
Millennials Strike Again: This Time We Are Killing Cash And ‘Merry Christmas’

Millennials Strike Again: This Time We Are Killing Cash And 'Merry Christmas'


Clearly, this generation just can't help itself with killing things

like starter homes and canned tuna. What's next? The Grinch might as well get in line behind millennials.Clearly, my generation just can't help itself with killing things like starter homes and canned tuna. (Or is it can openers?) So in the spirit of attributing transformative cultural shifts to whippersnapper whims, we regret to inform you that millennials might be claiming two new victims: cash and the "merry Christmas" greeting.

A new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll found that adults under 30 — so, mostly millennials — are the only age group among holiday shoppers with a clear preference for paying with plastic rather than cash. They're also the only group to strongly prefer the non-Christmas-specific greeting "happy holidays." But hey, we really like Christmas trees! (Wait, do we call them holiday trees now?) Younger Americans are the most likely to say they plan to put up a Christmas tree at home, the poll found. They are also most likely to say it will be an artificial — not real — one.

"Credit, 100 percent"

We millennials are a huge cohort, somehow uniting almost everyone born in the 1980s and 1990s. Despite the endless headlines treating our habits like historic aberrations, our generation holds much of the purchasing power in the U.S. as we are about to outnumber baby boomers as the largest living generation of adults.

The new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll did not show statistics for the entire millennial cohort, but it did break out the 18-to-29 age group. And this holiday shopping season, 63 percent of these millennials under 30 said they planned to use "mostly credit cards" when buying holiday gifts. It was the opposite for all older shoppers, who planned to shop with "mostly cash." "Credit, 100 percent," said Parth Shah, a 24-year-old management consultant from New York City, when I asked him how he pays. "I have a really good credit card that gives me a lot of points, so I try to take advantage of that as much as I can." Now, if you Google enough headlines about millennials killing things, you might encounter some seemingly contradictory stories, such as: "Debt-Conscious Millennials Are a Threat to Credit Cards."

Let's do a quick flashback: Our generation came of age during the Great Recession, when people took on far more debt than they could afford. Add another trillion-ish dollars of student loan debt, and it's easy to see why borrowing more from the banks isn't our favorite pastime. In fact, the Fed recently found that millennials have "significantly less" credit card debt than Gen X and baby boomers. But holiday shopping is a time for special, maybe personalized — and often online — purchases. And — surprise! — adults under 30 are the most likely age group to say they plan to buy all or most of their holiday gifts online. And the Internet (trust me on this) is not the place to send anyone cash. "Cash is not a medium for the digital marketplace — you can't shop that way online," said Barbara Carvalho, director of The Marist Poll at the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, which conducted the new survey.

Only a quarter of shoppers under 30 said they wouldn't buy any of their holiday gifts online. Compare that with exactly half of shoppers over 60, who say they wouldn't shop for gifts on the Internet. Also, for all the tech progressiveness attributed to millennials, the poll found that it was 30- to 44-year-olds who were slightly more likely to use Apple Pay or PayPal to buy holiday gifts. Though remember, the oldest millennials are in their late 30s, so maybe our generation is behind this trend, too. (Perhaps someone should write a story about that!)

Happy all-inclusive holidays

Another question where millennials stood out was the — ah, yes — annual wintertime debate: In December, should you wish people merry Christmas or happy holidays? A majority of adults under 30, or 53 percent, voted for "happy holidays," according to the poll. In fact, millennials — who happen to be the most diverse generation of adults in the country's history — are the only age group to prefer this greeting.

"I usually say 'happy holidays,'" said Juliet McFadden, 23, who works as an office manager in Boston. "I think it's just easier to be more inclusive. Especially when I'm talking to someone who I'm only quickly interacting with in the city like a cabdriver or someone in the grocery store." Only 38 percent of people younger than 30 preferred "merry Christmas," the poll found. The number jumped to almost 60 percent for people between 30 and 60, and reached 68 percent for Americans older than 60. "I like to use 'happy holidays' but I don't mind being told 'merry Christmas,' " said 24-year-old Matt Puchalski, an engineer from Pittsburgh. "I like to make everyone feel included!"

This story also would not be complete without a mention of one of the most well-known facts about millennials: We've all basically given up homebuying dreams because of our lifetime commitment to avocado toast. But even if most of us can't afford homes, millennials are still the most likely generation to say they planned to put up a Christmas tree — even if it's a fake one. The new poll found more than two-thirds of Americans under 30 say they plan to put up an artificial tree. An additional 17 percent said they planned to buy a real one.

And here — plot twist! — millennials reported the same tastes as all people, because fake trees seem to be winning over everyone. All generations told the survey they planned to deck the halls with some artificial cheer — I mean, trees. Younger people were also the most likely to view the Christmas tree as a cultural symbol, rather than a religious one. A full 96 percent of people under 30 shared that view. And more than 70 percent of all age groups agreed that the Christmas tree is no longer about religion. But do we know which generation killed that?

Article Produced By
Alina Selyukh


 Alina Selyukh is a business correspondent at NPR, where she follows the path of the retail and tech industries, tracking how America's biggest companies are influencing the way we spend our time, money, and energy.Before joining NPR in October 2015, Selyukh spent five years at Reuters, where she covered tech, telecom and cybersecurity policy, campaign finance during the 2012 election cycle, health care policy and the Food and Drug Administration, and a bit of financial markets and IPOs.

Selyukh began her career in journalism at age 13, freelancing for a local television station and several newspapers in her home town of Samara in Russia. She has since reported for CNN in Moscow, ABC News in Nebraska, and NationalJournal.com in Washington, D.C. At her alma mater, Selyukh also helped in the production of a documentary for NET Television, Nebraska's PBS station.


