, and you could share each others content on your blog, sort of like guest posting, but automatically. You could lessen your own burden of content creation, right?  And suppose you could automatically connect groups on your social networks with content that you create on your own blog, that would also be a way to extend the reach of your content, right?  If you start to get the picture of how content can spread in this way, then you are beginning to get the idea of Markethive.  You can investigate this unique new soclal network for entrepreneurs with this invitation link.


Anti-nutrients Consumed by Nearly Every American

For a majority of my life, I ate grain-based foods at almost every meal. Breakfast usually included toast, cereal, pastries or a burrito. Then, lunch came around and I’d have whatever food the school cafeteria was serving; a sandwich, burger, pizza or pasta dish. At home for dinner, my mom would make very traditional Mexican meals; which almost always included tortillas or bread. Let’s not take into account the snacks I’d eat; any Little Debbie™ product I could get my hands on. This was normal to me; as it still is now for many American adults and children. What isn’t normal, however, is obesity, autoimmune diseases, skin problems, joint and muscle aches, digestive problems and several other diseases triggered as a result of the anti-nutrients delivered from grain-based products.

An anti-nutrient is a substance, present in grains and legumes, that compromise one’s health. While a nutrient, on the other hand, is a substance that nourishes growth and the maintenance of life. There are four major anti-nutrients found in grains: Lectins, Gluten, Phytates and Saponins. Although Lectins, Phytates and Saponins provide some nutritional benefits when present in moderation, excessive amounts of these in the blood stream are damaging. Certain forms of Lectin suppress immune function, interfere with normal protective gut barriers and promote systematic inflammation. When Phytates are consumed in excess, they bind to essential minerals in the digestive tract, making them difficult to absorb; leading to nutrient deficiencies and other health problems. Saponins, found in legumes, while deemed less harmful, are still capable of infiltrating cell membranes; compromising function, especially towards the immune system.

Gluten is a term we are all very familiar with. It’s the most common anti-nutrient; which is believed to affect millions around the globe. Although some individuals still do not believe they are gluten intolerant, some side effects of gluten consumption include bloating, constipation, gas, acid reflux, IBS (and other bowl problems), allergies, migraines, and skin & joint conditions. If you constantly have to consume antacids, Pepto-Bismol™ or allergy medications, there’s a pretty good chance your food choices are harming your health.

There aren’t many, if any, benefits you would gain from consuming carbohydrates in the form of grains. On the other hand, a diet high in carbohydrates (in the form of vegetables) would deliver nourishing nutrients, not anti-nutrients, to your body. It’s a fact, consuming a diet high in grains could have serious effects on one’s health; if it isn’t already. In order to give your digestive system a boost from all the grains it’s consumed over the years, try adding the Healthy Body Digestion Pak™ 2.0 to your diet. The digestive enzymes and beneficial flora found in this Pak™ will help support nutrient absorption, a healthy digestive system and optimal health.*

Remember, the food you consume is either nourishing your body or harming it. Prevention is the key!

Rocio Ramos
Contributing Writer and Fitness Instructor

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Bruce Jacobs
Youngevity Rep #E100397

Healthy Body
Digestion Pak™ 2.0

Item #10257

This pack is specifically formulated to support and promote healthy digestion. Each pack provides broad spectrum foundation nutrition and includes BTT 2.0 Citrus Peach Fusion-480g canister (1), EFA PLUS™-90 soft gels (1), Beyond Osteo-fx™ powder-357g Canister (1), Ultimate Enzymes® (1) and Ultimate Flora fx™ (1). *See individual products for detail.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Trump Choosen by God to stop America’s Destruction

Rick Wiles interviews retired firefighter Mark Taylor who was given this prophetic revelation in 2011. The Lord has chosen Mr. Trump to bring America back from the brink of destruction. Mr. Taylor wrote this amazing prophecy in 2011 giving us a glimpse of what's to come and why all who attack Mr. Trump will fall by the wayside. What's amazing is that this revelation has gone forth to thousands. The wrath of God has come not for the people of America but for the leaders of the establishment. ("I have the same revelation and have said so for over three months maybe longer. Judgment has come fot the wickedness in our leadership and Donald Trump is leading the way." Thomas Prendergast CEO Markethive) The hour of judgment is upon them. The light has begun to shine and the darkness of evil will prevail no more.

The Spirit of God says, I have chosen this man, Donald Trump, for such a time as this. For as Benjamin Netanyahu is to Israel, so shall this man be to the United States of America! For I will use this man to bring honor, respect and restoration to America. America will be respected once again as the most powerful and prosperous nation on earth, (other than Israel). The dollar will be the strongest it has ever been in the history of the United States, and will once again be the currency by which all others are judged.

The Spirit of God says, the enemy will quake and shake and fear this man I have anointed. They will even quake and shake when he announces he is running for president, it will be like the shot heard across the world. The enemy will say what shall we do now? This man knows all our tricks and schemes. We have been robbing America for decades, what shall we do to stop this? The Spirit says HA! No one shall stop this that l have started! For the enemy has stolen from America for decades and it stops now! For I will use this man to reap the harvest that the United States has sown for and plunder from the enemy what he has stolen and return it seven-fold back to the United States. The enemy will say Israel, Israel, what about Israel? For Israel will be protected by America once again. The spirit says yes! America will once again stand hand and hand with Israel, and the two shall be as one. For the ties between Israel and America will be stronger than ever, and Israel will flourish like never before.

The Spirit of God says, I will protect America and Israel, for this next president will be a man of his word, when he speaks the world will listen and know that there is something greater in him than all the others before him. This man’s word is his bond and the world and America will know this and the enemy will fear this, for this man will be fearless. The Spirit says, when the financial harvest begins so shall it parallel in the spiritual for America.

