A Complete System Within A Markethive Group – Very Powerful


A Complete System Within A Markethive Group – Very Powerful

What makes Markethive Groups So Unique? 

Markethive Groups are somewhat similar to Facebook groups but can also be considered a self-replication system for capture pages, customized PDFs, video exchanges, training, autoresponder options, survey sites and capture forms customized exclusively for every member of the group. This is extremely powerful. 

Integrated into Markethive Groups are the Capture Pages, Autoresponders with 98% deliverability, Blogcasting and a Blogging Platform where Blogs and Articles are easier to produce and more effective, integrated with Markethive SNAP Plugins creating incredible reach to potentially billions across the social media and blogging platforms achieving real SEO results. Also, Co-Op Marketing, and URL Rotators. This creates traction thereby yielding better results.



Let’s Start With Capture Pages…

Capture pages also known as funnel pages is an industry all to itself and there are literally 1000s of Capture page gurus and 100s of companies selling their capture page systems to you. But in all this, I see a glaring problem and that is the human nature to complicate a simple solution.

The solution is the simplicity of the system and the simplicity of the message. Markethive gives you very simple responsive capture pages. Our capture widgets gather all the data for your signups via Oauth which means they choose one of their current social networks and click on it and the signup process is completed. One-click. Done!

We also offer calendar-based capture pages, video embedded options, default videos or your selection. Our Thumbnails are Markethive’s simplest one-page capture page and our Capture pages do allow you to build complex websites, although we do not recommend you do, many of our subscribers appreciate the option.

We even build capture pages for other opportunity companies and are constantly adding new designs into the system. The entire capture page system is included in the free platform and other capture page services out there charge up to $200 per month for similar systems.


Co-Op Marketing

You can facilitate large scale Cooperative Advertising. Manage sophisticated marketing campaigns funded by group contributions to Ad Co-ops. Cooperative marketing by teams of people allows your group to engage in advertising at a level that far exceeds what individual team members can do on their own. There is a natural limit to what any one person can do alone, but by working together with a larger group larger advertising opportunities come into reach.

The concept of Ad Co-op's is simple. A group of people gets together to fund an advertising campaign and each contributes a certain amount to fund it. Some may have more money to invest than others. Once the funding goal is met and advertising is launched, the business it generates is then equitably distributed back to each person based on the amount they contributed.

This tool allows you to track the contributions by your group to the Advertising Co-op's you are managing as well as the advertising costs that offset them. Once you have funded a co-op and are ready to launch it, the system will automatically calculate the appropriate number of shares each member should be assigned and will apply that to the Lead Capture Page of your choice or else a Website Rotator which you can use with your own domain or websites.

Remember, this service is available to free members. Or you can share in Markethive’s million-dollar Ad Campaigns with an Entrepreneur Upgrade of $100/mth inclusive. 


ecosystem for entrepreneurs


The URL Rotator Feature

This is Traffic flow management through website rotation. You can control the distribution of traffic, customers, and leads to multiple destinations. The Website Rotator tool allows you to configure a unique URL that will then rotate and display a list of other websites you define. You can use it to transfer traffic from one of your sites to several others. Or if you work with a team of people, the entire Group can promote a single URL which will then automatically distribute the traffic to each member's individual website.

You can add an unlimited number of websites to each rotator. There are 2 different rotation types. Circular will simply rotate through each website, one by one. Shared Ratio allows you to weight certain URLs so they receive a certain number of visits before the rotation continues. So you have a URL Rotator,  able to Customize Campaigns and designate to Groups. This is totally unlimited and can be tracked through Markethive’s Tracking Reports.


Tiny URL Converter – BONUS! 

Convert long URLs in to short ones, for simplified posting, emailing, tweeting, etc. The Tiny URL tool lets you convert a long URL into a nice short URL, making it much easier to use in social posts, email, as well as take up fewer characters in your tweets when using Twitter. But beyond creating a friendlier URL, the system will also track visitor statistics for you – making it the perfect tool to evaluate your promotional results, better understand what your target audience is interested in, and optimize your social, email, and other marketing campaigns.

You can even use the Tiny URL tool in combination with the Website Rotator tool to result in a tidy little URL that automatically rotates to the websites you define. Very powerful, particularly for teams working together to promote a single URL.


