What Carly Fiorina Endorsing Ted Cruz Really Means

What Carly Fiorina Endorsing Ted Cruz Really Means

Trying to explain the significance of the last few days, in relationship to the Ted Cruz candidacy, requires the intellectually honest observer to recognize and/or accept the increasingly likely probability: we have been facing a manufactured “false dilemma” longer than most may be willing to accept.

“False Dilemma” – the fallacy of false choice, or the fallacy of the false alternative, is a type of informal fallacy involving a situation in which only limited alternatives are considered, when in fact there is at least one additional option.

In essence, presidential candidate Ted Cruz has been presented, by those who gain leverage in the presentation, as an option – to the previous “establishment candidates“.

Under this assumption, the intent of the option (Cruz) is to block the observer (electorate / us) from considering any additional alternative which remains outside the control of the presenting entity (the DC power brokers, GOPe, Wall Street donor class).

In order to recognize the fallacy of false choice, the audience must engage the new  information while reevaluating their prior assumption, positions and options.

That said, Team Cruz has shown new evidence of being much further aligned with the GOPe than most political observers, and high-information voters, might be willing to accept.

Here’s why:

Adding the entire financial team of Jeb Bush which includes: Paul Dickerson of Houston, TX, Boyden Gray of Washington, DC, Charles Foster of Houston, TX, Reginald J. Brown of Washington, DC, Paula and Jim Henry of Midland, TX, and Nancy and Randy Best of Dallas, TX. shows that Ted Cruz is much further in alignment with the Bush clan than most previously recognized. 

In addition, by Ted Cruz adding Neil Bush  Cruz is signifying an ideological alignment that is 180° divergent than most of the supporters of Ted Cruz would be aware of.  These alignments point to a direct acceptance that much of the story-line behind Cruz’s candidacy was false.

As a direct consequence, the fallacy of false choice within the option of Ted Cruz from the outset gains sunlight.

However, this new reality is challenging for many people to accept.  To those who cannot bring themselves to accept this paradigm shift, further evidence surfaces today with the endorsement of consummate insider, Carly Fiorina, who said:

“Last Tuesday we had a primary, and I walked into the ballot box,” [Fiorina] told a crowd of Cruz supporters. “I saw my name on the ballot, and it was kind of a thrill, but I checked the box for Ted Cruz.” (link)

That “last Tuesday” reference highlights Fiorina’s home residence (as we previously shared) in Virginia, not California as many people mistakenly think.   Fiorina has been the consummate “inside the beltway” politico, even though she was never in an elected position as a politician.

Fiorina worked for the John McCain campaign in 2008 as a surrogate.  She again worked in 2012 as an official campaign spokesperson for Mitt Romney.  Indeed, in the beginning of her own presidential bid last year, Carly Fiorina stated she was urged to run in 2016 due to a conversation with Mitt Romney.

So, we re-engage the intellectual honesty with a reminder of Carly Fiorina, and now find ourselves answering a nagging previous question.

Why did the Wall Street funders of the Ted Cruz campaign fund the origin of the Carly Fiorina campaign in 2015?

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$500,000 transferred from KtP1 (Keep The Promise) which is Ted Cruz’s Super-PAC, to CfA (Carly for America) Ms. Fiorina’s Super-PAC, in June of 2015.

What clarifies now, with this new information, is how the fallacy of false choice was being presented to us by the Wall Street financial team, the Globalists, last year.  Remember, even the FEC wanted know what they were doing (LINK).

Cutting through the intent here and getting to the substance of truth is really not too difficult, but you won’t find many outlets (new media or old) willing to go there. However, as you are aware for us the Truth Has No Agenda, and Sunlight Is The Best Disinfectant.

We begin by watching this video of Carly Fiorina appearing on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and the discussion of a Muslim candidate eligible as U.S. President:

Just sticking with raw data, and trying to avoid injecting opinion, now consider this:


Thank you for those nice words, Mr. Chairman.

It’s an honor for me to be here this morning. This is the perfect place to host a meeting on the future of the Middle East. The leadership of Arab-Americans in this community – and in the state of Michigan – has been nothing short of dazzling, and I want to thank you for hosting us here this week.

