How to create a MHV wallet on Raisexio exchange

How to create a wallet on Exchange

You have probably heard that the Markethive Consumer Coin (symbol: MHV) has been listed on the exchange.

So that means that MHVs are tradable on that exchange.  MHVs are paired with BTC, ETH, & USDT.

Click here to use Markethive's referrer link to open your account.

After creating an account on RAISEX.IO, it is real easy to create a wallet on the exchange for MHV.

First, login to

Click on Wallet and Search for MHV

Then click on deposit and it will create a MHV wallet address for you.  

This sets you up to be able to buy & sell MHV.  You can use BTC, ETH or USDT to trade MHV.  Always generate the wallet first before trading MHV.  Without a MHV wallet generated, the funds are phantom, and if wallet is generated later, funds could disappear. 

To BUY MHV go to TRADE page. 

In the BUY form, the first field (maerked with "MHV") you put the totoal number of MHV coins you wish to purchase

In the next Price field, you put how much per MHV you are willing to pay in BTC (for this example, if you are purchasing MHV/ETH, you put price in ETH…)

Then you hit the GREEN buy button.  You should see your buy order post under the MHV volume/price graph, under BUY ORDERS.

To Sell MHV you use the SELL side of the form and following the same instructions.

Here are some additional notes;

  • You have to purchase MHV using BTC, ETH or USDT. 
  • To withdrawl MHV to another wallet you will have to pay the fees in ETH
    • The fee for all token ERC20 is in ETH (fee 0.007 ETH)
      • Generate Ethereum Wallet
      • Deposit funds Ethereum
      • Request withdrawal MHVs
  • You do not need to KYC unless to want to withdraw from Raisex's;
    • KYC is easy to achieve, upload:
      • Passport or Identify Card – MUST BE A PHOTO TAKEN IN JPEG or PNG formats – NO PDFs
      • Proof of Address (Bank Statement or Utility Bills) – MUST BE A PHOTO TAKEN IN JPEG or PNG formats – NO PDFs or SCANS.  Bill must be less than 3 motnhs old.
      • Take a Selfie with you holding your passwort and a sheet of paper with "Raisex" and the current date written on it (handwritten).  JEPG or PNG – NO PDFs
  • Transfer of MHVs out of is coming soon.

Here is a link to Raisex's FAQ;





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Debt Collapse & Cashless Society

Don’t Be a Casualty in the Global War on Cash and Debt Collapse !

" The war on cash is a big victory for big government
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In the war on cash, you’ll need safer strategies for your money

For the moment, we are in the calm of the proverbial eye of the largest hurricane ever,and it is the calm before the  inescapable storm that will be more financially destructive than the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. If you fail to understand what money is vs what currency is, you remain at risk! 

 Most people are rational and respond to adverse financial incentives (like negative interest rates) by doing whatever they can to preserve their capital by moving their money to the safest possible banks plus  'Being Their OWN BANK 2.0using the latest blockchain technology financial applications for precious metals and cryptocurrencies. 

Discover How To Inside 

It’s practically guaranteed that in the next financial crisis, there’ll be a whole slew of bank failures. 

Don’t believe a word of it. The amount of capital that banks hold compared to the money on deposit is frighteningly low. In the US, the five largest banks have a capital ratio as a percentage of assets of only 6% – although that’s double what it was in 2008. In effect, if every depositor in a bank demands their money back simultaneously – the classic “bank run” – the largest US banks could repay only six cents on the dollar before they ran out of money. And since most banks don’t keep a lot of cash on hand, it could even be less.

Indeed, there’s only a single type of bank that would be completely safe: one where 100% of each depositor’s funds are kept in reserve as cash or other highly liquid assets. The bank would offer conventional checking accounts for a monthly fee but hold no assets other than cash, gold, etc., in its vault.

Your friendly central banker will never tell you it wants to abolish cash so that you have no alternative but to keep all your money in a bank where your deposits can be bailed in at the click of a mouse 



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