The Next Level In The Works 

As we are developing Markethive’s Super Groups that are next level, this is your Unfair Advantage in marketing.  You can use the Markethive tools, to build an exclusive secure suite of tools available to your organization only.  Customized and duplicating capture pages, an Integrated duplicated signup application plugged into your MLM company, customized and personalized PDF documents, coop ad campaigns, targeted lead distributions, live event systems, and membership activity management, also award assignments, enhanced by the monetization with the necessary API’s and all included in the interface of the landing page. 

Stay tuned for updates on the development of the different facets of the Super Group and implementation. Your team will expand with lightning speed due to the intuitive duplicative power and viral nature of this system.



Reid Hoffman is quoted saying 

“An entrepreneur is someone who jumps off a cliff, and builds a plane on his way down.” I get it, do you?

All the features mentioned above have huge benefits and a small but integral part of Markethive’s Ecosystem for free members. There will be so much more as we roll out our official launch. A major benefit is that it is incorporated into a transparent blockchain system, the platform is completely decentralized delivering on Markethive’s principles of privacy, transparency, and free speech.

Markethive does not spy on you; shadowban you, or terminate your account, for any reason

We are all entrepreneurs, and we know the future can have the greatest potential for those who take command of their dreams.

Markethive is Not Just About IDEAS. It’s About Making Ideas HAPPEN!



ecosystem for entrepreneurs

David Ogden

Entrepreneur at Markeyhive

Telegram @davidogden


David https://markethive.com/david-ogden

Ethical Technology – A Real Opportunity


Ethical Technology – A Real Opportunity

Incentivized Social Media & Marketing Platforms

2019 will be the springboard into new more ethical technologies in the years to come. Last year we saw the demise of many ICOs and outright crypto scams. We’ve also seen how users of huge Tech companies are extremely disgruntled and are challenging the way the conglomerates are using their data, manipulating the behavior of users, building AI, joining forces with certain government agencies. The community is now seeking a more humane and advanced technology as they demand ethical consideration. This has given rise to new business models that are not reliant on harvesting or advertising. 


What Is Incentivized Social Media?

As it stands now, incentivized Social Media is recognized as blogging platforms mainly, like Steemit and Yours.org. Steemit being the market leader, pays its users to contribute by writing or curating content, as opposed to Facebook and Twitter which harvest user’s data. In the case of Yours.org, the community pays to view the articles that are posted by the writer. This can range from $0.10 to a few dollars depending on how much the writer believes the readers will be willing to pay to view it. Both Yours and Steemit have an upvoting system that also pays. Yours pays in BCH. Steemit in their three native digital currencies: SteemPower, Steem Dollars, and Steem, which can then be converted into BTC or other cryptos on 3rd party exchanges. 


But what about the-not-so savvy or avid Writer or Blogger? 

Is there anywhere on Social Media where they can earn for their efforts and time? What about the marketer? Instead of paying to advertise their product, is there somewhere they can go where they get rewarded for their marketing efforts? What about the complete Newbie? Is there a place where they can learn how to market, curate, and learn the fundamentals of the platform while getting paid to do so? 

Blockchain Technology and the cryptocurrency sphere have enabled businesses to align themselves with the users’ need to be in control of their data and how they use their time to monetize their efforts. There is one launching in 2019, with their mandate being the rise of the entrepreneur and the fall of the tyrannies that plague society. Created by a visionary who saw this coming and much needed to empower social media users, create equality and universal income to enrich society on the whole on every level. 


Introducing Markethive: The Social Market Network

Markethive has been in beta for 4 years with a successful history as an inbound marketing platform for around 20 years. Markethive’s decision to convert to the blockchain was multiple reasons. 

  • To create their own asset coin as an instrument to their ecosystem for entrepreneurs. 

  • As a blockchain system to guarantee and deliver a secure system to each subscriber. 

  • To offer security to assure members they own and control their data, Markethive doesn’t. 

  • To ensure nothing like banning, shadow banning and political agendas ever control the network. Only blockchain offers this solution.

Markethive is a social network, but as a next-generation, they are not just another social network launching on the blockchain, but as a market network. This means they are secure, private and decentralized, delivering to you a social network integrated into a state of the art Inbound Marketing platform, a growing selection of commerce platforms and another growing sector of revenue generators called traffic portals. 