A great deal of time will be spent at the conference this week focusing on the problems of the Arab world. I want to kick things off here today instead by asking you to imagine the possibilities…to imagine what the Gulf region would be like if Arab countries were at the forefront of the global economy…to imagine what the world would be like if Arab nations were the world’s leading force for enlightenment and inclusion…to imagine what the future would be like for a Middle East rooted not in conflict, but anchored in partnership.

Two years ago, less than two weeks after the tragedy of September 11th, I gave a speech in Minnesota in which I said it didn’t take much to imagine that kind of world because we have seen that world before. All it takes is for us to think back to another time, to a civilization that was once considered the greatest in the world.

It was a civilization that was able to create a continental super-state that stretched from ocean to ocean, and from northern climes to tropics and deserts. Within its dominion lived hundreds of millions of people, of different creeds and ethnic origins. One of its languages became the universal language of the world, the bridge between the peoples of a hundred lands.

And this civilization was driven more than anything, by invention. Its writers created thousands of stories. Its poets wrote of love, when others before them were too steeped in fear to think of such things. When other nations were afraid of ideas, this civilization thrived on them, and kept them alive.

While modern Western civilization shares many of these traits, as I said to the audience that day in Minnesota, the civilization I’m talking about, of course, was the Islamic world from the year 800 to 1600, which included the Ottoman Empire and the courts of Baghdad, Damascus and Cairo, and enlightened rulers like Suleiman the Magnificent – rulers who challenged our notions of self and truth; who contributed to our notions of tolerance and civic leadership; whose leadership led to 800 years of invention and prosperity.

As we meet to think about the civilization that exists on that same land today, I ask you to imagine for a moment what a leader like Suleiman would say if he could somehow be here today, and see what the world has become.

I think he would be pleased at how much the world has learned from the example of the open, cooperative society that enlightened the world all those years ago. The Islamic example has helped create a world where democracy and transparency and rule of law are empowering people and taking them to new heights. (read more)

Please read the entire speech and pay close attention to the closing paragraphs.

What you will note is an almost eerie similarity to current Secretary of State John Kerry vis-a-vis the “Jobs for Jihad” program he, and his globalist co-horts, have been advocating for the past three years.

Read everything written by Fiorina and then reference/remember the words used by State Department Spokesperson Marie Harf – they are almost identical.

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Next example – look at the following reception by Professor Al-Hassani, the Chairman of FSTC, at the conference “La Deuda Olvidada de Occidente he is responding to the speech of Carly Fiorina and the intended audience in the Mid-East:

[…] In this presentation focus will be on the other manner by which history is distorted: that is, the suppression of centuries of contribution to modern civilisation by the Muslim world. This negligence is apparent in academia, in the media and in the educational curriculum and associated history books, especially those aimed at the general public. The focus on this issue is to alert communities as to the particular significance of the Muslim civilisation and its historical role in giving birth to much of modern science and technology.

The following words by a famous lady well describes this situation and the debt that world history owes to the civilisation created by Muslims. They were pronounced by Mrs. Carleton S. Fiorina, chairman, president, and CEO of Hewlett-Packard Company (1999-2005) in a discourse on 29 September 2003:

[…] When other nations were afraid of ideas, this civilization thrived on them, and kept them alive.

When censors threatened to wipe out knowledge from past civilizations, this civilization kept the knowledge alive, and passed it on to others. While modern Western civilization shares many of these traits, the civilization I’m talking about was the Islamic world from the year 800 to 1600, which included the Ottoman Empire and the courts of Baghdad, Damascus and Cairo, and enlightened rulers like Suleiman the Magnificent.

Although we are often unaware of our indebtedness to this other civilization, its gifts are very much a part of our heritage. (read more)

Professor Al-Hassani was rejoicing that Carly Fiorina was asserting without Islam there would be no U.S.A., no America, no exceptionalism. This is the exact approach of the U.S. State Department, Charles Rivkin Project, we originally exposed in 2012.

The Rivkin Project was/is a U.S. State Department program with a specific goal to remove national pride and identity in favor of a more global worldview of a collective society, a “multi-cultural” society. Again, these are not interpretations of her words, these are Fiorinas’ own words.

And yes, there are those who are now beginning to connect the dots to President Obama’s first foreign policy speech and travel. Where was it delivered? Cairo Egypt.

Does it make sense now how Fiorina came to be in contact with all those “world leaders” she brags about meeting?