David https://markethive.com/david-ogden

Markethive expansion seeks professional article writers

Markethive expansion seeks professional article writers


As Markethive prepares to become a leading social network for entrepreneurs, next to the vision implementation, developing the marketing and engineering departments is primary in focus.News provided by Markethive,SHELL, Wyo., Aug. 25, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Douglas Yates CTO of Markethive quotes, "As Markethive's pre-launch crowdfunding has begun to bring funds into the company, the engineering department has been grown to 100s of engineers and significant headway has begun. This weekend Markethive releases it first dashboard upgrade as promised when we released our first Crowdfund draft in April 2018."

He also adds, "Now we are focused on growing our marketing department."

Thomas Prendergast CEO and acting Marketing Director had this to say, "As we prepare to fully launch Markethive's crowdfunding campaign, in preparation, we are building out our Marketing Department like we have built out our Engineering department. We are looking for creative talent. Right now we are putting out this call for creative writers. Writers for articles and press releases. To work in our virtual department under my supervision until we have a fully functioning Market Manager to take the helm."

Thomas also added, "So I have produced this Press Release as a cattle call for talent. If you feel you have what it takes, determination, inspiration, talent and a drive for excellence, then contact me for a full interview, our Marketing Group Telegram link will be found below. Markethive will become a huge success and story and I am offering a handful of gifted talent the chance of a lifetime to ride this train to glory with the rest of us."

Thomas also summarised his statement by adding, "After several weeks trying to contract writers through the various services out there like the text-broker's, free-lancer's, sites that operate from the failed concepts of closed and controlled systems. I discovered issues trying to work with their anonymous writers restrained by their regulations and rules preventing true open collaboration that Markethive needs and represents. Therefore, publishing this press release and our direction to deliver a truly open source commerce platform that allows complete disclosure and freedom of communication has become another facet to our story."

Markethive is a forward-looking enterprise utilizing blockchain to deliver a secure, private alternate solution to today's aged and controversial social networks. Markethive is the next generation Market Network built to become the leading advocate and solution for entrepreneurs worldwide. https://markethive.com

Apply to join the Marketing Team at Markethive via Telegram

Thomas Prendergast

Article Produced By


David https://markethive.com/david-ogden

Markethive’s First Blockchain Milestone Reached; White Paper Discusses Privacy above Profit, Universal Income

Markethive's First Blockchain Milestone Reached; White Paper Discusses Privacy above Profit, Universal Income

When Thomas Prendergast, CEO and Douglas Yates, CTO

completed the Markethive whitepaper to begin the journey of providing Universal income for all entrepreneurs across the world, they laid out a roadmap on how Markethive is getting from here to there. We are pleased to announce that we have reached our first stop (referenced as Sprint 1 in the whitepaper) on our roadmap. News provided by Markethive

SHELL, Wyo., Aug. 30, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Markethive unofficially launched their crowdfunding campaign in April 2018. At that time, a timeline was delivered in the white paper mapping out our goals, the first one being the entire retooling of the Markethive back office in preparation for the blockchain, to deliver a fully operational Market Network.

Douglas Yates (CTO Markethive) stated, "Thanks to the help of our strategic partner Menlo Tech, who just recently was named TOP Custom Software Developer in India, Markethive has successfully implemented our first milestone.  Please recognize that this is a great accomplishment in the world of fake ICOs and playing loosely with the rules."

Thomas Prendergast (CEO Markethive) added, "Not only has Markethive completed the first step in implementing our blockchain architecture, they have also been able to implement industry standard best practices and increase the usability for our members."

Here are some of the highlights;

  1. Simplified the login process
  2. Simplified the menus
  3. Implemented the Free Bee and Entrepreneur membership levels – very simple (and powerful)
  4. Added in crypto-currency payment tools
  5. Implemented source and release controls
  6. Partnered with Microsoft, moved to the Azure Platform
  7. Fix many bugs and security holes
  8. Updated profile pages to allow Entrepreneur level members to participate in upcoming airdrop matches
  9. Added Associates for Entrepreneur level members
  10. Added Contact Management System (CMS) for Entrepreneur level members
  11. Made the login and profile pages compatible with mobile devices
  12. Perform optimization to make the system faster
  13. Added in Support via Telegram

Stay tuned because Markethive will be reaching more milestones in the near future and the Markethive coin airdrop is just around the corner. To stay in tune with Markethive simply subscribe here: http://markethive.com

Markethive Inc.

Article Produced By



David https://markethive.com/david-ogden

ICOs Have Sold Another 400,000 ETH in the Past 30 Days, What Went Wrong?

ICOs Have Sold Another 400,000 ETH in the Past 30 Days, What Went Wrong?



ICOs have sold ◊416,000 eth in the past 30 days,

the highest amount within a monthly period since summer. In August they sold just 100,000 eth according to data by Santiment, rising to ◊300,000 in September. Then in November they sold ◊100,000 within a week and now more than ◊400,000 in the past month. Far less than some periods during January-March when ICOs sold ◊630,000 within just one day on the 27th of March 2018 as our general analysis showed earlier this year. Some of that, however, was probably due to eos. Once they run out of eth, it considerably cooled down until seemingly now.

Eth sale by ICOs, December 2018.

Some of the top eth projects are also some of the top eth sellers. SingularDTV being the biggest of them, with Aragon and Kyber not far behind. Status has been selling and selling, but all four still have huge sums of eth, although such sums are now not worth very much. All tracked ICOs still have about 2.9 million eth, which is now worth just $290 million, about as much as one top ICO was worth last year.

It’s worth noting that despite ICOs selling by hundreds of thousands a month, the total combined sum remained the same at circa ◊3.3 million. That however has changed recently, suggesting there aren’t many new ICOs making an entrance. That is probably because SEC has exercised jurisdiction, and after months of megaphone negotiations, it does look like they have now reached a position that can allow this space to work with them. That’s because we kind of got what we wanted as far as general principles are concerned. So to understand where we are, and how to move forward in a reasonable or equitable manner, we need to understand where we were.

The Slockit DAO was eth’s debut in 2016 through a pretty fascinating idea of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that promised an innovative method of addressing some corporate governance problems. In corporate governance, there are some well known and very difficult problems that basically deal with the matter of trust. Shareholders, who are the owners, have to delegate the daily running of the company to managers or executives. That gives the latter great power. As the former are dispersed, their ability to hold the executives to account is weak and limited.