Markethive is also a highly competitive Market Media and Content Publisher offering Press Releases and Sponsored Articles at a negligible cost and with a reach well beyond existing social and market networks. After comparing 480 other news media sites with regards to their social reach and followers and Alexa ranking, Markethive sits at Number 8 with an Alexa ranking of 24,445 at the time of writing. This continues to drop daily as subscribers flock to join the Markethive network. 

The News Feed being nearly identical to other well-known feeds is easy to use. But unlike the others, Markethive has replaced Likes with Tips, tips that allow you the option to give your friends a small token or coin of appreciation. Your News Feed is 100% responsive to any device; therefore your device web browser is all that is needed. Saving your phone disk space and assuring you greater security and privacy. As far as the algorithms on the platform? You determine and orchestrate your algorithms. Not Markethive.

So Markethive will establish their niche as the only social (Market) Network that has an infinity Airdrop and a system that rewards the users for using it with additional micropayments called a faucet.


The Markethive platform pays you micropayments of Markethive coin, similar to faucets. After you have 3+ people subscribed into the free Markethive Network via your profile page, the faucet, micropayment system activates and from there on, all activity within the system pays you small but consistent coinage to your wallet daily. Being the entire system runs on Markethive coin, you can expect the volume demand and increased velocity of the coin to also drive coin value accordingly. This is one of the main reasons Markethive refers to their system as being a legitimate alternative to universal income, one based on ethics and integrity, not government-mandated theft and graft.


Markethive is truly dedicated to your education, success, and sovereignty. This is why they have made the Inbound Marketing Platform free (Compared to Marketo that costs as much as $25k per month), they pay you up to 500 coins just for joining, pay you micropayments just for using the system after you have qualified by signing up 3 new subscribers (similar to faucet systems that pay out micro amounts of Bitcoin), and Markethive also pay you for taking the tutorials (no qualifications required, just a Markethive Wallet and each lesson you complete you receive an accolade on your profile and coin in your wallet). How cool is that?


MHV On Exchanges

Notably, the Markethive Coin [MHV] was listed on its first of many public exchanges in March 2019 at 1 penny or $0.01. It is now valued at $0.25 USD at the time of writing this. This is prior to Markethive launching its own exchange in the very near future. The coin is classed as a Consumer coin used by the members of Markethive internally. 

The Consumer coin, MHV, is being utilized within the Markethive exchange by way of airdrops and the faucet system which rewards associates using the platform, so the coin is used within the commerce of the system thus creating the velocity. The Revenue is a vehicle that is used to buy the Markethive coin back in the free market so it can be redistributed into the economic vortex of the system.

The Markethive coin will not be dependent upon speculative value as is the case with other cryptocurrencies and platforms, thereby creating eternal economic velocity in the entrepreneur ecosystem within Markethive. This is a fundamental difference to the other systems currently out there today.  The Markethive system has been developed to produce revenue in the traditional sense with the added benefits of the blockchain taking it to the next level.


Bottom line, by joining Markethive you will get a Market Network Inbound Marketing platform worth $2500 per month for free and get “Airdropped” paid up to 500 Markethive coins, MHV just for joining. You will continue to receive these coin assets for the duration of your life within the hive. You will enjoy a social media interface which pays you to learn, post, in fact, all activities are rewarded, not just writing good content. You’ll have to forfeit likes for tips. I don’t know about you but I prefer a tip. If they tip, it’s assumed they must like it. And then use Markethive’s coin exchange to convert and withdraw your earnings. 

As stated by the Visionary, Co-founder and CEO of Markethive Thomas Prendergast: 

“Markethive has built a system to empower the Entrepreneur, with amazing valuable Inbound Marketing systems integrated within a social network with multiple coDeb

mmerce platforms. All of this on a blockchain foundation, which above all the other benefits, allows Markethive to pay its members, regardless of free or upgraded Entrepreneurs to engage. We are focused on providing a Universal type of income for aspiring entrepreneurs. We believe sharing our resources with you as you build your business and seek to reach your goals, benefits all of us.

We welcome all to our collaborative world of the Entrepreneur, the Markethive, built for you, by you and with you.”