If you need to finally stamp out any reservations or doubt you might have about this agenda; consider Carly Fiorina is also closely linked to the Clinton Global Initiative – SEE HERE ( <—scroll down the page) – providing leadership and mentorship within the Bill and Hillary CGI.

Troubled? You should be. Her globalist ideology is thinly veiled, and in my opinion what has unnerved many of the electorate who did not buy what she was selling.  Despite claims to the contrary, the U.S. voter is intelligent and have an innate sense when they are being misled:

♦ Carly Fiorina on Immigration: Pass the DREAM Act. For other undocumented immigrants, a direct path to citizenship is unfair. While running for the U.S. Senate in California in 2010, Fiorina said she supports the DREAM Act, which would give legal status to people who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children.

♦ Carly Fiorina on Climate change: It is real and man made. But government has limited ability to address it. Speaking in New Hampshire in February, Fiorina said there is scientific consensus that climate change is real and caused by humans.

♦ Carly Fiorina on Education: Supports Common Core – Set national standards but give local districts maximum control. No Child Left Behind was positive. In a position paper while running for the U.S. Senate in California, Fiorina strongly advocated for metric-based accountability in schools. She praised No Child Left Behind as setting high standards and Race to the Top for using “internationally bench-marked” measures.

Carly Fiorina never hired after HP Job: […] Here are the facts: In the five years that Fiorina was at Hewlett-Packard, the company lost over half its value. It’s true that many tech companies had trouble during this period of the Internet bubble collapse, some falling in value as much as 27 percent; but HP under Fiorina fell 55 percent. During those years, stocks in companies like Apple and Dell rose. Google went public, and Facebook was launched. The S&P 500 yardstick on major U.S. firms showed only a 7 percent drop. Plenty good was happening in U.S. industry and in technology.

It was Fiorina’s failed leadership that brought her company down. After an unsuccessful attempt to catch up to IBM’s growth in IT services by buying PricewaterhouseCooper’s consulting business (PwC, ironically, ended up going to IBM instead), she abruptly abandoned the strategic goal of expanding IT services and consulting and moved into heavy metal.

At a time that devices had become a low margin commodity business, Fiorina bought for $25 billion the dying Compaq computer company, which was composed of other failed businesses. Unsurprisingly, the Compaq deal never generated the profits Fiorina hoped for, and HP’s stock price fell by half. The only stock pop under Fiorina’s reign was the 7 percent jump the moment she was fired following a unanimous board vote. After the firing, HP shuttered or sold virtually all Fiorina had bought. (read more)

Against this substantive backdrop, and considering all possible alternative explanations, a reasonable person can only conclude Ted Cruz was a “false choice” all along.

carly fiorina 2Romney side

Just a Reminder, this is an insurgency. – The modern enemy of Wall Street is Main Street vulgarians. The enemy of the RNC/GOPe is not Democrats, it’s Grassroots Conservatives, more vulgarians.

The Republican Party, and the Republican media apparatus, view us as their enemy. We are the enemy they need to protect themselves from:

In 2014, the RNC approved selection rules that govern how each state’s delegates are portioned out from the primaries. Under one of the changes, states holding their primaries between March 1 and March 14 will have their delegates doled out proportionately with election results, a change that will likely stymie a movement candidate.

States that have primaries on or after March 15 will be winner-take-all states.

That’s important because another RNC rule change requires that a candidate must win a majority of delegates in eight or more states before his or her name may be presented for nomination at the 2016 Republican National Convention.

With 18 GOP presidential candidates, for now, it will be that much harder for any candidate to win a majority in any state, let alone eight. (Article July 2015)


Now, ask yourself, why would the RNC want to “stymie a movement candidate“? Who exactly does that benefit? Obviously, the “non-movement” candidate, ie “the turtle“.

Isn’t the entire reason for campaigning in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina etc. to make a movement/momentum?

In addition Rule #40 changed in 2014 from previously five needed state wins, to a newer threshold of eight (8):

Officially, it’s Rule 40 in the RNC handbook and it states that any candidate for president “shall demonstrate the support of a majority of the delegates from each of eight (8) or more states” before their name is presented for nomination at the national convention. (article March 2014)

Again, ask yourself who does this benefit? A candidate can win seven states outright, and still not have their name presented for nomination?


David https://markethive.com/david-ogden