What the concept of the DAO proposed was the idea of the shareholders, or in this case eth holders or it can be token holders, maintaining custody over the funds by sending them to a smart contract that then moves the funds on if/then based rules. So in effect removing trust to some extent. That proposal was new and unique, but how to actually make it work wasn’t an easy question. A common sense and impartial analysis of it led to basically a redesign of the current corporation with some key differences.

Looking at what was innovative and what wasn’t, we had a new way of pooling funds through a method which allowed those who pooled the funds to still have custody over them and to have a binding say over how they are spent in a generally non-playable manner. The only real innovation here was that instead of handing over the funds to directors to manage or mismanage them, you hand over the funds to an inanimate entity – to the smart contract – which is answerable only to the shareholders through code based rules on voting outcomes on whether to move or not x amount to x.

That small difference was and remains very radical because it effectively eliminated or minimized the opportunity for the management class to abscond or misbehave. They were effectively turned into contractual workers, fireable at will, so placing the shareholder in charge. It was however a limited improvement. You still needed the management class. The workers. The accountants, so on. The shareholders were basically made the CEO or the directors, but how now to really make them do that function was the question.

We never got to the answer. The obvious starting point was to have professionals bid for professional roles with the main professional here being some sort of HR personnel that looks and analyzes things, puts up reports, with shareholders bothered only occasionally when a decision needs to be made, somewhat the same as CEOs who are there mainly for direction or to choose a path when there are crossroads. You can see the problem. What if the HR person doesn’t deliver, or is rubbish at it, or whatever report is misleading, or the professional misbehaves? Well you fire them by shareholders not voting to renew their contract, thus not releasing new funds, same as CEOs or executives currently keep them in check.

Does that work? Reality intervened so we didn’t get to experimentally find out the answer. A bug in the Slockit smart contract was exploited. The idea of shareholders having custody now needed a qualifier of: if some smart kid doesn’t take custody due to some bug. If something goes wrong who is accountable – Jay Clayton, the current SEC chairman, recently said – and if the answer is no one, well it better not go wrong. Was there an audit of the Slockit smart contract? Should have there been a cap considering it was so new and thus bugs were to be expected? Did they mislead, firstly by calling it the DAO, so tainting the whole concept?

What’s gone has gone and as stated this was all very new. A toddler learning to walk is expected to fall and quite often. There were mistakes of course, but understandable and easily forgivable. SEC, however, turned around during summer last year to say the Slockit DAO was a security, but no liability for the Slockit DAO devs. Clayton has now revealed that he, and more widely SEC, had no clue about what was going on during summer 2017. They were sort of being introduced to this new world. So we don’t think that report has standing as far as the Howey test of what is a security is concerned.

That requires an investment of money in an enterprise. Where Slockit was concerned, there was no investment of money, but a transfer of money to a smart contract. A smart contract of course is not an enterprise, it can be merely a bank vault if designed well like multisig wallets. SEC could, or would have to, say that so far there is no security. It’s a mere pooling of funds, but that pooling of funds was aimed at effectively acting as a Venture Capital (VC) investor. Eth holders who had put money in the smart contracts were to be asked by entrepreneurs to give them some of the funds in order to build whatever. The shareholders would then vote yay or nay.

SEC could turn around and say that although this is raising money from the public through the facility of a smart contract, it is still raising money from the public. There still needs to be some way of holding that entrepreneur to account for delivering. How to do so was subject of much debate, with the obvious one being the giving of small sums subject to delivery, so unlocking funds gradually.

Had that all been tried, we would be in a different place, but as stated that experiment was cut short. Effectively the whole idea was thrown out overnight. There would no longer be a smart contract that gives shareholders pretty direct custody of funds (pending bugs), there would be no binding votes, no incremental release of capital, no DAO and really no innovation where corporate governance is concerned. There would instead be only a plain handing over of money on the promise of building something in a fingers crossed way because now they can abscond, not deliver, and so on.

And some did abscond. Roman Mandeleil, a then trusted and a somewhat prominent member of ethereum’s community, raised quite a lot of money to then only vanish from the scene in a pretense of being ill. Ill with partying on other people’s money. Now obviously no one wants that sort of thing, except for thieves, so ethereans turned against this sort of capital formation as it amounted to a considerable misallocation of limited funds in many cases. They effectively called in SEC, or maybe we did in amplifying their voice. When SEC came, however – and very quickly – we had a situation whereby two worlds were learning about each other.

We of course were quite familiar with this space, but not so much with securities laws. SEC was familiar with securities laws, but not so much with this space. So there probably were things said by both sides that now they might not repeat, but our main concern was whether a token is a caterpillar that can transform into a non-security and whether a start-up can have the ability to raise funds from the public.

We argued for both, and both have been promised. SEC’s Director of Corporate Finance William Hinman, the “good cop,” has now promised to flesh out SEC’s policy towards token ICOs, which is really more of a general policy of say a basement dweller with an innovative idea who wants to raise funds from the public, a slightly more established start-up who might want to raise $20 million, a more established company who might want to raise up to $100 million, and then we get to someone who should have all the lawyers and resources, so it’s kind of outside of our main concern. From an impartial and common sense perspective, which is kind of what all good laws are about, compliance shouldn’t cost someone who wants to raise say $10 million more than 1% of the funds or 2% at most at $200,000.

That’s still quite a lot, and in effect makes VC seed-funding almost mandatory, but while SEC does have a duty to protect investors, it does also have a duty to promote capital formation. The former shouldn’t come at the cost of the latter being impossible where the public is concerned. There needs to be checks, but very, very different ones for $10 million as compared to $1 billion because obviously there are far less investors to be protected in the former. SEC’s chairman has now promised a laddered approach. Congress has asked them to produce a number of studies and reports, so we don’t doubt they genuinely mean it because as times change, the law does need to adapt, or it loses public support and thus it is no longer the law.