David Ogden

Entrepreneur at markethive

Telegram @davidogden






David https://markethive.com/david-ogden

Earn Crypto Part 2: Incentivized Social Media

Earn Crypto Part 2: Incentivized Social Media

   Earn Crypto Part 2: Incentivized Social Media

In this article, readers will be introduced to incentivized social media networks

that enable participants to earn cryptocurrency for contributed content. More specifically, readers will learn how they can make money on the get-paid-to-play-blog platforms Steemit and Yours.

What Is Incentivized Social Media?

Incentivized social media are digital content networks that pay their users to contribute and curate content. As opposed to traditional social media networks like Facebook and Twitter, which harvest users’ data, incentivized social media networks reward their users for contributing to their networks. While incentivized social media networks exist outside the cryptocurrency space, it was arguably the cryptocurrency sector that enabled the birth of this new breed of social media through its ability to process micropayments at low-costs to anyone in the world with an Internet connection. The market-leading cryptocurrency-paying incentivized social media network is Steemit. However, there are also other platforms, such as the bitcoin cash-powered Yours network that pays users in the bitcoin hard fork cryptocurrency.

Steemit: Curation, Creation, and Earning around High-Quality Content

Steemit was launched in 2016 as the first blockchain-powered social media network. The platform was built on the Steemit blockchain and pays its users in cryptocurrency to publish and curate content. Steemit users are rewarded in a combination of the platform’s three native digital currencies: SteemPower, Steem Dollars, and Steem, with the latter being the most popular and most widely traded cryptocurrency on third-party exchanges. Users can earn cryptocurrency for publishing high-quality original content and for upvoting popular content. The financial rewards for popular content are split among the content creator and the curator to ensure participation among the social media network’s users.

Using SteemPower, users can also increase their influence and the number of financial rewards they can receive for posting and curating. SteemPower can be acquired by exchanging Steem Dollars and Steem into SteemPower. For successful Steemit users to cash out their earnings, they have to turn their Steem Dollars or Steem into bitcoin or other digital currencies on third-party exchanges as very few retailers accept Steemit’s digital tokens as a payment method.

The blockchain-based platform provides an excellent channel to earn cryptocurrency for anyone who has a knack for creating, or at the very least spotting and upvoting, high-quality content that other social media users will appreciate. Some of the highest earning posts have made several $1,000 worth of Steem while the highest earning Steem users have made tens of thousands of dollars by posting content on the platform.

Yours: Income for the Bitcoin Cash Community

Yours.org was launched in 2016 by bitcoin developer Ryan X. Charles to enable social media users to be financially rewarded in bitcoin for posting and curating content. After the Bitcoin hard fork in August 2017, Yours joined the Bitcoin Cash camp and implemented BCH as the new digital currency of its platform due to BCH’s ability to process microtransactions at close to zero fees. Therefore, Yours users are now rewarded in bitcoin cash (BCH), instead of bitcoin (BTC), which has resulted in the platform gaining popularity in the Bitcoin Cash community.

To make money on Yours, users can post content and place a price on that piece of content that has to be paid by users who want to read it. Prices can range from $0.10 to several dollars, depending on how much you believe people will be willing to pay to view it. Users can also earn bitcoin cash by upvoting popular content early. It costs to vote up content but users are rewarded with a share of later votes for the same piece of content and are, thus, rewarded for recognizing high-quality content early on. Additionally, users can also earn BCH from tips, which can be paid directly to a user’s profile page, their content, or a comment of theirs.

Making Sound Money on Incentivized Social Media Platforms

While Yours is still in the process of establishing itself as a crypto-powered social media network, it is effectively only being used by the Bitcoin Cash community. Steemit, on the other hand, has become a go-to source of income for content creators from around the world.  Steemit has managed to grow its user base to over one million people in less than three years and has become particularly popular in emerging markets where the bulk of Steemit users are reportedly located.

It is difficult to say exactly how much one can make on Steemit because the financial reward is linked to the amount and quality of the content provided and how much content they curate. For individuals living in developing countries where the average monthly income lies below $500, however, a successful Steemit user can supplement a substantial percentage of their income by being active on this incentivized social media network.  A brief glance on Trending Posts on Steemit shows that the most popular posts of the day are earning around $250 and the topics covered are not just focused on cryptocurrencies and the blockchain.