The Spirit of God says, in this next election they will spend billions to keep this president in; it will be like flushing their money down the toilet. Let them waist their money, for it comes from and it is being used by evil forces at work, but they will not succeed, for this next election will be a clean sweep for the man I have chosen. They will say things about this man (the enemy), but it will not affect him, and they shall say it rolls off of him like the duck, for as the feathers of a duck protect it, so shall my feathers protect this next president. Even mainstream news media will be captivated by this man and the abilities that I have gifted him with, and they will even begin to agree with him says the Spirit of God.



Online how-to information sources that may surprise you

How to instruction

YouTube has become the go to site for inspiring cat videos, as well as music and a myriad of other things, but one of the most popular searches on YouTube is also "How-To" videos.  Kids have learned to play musical instruments on YouTube and kids of all ages have learned a wide varitety of skills using a wide arrray "how-to" videos. 

YouTube, however is not the only kid on the block when it comes to "How-To" information.

Take a look at the following instructional sites for additional sources of how-to information.

Wiki-how  Still a great site – It is a vast repository of information from the easy to the incredibly complicated.

Lifehacker  – from the mundane to the exotic – Lifehacker reports on the unique things you need to know and the skills you need to master in order to not just survive, but thrive in this world.  

doityourself  The ultimate do it yourselfers website with advice on projects from A-Z

HowCast – Videos for the do it yourselfer

FabHow  – Detailed step by step instructions with very large pictures for the do it yourselfer.

WonderHowTo – videos and step by step information.  Very easy to follow.

Instructables  – from the simple to the highly complex detailed instructions on building things.

You actually can save quite a bit of time and money by making things yourself on certain projects.  You also may be able to fix things yourself instead of hiring someone to do it.  For many tasks, it involves something you probably would not attempt or even think of on your own.  Good luck to all the do it yourselfers out there.  

by John Lombaerde

Goldfinch Digital Publishing


10 Free Keyword Tools to use in 2016

Did you know that you no longer need to allocate a large budget for keyword research, that there are a wide range of free keyword tools out there for you to choose from? Read on to learn more about the 11 free keyword tools you should be using.

1. Google Webmasters Tool When you need to boost SEO, why not go straight to the source? With Google's webmasters tool, you can see what keywords your website is ranking for and learn more about potential keywords that you have yet to target.

2. Bing Webmasters Tool Bing's webmaster tool provides information about keywords that are related to their search engine. This tool shows users all of the keywords that are related to their seed keyword, as well as the search volume data.

3. SeoChat's Keyword Suggestion Tool This tool allows users to generate keywords from Amazon, YouTube, Bing and Google. The alphabet is used to modify the original keyword and generate a plethora of suggestions.  

4. Soovle Soovle is more limited than some of the other choices, but remains effective, providing up to ten suggestions for each seed keyword.

5. Ubersuggest This tool appeals to the more simplistic user, generating keywords from Google. It has been around for several years and is already quite popular. Ubersuggest can generate a whopping 300 to 400 suggestions for each keyword and the resulting keyword can also be expanded for further information.

6. Hypersuggest Much like Ubersuggest, Hypersuggest offers keywords from Google, in addition to suggestions from YouTube, as well. Since Hypersuggest users can add modifiers, it is able to produce keywords at a greater rate than Ubersuggest.

7. Google Keyword Planner One of the premier keyword research tools, Google Keyword Planner provides search volume data and keyword ideas by using a seed keyword. Users are also able to add their own keywords that have been generated in other places and receive CPC data/search volume information.

8. SeoStack Chrome extension This tool is totally free and generates hundreds of keyword suggestions from Google and YouTube. Alphabets and numbers are tacked onto the original keyword and the tool also supports the use of multiple seed keywords.

9. Google Trends Google Trends is the premier tool to find out more about the current trends and determine the popularity of certain keywords. When you want to know about certain keywords that your competition hasn't discovered yet, Google Trends can help.

10. AnswerThePublic This is a simple tool that generates keywords from Google's autocomplete function. Much like the SeoStack extension from chrome, alphabets and numbers are added to the seed keyword to generate hundreds of suggestions.    

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Is your Website ready for the new Google Mobile update?

Like death and taxes, it seems that Google updates are invevitable.  Well here comes another one in May  2016 of which you should be aware. It has been widely reported that mobile users are now in the majority, in terms of total Internet traffic.  Google is again emphasizing mobile-friendliness in an upcoming update. This news has been gaining traction recently as evidenced by the following posts.

Google to boost mobile-friendly algorithm this May

Google’s latest mobile search algorithm update makes having a mobile-friendly site even more important

And from Google itself on it's Webmaster Blog.

Now is the time to act to make sure your webite is mobile friendly.  Google even gives you a link where you can check your website.

Google Mobile compliance checking tool

Here are two plugins you may want to install on your website.

The first will help you solve the first problem of compliance.  The second will help your site load faster on mobile sites, which is important, since mobile users are on the go.  They are extremely impatient, and don't have time to wait for pages to download, they just will go somewhere else.  

Solve your mobile friendliness issues with any of the following plugins  —–> Click here <—-  

AMP is the second, less critical, yet important issue to consider.  This has not really hit the news in a big way, yet, but here is a post from Google that explains in some detail what AMP or (Accelerated Mobile Pages).

Click here —-> Google Accelerated Mobile Pages <——

Here is a good explanation of how to set up AMP for your news site or blog.  

click here —> Set up AMP on your WordPress site <—-

Resolve both these issues on your website now before you lose traffic and visitors from mobile sources.

by John Lombaerde  – Goldfinch Digital Publishing