Even a start-up that raises $20 million, however, does need to deliver at least yearly figures of revenue, profits, users numbers and so on. Otherwise one can’t judge, on probabilities, whether the investment is worth it as they’d be shooting in the dark. Now for a basement dwelling start-up raising say $5 million, it may be that they can be taken at their word under a signature of oath which places them at risk of criminal liability if they are lying. Some will risk it, of course, but we can’t eliminate risk completely, only minimize it.

Where raised funds are say $50 million, then you need audited accounts. Higher than that, then maybe a best efforts clause and so on. Many projects that have ICO-ed are currently providing effectively no information whatever, even though they should. Some of these projects have raised hundreds of millions, yet there is no accountability. No one has a clue whether they are managing or mismanaging the people’s money. Basically investors are at their mercy.

Obviously that’s the opposite of what was aimed. The idea was to put investors in charge, not make them weaker than they were. So all these ICOs that keep selling hundreds of thousands of eth need to provide accounts. They need to comply with reporting requirements, especially if they have raised more than $20 million. They need to implement some sort of binding input from token holders and so on. Maybe what was, was, and a line can be drawn under it, but the ICO space does need to mature as do SEC’s rules with many details remaining unanswered, which may change in this new year.

Article Produced By


David https://markethive.com/david-ogden

MARKETHIVE – One Company That Is Bucking The Trends

MARKETHIVE – One Company
That Is Bucking The Trends


Centralized Social Media platforms,

like Facebook, Google, LinkedIn to name a few, have been paramount and prevalent in our lives for nearly 2 decades so many people are unaware of the technology that is available to us now. The upcoming platforms classed as Market Networks are a sovereign way to develop online communities giving the power back to the people. With the onset of Blockchain along with Cryptocurrency, this absolutely levels the playing field. What this means is complete privacy, autonomy, and freedom of speech as well as the ability to earn an income. There are a handful of new Blogging Community Platforms that have already risen using crypto by way of their own tokens as an incentive to use the platforms.

The Social Media platforms we have today are ultimately accountable to their shareholders and staff and as an enormous amount of users utilize these platforms predominantly for free, forthcoming profit will not come from user engagement or user growth. It comes by other means which has been and is detrimental to the community at large. Centralization has also created tension within the communities due to algorithmic partisanship, rules that keep changing, banning and deleting of accounts wiping out all the effort and results entrepreneurs have implemented to establish an online presence.


There are now new systems and platforms being built that have much better outcomes for humankind in every aspect including economic benefits and privacy. Now everyone can enjoy all the benefits of a social media environment along with all the marketing and blogging tools and portals. Below are the vertical platforms we have now, all centralized. One organization, in particular, has incorporated all the different types of social media and eCommerce, all on one interface:

Social networking (Facebook, Google+ Webtalk).
Microblogging (Twitter, Tumblr).
Photo sharing (Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest).
Video sharing (YouTube, Facebook Live, Periscope, Vimeo).
Networking Business & Employment (LinkedIn)
eCommerce (Freelancers, Coin Exchange)
Content & Blogging (Medium, Quora, Steemit )


Markethive is recognized as the next phase

that has evolved from Social Networks. Having commenced over 20 years ago as an Inbound Marketing platform via Veretekk, it now has the technology that is capable to combine the scalable network effects of Facebook or LinkedIn with the lucrative revenue models of Saas and marketplace hubs like eBay and Amazon. It has vertical platforms like freelancers and coin exchange, also a collaboration niche for commercial artists, writers, voice & video services. It is 20 years of proven technology, merging with the blockchain. It's built on a higher generation blockchain to make it possible to handle large social groups.

Thomas Prendergast, Markethive's CEO stated:

"Markethive was built on the foundation of 20 years of proprietary technology and has been running live with 1000s of subscribers in beta for nearly 4 years. Markethive's mission is to create a universal income for entrepreneurs, using our multiple platforms built for the entrepreneurial markets. Markethive has a working product, starting out 20 years ago as Veretekk, then segwayed into what is now Markethive which is launching on the blockchain.”

To find out more I spoke to some of the members who have been in long-standing:

David Ogden, Markethive Entrepreneur said:

"Markethive is no flash in the pan marketing system, it was born out of Veretekk, developed by Tom Prendergast, who is a master in marketing. I joined Veretekk around 2000, The system produced endless quality leads and an email system to communicate with them. The system was free and could be used to build any business. The rise of the Blockchain offers more security with a distributed network.”

Dennis Roeder shared:

“I first became acquainted with Thomas Prendergast back in 1988. There was always open communication and direction on what was in the development stages and what to expect. Mr. Prendergast had a divine vision to produce a system that would be entirely free for members to use the marketing tools. Veretekk slowly evolved into a company named Markethive which was designed to be a 'free to members' platform. Then along came the Blockchain and Bitcoin, and that gave a reason for Markethive to be the 'go to' Market Network for entrepreneurs. Members will have free access to the tools plus as they use the system they can be paid using a new term called Universal Income.”


Markethive's innovation is producing Mining Hives that create massive surplus electricity built on total 100% green energy. Along with Hemp/Medicinal Cannabis cultivation, it's sure to be a winner in the blockchain space and crypto industry. With its own coin exchange, ease of liquidity and underpinned by a plethora of Inbound Marketing products for its End Users, it's a complete Ecosystem for Entrepreneurs, Bloggers, and Commercial Artists. This is a platform to keep an eye on as it comes up through the ranks. This is going to disrupt Social Media and all forms of marketing as we know it.

Mr. Prendergast said:

“We produce the coin to give as an incentive to sign up in Markethive as PayPal did. We are not using the coin to raise money. It's not speculative but has the ability and potential to become very valuable due to many products and services that are in high demand. So pump and dumps won't affect the company or its revenue. It’s not dependent upon speculation of their coin. We are dependent upon delivering services and products people want whether the coin is up or down, which in turn will increase the value of the coin despite the markets.”