Steemit and other cryptocurrency-powered social media networks like Yours and those still in the making, therefore, provide an opportunity for anyone, anywhere to earn digital currency to supplement their income provided they put in the time and effort to create and curate amazing content.

Article Produced By

Alexander Lielacher

Alex Lielacher is a former bond trader who now writes about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. He holds a degree in Investment & Financial Risk Management from Cass Business School, London and has been following bitcoin since 2011.


David https://markethive.com/david-ogden

Would you Join a Free Social/Market Network If …

Would you Join a Free Social/Market Network If …


…1: The following is their Privacy Policy?

You own your personal information and content. It is explicitly not ours.
You will never receive a targeted advertisement or 3rd party content based on what you do or say online. We think it is unethical.
You see every post in timeline order from your friends, family and groups.
We do not manipulate, filter or change the order of your content or what you see.
Permissions and privacy are your rights. You control them.
You control who can access your content.
You control what, if anything, others can see in member searches.
We're a private network. That means we do not track or profile you.
Your privacy means that we do not share your personal information with anyone.
Your 'likes' and 'loves' are for you and your friends. We do not monitor or mine your data.
Your face is your business. We do not use facial recognition technology.
You have the right to delete your account and take your content with you at any time.
We do not store or archive our logs.

When you join this social/network and for any reason do not like it, you can delete your account. Be forewarned, if you delete your account there is no getting it back. We do not archive your information.


2: Would you join a free social/market network if there are 4 levels of security tied into your digital wallet?

The Markethive wallet is a software program that stores private and public keys and interacts with various blockchains to enable users to send and receive digital currency and monitor their balance, with the additional options to send payments through the messaging system. The wallet also receives Markethive auto revenue payments.

The initial subscription into Markethive requires a mature social network and a cell number is the second level of verification. But further verification is required to conduct business. This is where the 2FA process requires documents that when approved, they are encrypted, and the Wallet becomes the only point giving the subscriber the only access to their own privacy

Security blockchain end to end, private key for verification access to the Markethive platform. KYC documentation is stored in the blockchain and only accessed via your wallet with the wallets 2FA. Upon logging into Markethive, the wallet delivers several layers of protection.

Decentralized messenger, p2p, blockchain, voice, text, 3+ call ways, groups and channels, built-in whiteboard and desktop share webinar. Encrypted, private, crypto coin transfers, shapeshifter, runs from the wallet. Pays to use it. Reads and publishes to the Markethive Newsfeed.

3: Would you join a free social/market network if there is a simple model to evaluate digital money viability?



The above image shows a simple model for evaluating

if our digital money is viable. The Three Pillars Community, Technology and Liquidity must each be as strong as the other.

  1. There must be a community involved. Markethive has that and it is growing every day. Our Alexa Ranking decreases every day, which means there is more and more traffic to the website.

  2. Markethive has tools that were discussed above. Soon we will be on the Blockchain, with our own Wallet. Micro-payments will be possible, an Airdrop will be implemented and more.

  3. Finally, there is Liquidity. We will have our own Exchange which will make it easy to exchange our coin. The coin will be used inside Markethive. There will be Market Makers that will assure the coin can be traded all of the time.

Markethive fits the qualifications for being a viable coin.

4: Would you join a free social/market network if there are free built-in marketing tools?

• Content Marketing
• An Autoresponder with full configuration, control and is not limited!
• Groups
• Campaigns
• Conference Rooms
• Leads Funnels
• Lead Management

• Marketplace
• Social Media
• Backlinks
• Analytics/Tracking
• Banners
• Link Hubs

5: Would you join a free social/market network if you get paid for participating?

There are 4 ways that you can earn income as a Free Member of Markethive.

  1. Markethive will have an Infinity Airdrop. The first drop will give away 500 Markethive Crypto Coins for everyone already in the system and every new subscriber will receive 500 Markethive coins. Thereafter, as the Markethive coin increases in value, the number of coins given away will decrease, but the Airdrop will remain in force.

  2. The first thing someone will want to do when they join is complete the System Tutorials. When you complete a section, you will receive a Micro Payment in Markethive Coin. This will go directly into your wallet, that we talked about in earlier in the article.

  3. Another way to earn income is through micropayments. You will have to refer 3 people who are verified, to get paid micropayments for everything you do in the system. You create a post, you get paid. You create a group, you get paid. You give a comment, you get paid. You fill out your Profile, you get paid. You get the idea!

  4. Markethive will be doing away with the Like Button. It will be replaced with a Tip Jar Button. If someone thinks that the article you wrote was good they will be able to Tip you with the Markethive coin.

6: Would you join a free social/market network if there is an optional upgrade and 14 more ways to earn income?

When you upgrade to Entrepreneur and someone joins using your link, they will get an Airdrop of 500 free crypto coins and you will get a matching bonus of the same amount of free coins. Advertising Marketing Co-op Rotator. Your share of new associates signing up through Markethive Advertising campaigns. Entrepreneurs will each get their own Portals where they can set their own prices for the services.

Portals like:

Big Caboodle (a website maker, like Wix)

Blog Creator (connected to WordPress)

Hiveroom (conference room, like Zoom)

Bee Lancers (A Marketplace)

Markethive Exchange (Cryptocurrency Exchange)

AboutBitco.in (Crypto News Website like Coinmarketcap) and many more.

As an Entrepreneur, we can sell the services that each Portal provides and charge whatever we want.

Exclusive free Banner Advertising

through-out the system and traffic portals. 3 sizes in top positions in well-traveled areas. Exclusive self-replicated ICO like ILP(Initial Loan Procurement) Markethive.io investment site where new investors are coded to you earning additional ILP notes shares. When someone purchases an ILP, through your link, you will then get shadow shares in the same amount. The Shadow shares become active when ILP’s are funded.

The Entrepreneur Upgrade is $100 per month or $1000 per year if paid by the year. If you do not miss a payment for 12 consecutive months, you will be given a 1/10 ILP shadow share. If you do not miss a payment for 10 years you will have earned a full ILP and its benefits. You will get your money back and much more each year. This option is only available to 1000 Entrepreneurs at any given time.


May you have success in all that you do!

Article Produced By
Deb Williams

I am a freelance writer for the Market Network and crypto/blockchain industry. I'm a strong advocate for technology, progress, change and freedom of speech.


David https://markethive.com/david-ogden

What is the best ratio of Original Content to Shared Content on Social Media?


How can you outrun your competition on Social Media Networks?

Post sponsored by Markethive – The Entrepreneur’s Social Network

How much do you share on Social Media?  I am of the firm belief that you should share more than you create original content on Social Networks. Why do I think that this is a correct strategy?  If the purpose of social networks is to engage your audience and gain likes, shares and follows, the indicators of engagement, then both methods of sharing and original content creation should definitely be used. The reasons for this are two-fold.

  1. No one is, or can be an expert in everything. Every marketer has their own area(s) of expertise.  No matter how much experience and knowledge you think you may have accumulated, there will probably always be someone more knowledgeable than you are.  This is just a fact of life.  It is important to acknowledge those “experts” and your blog will gain additional legitimacy and authority from their informed point of view.
  2. There is never one and one only solution to marketing and promotion problems. If there were a single solution that worked for everyone all the time, every company would be doing the same thing and gaining similar results.  Marketing problems usually take a multi-faceted solution and gain from a multi-pronged strategy.  This takes a diversity of viewpoints that merge into a cohesive solution

If there is a diversity of viewpoints and recommendations, on your social media networks, this can greatly benefit your readers and help them to consider the widest possible array of solutions to their particular problems.  It is naive to think that a single magic bullet will solve all of your marketing problems, so an openness to creative problem solving is very helpful in the process.

It is also impossible to provide a simple ratio of shared content to original content that will work for everyone. It depends on the goals of your social media marketing campaign as well as your particular niche.  I see far too many companies that have much too much original content relative to sharing on the social networks.

In most cases, the goals of their campaigns would be better served by reversing the ratio of original content creation and shared content. If your current ratio of shared content is currently 70% original content and 30% shared, I would turn that ratio upside down, and try 70% shared content and 30% original content.

Not only will it likely be more effective, it could also result in significant savings of time and money. It takes only a fraction of the amount of time to find effective content to share as it does to create original content. Shared content also is something that could possibly be automated.  Where possible, this could results in very substantial savings of time and money.