The era representing the rise of the entrepreneur has arrived, while other organizations, inbound marketing providers, blockchain implementers, and cryptocurrencies are still frozen in time. With Blockchain, cryptocurrency, inbound marketing, and decentralized database technologies, Markethive has constructed a social market network that provides a “Universal Income”. Markethive’s culture is one of innovation and the ECO-SYSTEM is part of the New Revolution. It is 27 years of proven technology, merging with the blockchain. This will result in a flotilla of money machines driving the basic platforms while creating an eco-center for entrepreneurs, where they can create and maintain a livable income while turning their ideas and concepts into reality.

Markethive Entrepreneur, Richard Mathiason said:

“I have been with Thomas Prendergast since Veretekk. I enjoyed being a Trainer at that time and using Veretekk to gather Leads. Thomas has always been ahead of the times in regards to marketing. The free marketing tools that he has developed over time have been amazing.”

Richard went on to say:

“Technology has finally caught up with Thomas's Grand Vision. We are now able to correct some problems that all social networks have. We are moving the Network to a Blockchain to showcase our Privacy Policy, decentralize the platform to make it harder to hack, adding 4 levels of Security and creating a Wallet that will only allow You to have control of your network. The best part is that Thomas is a good friend and he will drop everything to help someone out. Thank You for being my friend and for Markethive, the best social/market out there.”


It’s just a matter of time until nearly all independent professionals and their clients will conduct business through the development of tight-knit collaborative Market Networks within specific industries.Starting NOW, there will be many more forward-thinking entrepreneurs stepping forward, with their sights set upon creating increasingly innovative, highly synchronized business models and solutions to doing business in the 21st century and beyond. Those who will be most successful will not only keep up with the speed at which technology continues to change, but they will align themselves ahead of the curve at all times. Market Networks will have a massive positive impact on how millions of people work and live, and how hundreds of millions of people buy and sell better services.


Market Networks will have a massive positive impact

Article Produced By

Deb Williams

I am a freelance writer for the Market Network and crypto/blockchain industry. I'm a strong advocate for technology, progress, change and freedom of speech.



David https://markethive.com/david-ogden

Social Media and Blockchain Technology. Is it Realistic and Viable?

Social Media and Blockchain Technology. Is it Realistic and Viable?

Blockchain Technology is a relatively new innovation

and is becoming the new buzzword all over the internet. However, both online and offline companies can benefit greatly from it. That being the case, this particular buzzword and the tech itself is going to be around for a long time. It’s the way of the future. It offers transparency and immutability that allows everyone to securely share access to the same information with confidence. It provides new infrastructure to build innovative applications beyond cryptocurrencies, driving penetrating, effective changes throughout business, communities, and society.

Will Social Media adopt Blockchain?

Social Media as we know it was yesterday’s innovation. It sure has had an impact globally, across all industries. But one thing we can be sure of is change and technology. With what the oligarchs in this space have become, given the issues that have been brought to our attention, and since the advent of the blockchain, a few verticle Social Media platforms have integrated Blockchain Technology. In particular, blogging platforms: Steemit, Minds, Reddcoin, Markethive.

Currently, it’s very difficult for bloggers or content creators to properly monetize their work. The Blockchain has made it possible for users to be rewarded, as there is no centralized entity like Facebook or Google who controls content or posts. However, thought needs to be applied to how these innovative companies can be sustainable before they launch.

What is underpinning these platforms?

Steemit became one of the first working decentralized applications. They allowed users to submit content, whether it be original or curated and pay them for their work. Paid with Steem Coins which is liquid and can be converted into Steem Dollars at the exchange. After it’s inception, the Steem token enjoyed huge success and rose 2000%. Since then, it has fallen 96% from it’s original all-time high to around $0.30USD.

Although good intentions were no doubt there, Steemit’s demise has come about perhaps due to nothing substantial underpinning the project. At the time of launching, there was a lot of hype in this arena causing massive inflation. Users were paid by way of Upvotes from the Steem community which were executed through a Bot system. Unfortunately, this Bot system could also be used to upvote oneself, making the vote results disingenuous. To make matters worse, one could buy votes through the system. This system is still active and as a result, has cultivated a loud, non-representative group of get-rich-quick schemers.

They have also had to cut staff by 70% recently. I decided to join Steemit a little while ago and upon signing up it was stated there was a 3-week waiting list if I wanted to join as a free member. If I wanted faster access I could pay a small fee through Block Trades and I would get instant access. I’m not a patient person so I paid. Disappointingly, I did not receive access immediately as I was not linked back to steemit at the time I paid from the Block Trades site. It seems to be a separate entity. Consequently, I am still waiting for access to the platform. There are a lot of unhappy people there at the moment, some leaving and the faithful hanging on. It will be interesting to see if, when and how this company will address these issues.

2017 to early 2018 we saw a bull market which incentivized ICO projects in the crypto space. Around $30 billion was raised from investors in the public market to fund the creation of decentralized apps and systems. Nearly 12 months later, many of these projects in this sector either have no working products or they have an insufficient number of users to justify their viability. Taking into account the disappointing performance of most dApps and ICO proposals, Martha Bennett (Forrester Research Analyst) said this year’s bear market has been a wake-up call for investors that funded these projects without working products and in many cases, a clear long-term vision, strategy, and solid business model.

Bennett said

“Sooner or later, this would have led to a contradiction anyway. The crypto crash acted as both catalyst and wake-up call.”


So when is a Good project a Great project?


Essentially when it continually delivers for investors and the people using the product or service it offers, especially the less fortunate. Also when the technology is improved on the current system and it creates thoroughly new ways of activity and enterprise that can bring about opportunities for social influence. The concept of the company and it’s token is underpinned delivering the 3 pillars of viability –  (Community, Technology, and Liquidity) that can change business and human behavior intrinsically. A token must have a mechanism to drive price appreciation. This includes network volume, market leadership, the incentive to hold tokens other than hype, supply changes, profit sharing, staking, and sufficient liquidity.

Can a Social Network successfully and sustainably prosper in this new decentralized world?

The answer to that question is a profound YES! In fact, we can go one better. What would you say to a Social Media platform that incorporated the services of all the vertical platforms right across the board? Such as Marketplaces, content, inbound, email marketing, SEO, video platform, chat, messenger boards, and the list goes on. All built on the blockchain, all monetized with complete privacy and freedom of speech.

Introducing Markethive – The Next Generation

It takes time to perfect an ingenious concept and thanks to technology and Quantum computing it’s now alive and well. Underpinned by mining hives that will drive the coins (MHV) along with all the products and features the system offers, which is the lifeblood to Entrepreneurs, in fact, anyone working online in whatever capacity is already being predicted soon to be the gold standard to which others will compare.

So, there’s a new kid on the block and it’s called Markethive. It’s been a concept for over 20 years and in Beta for last four years. Markethive’s culture is not fixed. It’s a decentralized, autonomous, fluid environment which includes manifestations of intellectual achievements, social habits, innovation, music, literature, technology, commerce, and the arts. A central “hub”, albeit a “decentralized” platform, system and framework built using blockchain technology, is designed to encourage “reciprocal interchange” of ideas, knowledge or skills as well as providing for exchange, sales or purchases of goods, services and commodities. This futuristic model is here now and fully prepared for the future, truly representing a prime example of the next generation = Market Networks.

Markethive has the roadmap and is the blueprint of where things are headed. Their mission and objective are to pioneer “Universal Income” worldwide.

Integrated with state-of-the-art blockchain, cryptocurrency, and inbound marketing technologies, Markethive has constructed a social network that provides a “Universal Income” created exclusively with entrepreneurs in mind. Because Markethive is self-governing, sovereign and controlled by its entrepreneurs and holders of Markethive, its coins (MHV) share in Markethive’s profits and benefit greatly from ultimate success. It is classed as a utility coin and it will be on many exchanges for conversion. However, unlike many other ventures, it will not be subject or a victim of the “pump and dump” scenario. It will be utilized within the community creating a complete ecosystem which will drive the price appreciation.

It’s just a matter of time until nearly all independent professionals and their clients will conduct business through the development of tight-knit collaborative Market Networks within specific industries. Market Networks will have a massive positive impact on how millions of people work and live, and how hundreds of millions of people buy and sell better services.

Starting NOW, there will be many more forward-thinking entrepreneurs stepping forward, with their sights set upon creating increasingly innovative, highly synchronized business models and solutions to doing business in the 21st century and beyond. Those who will be most successful will not only keep up with the speed at which technology continues to change, but they will align themselves ahead of the curve at all times.

Article Produced By
Deborah Williams

I am a freelance writer for the Market Network and crypto/blockchain industry. I'm a strong advocate for technology, progress, freedom of speech and I embrace "Change". My background is in Sales, Service & Business Development Consulting, and have trained and coached clients from Front Line through to Management in the Financial Services Industry. I have been owner/operator and developed offline and Online Businesses.


David https://markethive.com/david-ogden

Will The Online Tech Cartels Have The Ability To Continue To Threaten Society?

Will The Online Tech Cartels Have The Ability To Continue To Threaten Society?








A great many people fear and despise consortiums because they monopolize their markets and crush rivalry. Yet, that is only a glimpse of a larger problem of the danger they hold.

The risk that tech conglomerates pose to the democratic society is not just about the costs they impose, it's the centralization of authority, information, and command over the public sphere and their capacity to employ this control over a developing number of commercial enterprises, particularly in the framework and innovations of things to come. The organizations mentioned here work as either syndications or oligopolies in their individual fields – Google, Facebook, Uber, Airbnb, Amazon, Twitter, Instagram, Spotify. They are all integrated.

It's becoming well-known that Google, Facebook, Amazon, and others collect our data to sell ads. Google will offer you free security providing it can observe you and use your data. There are flaws in technology which does render an insecure internet, however, it can be argued that it's the most powerful engineers that are the machinators to serve their own purpose. You could say this is the business model of the internet.

Technology evolves so quickly, but there was a time when it was difficult or expensive to store our data and also because its value was minimal, however now that data storage is very inexpensive, it can all be saved. This is basically surveillance data (big data) and used by these conglomerates as it supports the advertising standard that

underpins alot of the internet.

While these companies continue to buy, sell, trade and store our personal data, it’s in danger of being stolen. What's more, as long as they utilize our data, we are in jeopardy of it being used against us.

Although, as privacy, freedom of choice and speech along with the distribution and displacement of public data become more of an issue for us as a society, many are waking up. There have been visionaries, engineers, thought leaders that have been aware of the events that have affected democracy on a global scale. People all over the world are hurting. They're scared, depressed, suppressed and confused. It's making people sick and although we live in the information age and can acquire whatever we need to know with a single click, a good many people are ignorant or in denial to what has been happening. It's also a case of who do you believe and trust!

As of the third quarter of 2018, Facebook has 2.27 billion monthly active users. These are users that have logged in over the last 30 days. All of them rely on Facebook to fulfill their needs, whether it be for personal, social or business. Imagine the magnitude of what compromised data and personal information would have on the individual and as a collective.

We are entering into a trustless technology. We are moving away from centralized authority and domination that have ruled our lives in many aspects of life, particularly the internet. We are now shifting to a decentralized method of connecting, communicating and transacting globally.

With the onset of Blockchain technology across many industries, not just crypto, also Health, Real Estate, Education and even Social/ Market Networks, creates an opportunity for people to "get off the grid" so to speak. This is the answer to our fears and uncertainty. This is being seen as a natural progression or evolution in the field of technology and the internet that we have so readily become accustomed to.








The Blockchain solves many issues we as a community are dealing with.

It offers the assurance of privacy and security by storing data, information, and activities across a network of computers, making it a decentralized distributed ledger. There is no centralized authority making rules and decisions that are not in the best interests of its clients. This allows transparency. As more industries utilize the blockchain technology the more entrenched it will become into our daily lives and we'll wonder how we ever lived without it.