It is difficult if not nearly impossible to automate original content creation. Most attempts to generate content automatically are at risk for Google penalties. Techniques such as content spinning and other creation manipulation methods should be avoided at all cost, and should be considered “black hat”, Google unapproved methods.

Content sharing, or content syndication as it is sometimes called, is an approved method on social networks, and can reduce savings of time and money anywhere from 50-90%. This is a strategy that is long overdue at most companies using social networking in their marketing and promotion methods.

Here is a list of 30 of the most popular blogs on entrepreneurship that offer a rich cornucopia of posts and recent news on entrepreneurship.  They are listed in order of highest traffic to lowest traffic.  (lowest Alexa ranking – lower Alexa ranking number means more traffic)


Post sponsored by Markethive – The Entrepreneur’s Social Network


http://entrepreneur.com/  – a daily source of entrepreneur articles and news.  Alexa 1,510
http://tech.co/   Alexa 27,280
http://blog.rebel.com/  Alexa 109,411
http://yfsmagazine.com/  Alexa 147,771
https://yec.co/  Alexa 341,817
https://pjrvs.com/  Alexa 346,862
http://epodcastnetwork.com/  Alexa 1,064,851

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David https://markethive.com/david-ogden

Instagram Expands To Over 500 Mil-Can it save Facebook?

Why is this happening? Reason: Most people on the go are highly visual and don't tend to read much anymore. "A Picture Says A Thousand Words" as the old saying goes, so maybe there is something to keeping it short and sweet and visual. 

"Facebook has spread its tentacles into the messaging boom after building the world's most popular social network, buying Instagram for $1 billion in cash and stock in 2012. Facebook also owns two other of the world's most popular apps: WhatsApp, which it bought for billions and has 1 billion users, and its homegrown app, Facebook Messenger, which hit 900 million users in April.

"Facebook itself captures enormous amounts of people’s attention on their mobile devices, and that’s hugely powerful. But there will always be alternatives either in broad use or in use by demographic or geographic segments," said Jan Dawson, chief analyst with Jackdaw Research.

EMarketer forecast for Instagram mobile adverting revenue.

EMarketer forecast for Instagram mobile adverting revenue. (Photo: EMarketer)

Instagram, for example, is popular with teens.

"Facebook has arguably been deploying the candy bar strategy — own as many of the brands on the shelf as possible to maximize your market share," Dawson said.

The exception: Snapchat, the mobile app popular with young people which Facebook tried to buy twice.

"It remains to be seen how important that miss will be, but it’s already clear that it’s a really important competitor to Facebook for people’s time and attention, and for companies’ ad dollars," Dawson said.

SunTrust Robinson Humphrey analyst Robert Peck says Instagram's overall growth is impressive but the numbers suggest growth in the U.S. is slowing as competition from Snapchat escalates.

"We note that most, if not all, of the (monthly active user) growth is coming from international markets. In fact, we estimate the U.S. market likely grew in a range of 0 to 18% on an annualized basis in the most recent 9 month period," Peck wrote in a research report on Tuesday.

Instagram targets small business ad revenue

The jump in Instagram users — and their advertising-pleasing demographics — has helped Facebook bill Instagram as a buy for marketers looking to increase awareness and spur sales. Evidence of its early commercial promise: Instagram already has more than 200,000 advertisers. Analysts say Instagram's nascent advertising business is growing rapidly.

Research firm eMarketer expects Instagram's global mobile ad revenue to reach $1.53 billion this year and more than $5 billion by 2018. Analysts say Instagram's contributions are already being felt in Facebook financial results even though the giant social network does not break those out.

"What is certain is that Instagram has been a big factor in Facebook’s recent repeated blowing out of its financial results, and its impressive rate of revenue growth in particular," Dawson said."

Can Instagram save Facebook? With Facebook trending down and Instagram trending up maybe it will pick up the loss of Facebook. Pretty smart move Facebook! 

Thanks for reading,

David Ogden

PS: David Ogden is a Alpha Founder with Markethive and manages several blogs on the hive. David is a professional Network Marketer. He can be reached through Markethive.

David https://markethive.com/david-ogden