This is intricate technology and really needs to be implemented at the company’s inception. If an established company with enormous stored data collected over the years tried to introduce the blockchain, the success of it operating at full capacity with stability and scalability is extremely slim. As for the monopolies out there today, like Facebook and Google, they have collected so much data it would be near impossible to merge. So it would be fair to say that the evolution of the tech industry has rendered the oligopolies outdated with very little chance to be competitive in the new era of innovation which promises to be a fairer, more independent and transparent system for all.

Blockchain has absolutely revolutionized the world and will soon give rise to a new era of the internet even more disruptive and transformative than the current one. Blockchain, or distributed ledger technology, has the capacity to produce unparalleled opportunities to create and trade value in society will prompt a generational shift in the Internet's advancement, from an Internet of Information to a new generation Internet of Value. It’s time to start embracing this niche.

Article Produced By
Deb Williams

I am a freelance writer for the Market Network and crypto/blockchain industry. I'm a strong advocate for technology, progress, change and freedom of speech.


David https://markethive.com/david-ogden

Markethive enters the race to replace Facebook

Markethive enters the race to replace Facebook

Markethive, a "Market Network" (Markethive.com),

announced today that it has officially entered the "Open Book Challenge" in which a group of angel investors are offering a significant investment fund to build an alternative to the Facebook system. Markethive's Market Network (an advanced social network) is an alternative to Facebook as well as LinkedIn.  Markethive founders know privacy and collaboration are the keys to the future.

The rise of the entrepreneur and the fall of destructive forces in our social platforms are here now. Markethive is creating a "Universal Income" for entrepreneurs. Using our state-of-the-art integrated inbound marketing platform, social network, artificial intelligence, business services, ewallet, coin exchange, mining datacenter, incubator and blockchain income platforms for success in the cryptopreneurial and entrepreneurial markets.

"Markethive was built on the foundation of 20 years of proprietary technology and has been running live with 1000s of subscribers in beta for nearly 4 years," said Thomas Prendergast, Markethive's CEO.  "Markethive's mission is to create a universal income for entrepreneurs, using our multiple platforms built for the entrepreneurial markets." Douglas Yates, CTO and co-founder, added, "When we became aware of the #deletefacebook campaign led by Elon Musk of Tesla, I knew Markethive is the solution."

Markethive is the leading Market Network in the industry.  Market networks are the logical evolution of the aging social networks.  Market Networks like Markethive integrated SaaS and commerce platforms with the social network. Markethive also adds additional revenue-producing systems to fund the Universal Income for entrepreneur's aspects within the realm.

About Markethive ( https://markethive.com ) Markethive is a Facebook-like system, that has integrated SaaS (Inbound Marketing Systems), a Facebook-similar social network, an Avatar-injected webinar system, a faucet-type rewards program with their own coin, a proprietary coin exchange and a commerce platform similar to freelancer. Running in BETA with 1000s of subscribers, Markethive is about to launch her first Airdrop to introduce the Market Network to the world.

About Open Book Challenge ( https://www.openbookchallenge.com ); Angel investor Jason Calacanis will be making the investments and will syndicate these investments to JasonsSyndicate.com at the founder's discretion.  Open Book Challenge is looking to fund seven purpose-driven teams that want to build a billion-user social network to replace Facebook — while protecting consumer privacy. OPC wants to invest in replacements that don't manipulate people and that protect our democracy from bad actors looking to spread misinformation.

To learn more about Markethive, please visit our blog.


Thomas Prendergast  CEO
219 Main St, Shell WY  82441
Office: (307) 254-9329
Markethive: https://markethive.com
Telegram: https://t.me/markethive
Twitter: https://twitter.com/markethive
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/markethive/ 


Press release distributed by PRLog


View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/markethive-enters-the-race-to-replace-facebook-300661429.html

SOURCE Markethive


David https://markethive.com/david-ogden

Online ads and games would benefit from more rewards, according to UCLA survey

Online ads and games would benefit from more rewards, according to UCLA survey

A new study from Versus Systems and the MEMES

(Management of Enterprise in Media, Entertainment & Sports) Center at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management examines how gaming and advertising are evolving, and how one influences the other. As Versus Systems CEO Matthew Pierce put it, the goal was to study, “What is the impact on advertising as interactive media grows, and as more people consume interactive media?” The individual findings — People like rewards! Not everyone who plays games calls themselves a gamer! — may not be that shocking to TechCrunch readers. And because Versus Systems has built a white-label platform for publishers to offer in-game rewards, the study might also seem a bit self-serving.

But again, this was conducted with UCLA’s Anderson School of Management, and both Pierce (who’s a lecturer at the school) and UCLA MEMES head Jay Tucker pointed to the size of the study, with 88,000 (U.S.-based) participants across a broad range of demographic groups. Of those respondents, 50 percent said they’ve played a video game (on any platform) in the past week, while 41 percent said they’ve played a game in the past 24 hours. However, only 13 percent of respondents described themselves as gamers. That “identification gap” is even larger among women, where 56 percent played a game in the past week but only 11 percent identified themselves as gamers.

Why does that matter? Well, the MEMES Center and Versus Systems argue in the study press release that “advertisers that are recognizing the value in advertising in-game may be underestimating how large and how diverse the gaming audience really is today.” The study also suggests that traditional advertising may be facing more resistance from consumers, with 46 percent of respondents saying they frequently or always avoid ads by “clicking the X” to close windows or changing channels or closing apps. Only 3.6 percent of respondents said they always watch ads all the way through.

When asked what would make them play games more, the most popular answer was “winning real things that I want when I achieve things in-game” — it was the number one result for 30 percent of respondents, and among millennials, it did even better. (In comparison, 18 percent put “if the games were less expensive” as their top answer and 11 percent said “my friends playing the same game(s).”) This attitude even extended to TV, where 77 percent of respondents listed rewards as one of the things (not necessarily the top reason) that would make them watch more television. Meanwhile, 24 percent of respondents listed “if more games/more shows were made for people like me” as the number one thing that would convince them to play or watch more.

Tucker suggested that these seemingly scattershot answers are actually connected. On the advertising side, “We’ve got folks who are used to being part of a community all day, every day, whether that’s social media or massively multiplayer games. We see users are increasingly connected and are not really interested in getting pulled out of an experience. Rewards, if done properly, can reinforce being part of a community … you can amplify that sense of connection.” “The introduction of choice seems to make a big difference,” Pierce added. “We need new models where we can foster choice, foster community, foster more aspirational relationships between viewers and brands that ultimately allows content developers to have a relationship with the brands that isn’t so adversarial.”

Meanwhile, when it comes to content and storytelling, Tucker said we’re entering an “age of personalization.” Among other things, that means more diversity, in what he described as “a generational shift away from stories that assume everybody’s looking at life from the same perspective.” Pierce and Tucker suggested that they’ll be taking an even closer look at the data in the coming months (“needs further study” was repeated several times during the interview), particularly by examining responses within smaller demographic groups.

Article Produced By
Anthony Ha

Anthony Ha is a senior writer at TechCrunch, where he covers media and advertising and co-hosts the Original Content podcast. Previously, he worked as a tech writer at Adweek, a senior editor at the tech blog VentureBeat, and a local government reporter at the Hollister Free Lance. He attended Stanford University and now lives in Brooklyn.


David https://markethive.com/david-ogden

How a simple solution made this Indonesian startup hundred of millions of dollars

How a simple solution made this Indonesian startup hundred of millions of dollars

Access Indonesia is a series by Teoh Minghao,

Tech in Asia’s business development head specializing in market access to Indonesia. He aims to help foreign companies learn more about Indonesia’s tech landscape and strategic partners who can accelerate your growth in the country. When I met Roby Tan, he looks like any other young aspiring entrepreneur. He’s casually dressed in jeans, a traditional Indonesian batik shirt, and a pair of sneakers. At 45, Tan is the founder of two listed companies in the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Mitra Komunikasi Nusantara Tbk PT (MKNT) has a market capitalization worth US$70 million and posted US$443 million in revenue last year. Kioson has US$138 million market cap and logged US$79 million in 2017 revenue.

MKNT’s core business is telecommunications, selling gadgets, phones, top-up vouchers, and networking devices. According to its 2017 annual report, the company has a total of 94 branch offices, 15,000 resellers, and 125,000 retailers. Kioson is a subsidiary of MKNT. It’s an online-to-offline startup, similar to Indonesian e-tailer Kudo. Kioson provides hardware (such as kiosks or tablets) and software products to enable more than 35,000 agents and small and medium-sized enterprises to transact online. These companies have long outgrown the startup status, but I want to highlight Tan’s zero-to-one journey to inspire other entrepreneurs.

Early days

Tan didn’t come from a rich family. His early life started in Makasa, a city in Eastern Sulawesi where his family ran a small store that sold coffee and cloves. His parents sent him to study in Jakarta at the Tarumanagara University, but he didn’t like it. Without their knowledge, he dropped out of school after a month and started his own business, selling computer parts and accessories. He continued to run his small profitable shop for 10 years before he sold it to his brother in 2002 and pursued a new opportunity in the telecommunications industry. Tan got into the telco business because he spotted an opportunity: the sheer market size of 200 million users who were putting up with inefficiencies around pulsa, or phone credits in Indonesia.

Pulsa is a necessity, like rice. Every Indonesian needs it,” he says.

Tan admits that when started out in 2003, he was a newbie who didn’t have a clear idea of how he could contribute to the industry. As a result, he only sold phone credits in his startup’s first year while learning about the market and its challenges. In that same year, Indonesia had 13 telcos issuing their own phone credit vouchers. Phone credits were sold via printed scratch cards of various denominations: US$1, US$2, US$5, US$10, and so on. All vouchers were produced in Jakarta and shipped to more than 98 cities across Indonesia. To make sure they had enough stocks, distributors of phone credits need large capital to buy the various denominations from all 13 telcos. And even if they had the money, they often experienced supply shortages.

A simple solution

Tan and his partners came up with a simple solution. They spent US$1,300 to buy 100 vouchers of different denominations from all the country’s telcos, scratched all the cards, and put the phone credit redemption codes into a spreadsheet. Next, they built a server so that distributors can send a text message to it to request for credit. The server automatically sent the redemption code after it verified that the distributor had enough deposit with MKNT.

Using this system and their position as the first mover in the market, Tan’s team of 10 was able to recruit 4,000 sub-dealers across major cities in Indonesia. Within a year, they were managing more than 60,000 resellers. So how does this solution work? A reseller sells a US$1 phone credit at US$1.20 to end users, and this profit is shared among the resellers, sub-dealers, and MKNT. Tan also highlighted that he is happy that not only is MKNT doing well, but it also enables many poor owners of small shops and even car-park attendants to make significant income.

“I remember one of our sub-dealers was a rombong rokok (a one-man roadside pushcart vendor selling cigarette sticks) who barely earned US$1 per day. He came in as a sub-dealer very early on and recruited many resellers under him. Within a few years, he was able to buy a house and cars, and started his own happy family,” shares Tan.

I asked Tan if he had any advice for entrepreneurs.

He says, “The five people you hang out with will determine who you are, how you think, and eventually, what you will achieve. So make sure you find yourself a good circle of friends. Also, prayers and meditation help. They give you the right state of mind, making you prepared for daily challenges. Be positive every day.” If you’re keen to learn more about the tech business environment in Indonesia and expand there, go on a chat with Minghao here. If you’re from an Indonesian company that wants to support and partner with incoming foreign companies, please fill in the form here.

Article Produced By

Minghao Teoh

About me: Entrepreneurial, adventurous, fun-loving, spent 4 years in Indonesia, hustler, love sports, enjoy competition, Arsenal fan since 18, into crypto, tech recruitment


David https://markethive.com/david-ogden